
  1. 那么,哪道东德克萨斯香蕉的话?

    So which words drive East Texans bananas ?

  2. 这道菜是东伦敦的地道小吃,通常和馅饼、土豆泥一起出手。

    The dish is an East End of London delicacy , often sold with pie and mash .

  3. 不过他也补充道,如果东电无力对受害者作出充分赔偿,那么依照法律政府将会介入,保障索赔请求。

    But he added that if the company is unable to compensate people adequately , then by law the government will step in and guarantee the claims .

  4. 公元733年江南道被分成江南东、江南西和黔中三道。

    In AD733 Jiangnan Dao was divided into three parts that were east of Jiangnan Dao , west of Jinagnan Dao and Qianzhong Dao .