
  • 网络selective herbicide
  1. 几种选择性除草剂防除草坪双子叶杂草效果的研究

    A Study on the Effect of Several Selective Herbicides on the Dicotyledon Weeds in Turf

  2. 非选择性除草剂Basta对荞麦和莜麦种子萌发的影响

    Effect of Herbicide Basta on Mature Embryo of Buckwheat and Naked Oats

  3. 近年来,非选择性除草剂出现了迅速的发展。

    In the recent years , the development of non-selective herbicide is fast .

  4. 草铵膦是广谱、苗后、非选择性除草剂,在我国尚未工业化生产。

    Glufosinate is a broad spectrum non-selective post-emergnce herbicide , we have not yet been able to indus-trial production in China .

  5. 20世纪,氯酸钠曾被作为非选择性除草剂和脱叶剂在农业生产中大量施用。

    Last century , sodium chlorate was used to be as non-selective contact herbicides , defoliant and even soil sterilant in agricultural history .

  6. 乙草胺和莠去津,是我国乃至世界上应用很广泛的两种选择性除草剂,被广泛应用于玉米、大豆、高粱等作物的杂草控制。

    Acetochlor and Atrazine have been the most general herbicides both in China and the world , which mainly control the growth of grass in corn , bean and sorghum .

  7. 金豆是一种新的选择性广谱除草剂。

    Jindou is a new selective broad-spectrum herbicide .

  8. 在所有的许多调节物质中,有控制性的和选择性的除草剂。

    Among the many regulatory substances in use we have controllable and selective herbicides .

  9. 草甘膦是一种非选择性广谱除草剂能有效得去除一年生及多年生深根恶性杂草,在作物生产中得到广泛应用。

    Glyphosate is a non-selective , broad-spectrum herbicide that is very effective against both annual and perennial weeds . It is widely applied to crop planting .

  10. 西玛津是一种内吸选择性的中毒性除草剂,本研究建立了快速准确的气相色谱检测除草剂西玛津在甘蔗和土壤中残留的方法。

    Simazine is one of the inhalational herbicides with moderate toxicity , and a fast and reasonable analysis method for residue analysis of simazine in sugarcane and soil by GC was established in this study .