
nì liú ér shànɡ
  • Upstream;go against the current;sail up the stream;sail down the stream
  1. 它借助渐弱的能量,逆流而上。

    It borrows the failing energy and raises the ante into a rising flow .

  2. 现在我们不再逆流而上,而是放松、睡觉、看电影或者听音乐。

    Now , instead of swimming upstream , we relax , sleep , watch movies , or listen to music .

  3. 来听两个例句。(鲑鱼逆流而上,游回到出生时所在的溪流,从而在那里繁殖。)

    Salmon swim against the current to return to their birth stream so they can breed there .

  4. 虽然一开始他像是在逆流而上、孤军奋战,但他坚持不懈,终于说服了股东们不再反对他重建公司构架的计划。

    Although in the beginning it felt like he was swimming upstream , he persevered3 and managed to convince the shareholders4 to drop their resistance to his plans for restructuring the company .

  5. 逆流而上的船不停地被浪头冲回来(F.斯科特菲茨杰拉德)

    Boats against the current , borne back ceaselessly into the past ( F. Scott Fitzgerald )

  6. 当作为现代三文鱼垂钓技术开拓者之一的李•伍尔夫(LeeWulff)1937年第一次来到纽芬兰的时候,他花了数日时间,坐船沿亨伯河逆流而上。

    When Lee Wulff , one of the pioneers of modern salmon fishing techniques , first came to Newfoundland in 1937 , he spent days making his way by boat up the Humber River .

  7. 据一名高管表示,专注于小企业和消费者的中国国有控股银行光大银行(everbrightbank)决心在近期一连串首次公开发行(ipo)流产的市场趋势下逆流而上,在今年底之前在香港上市。

    Everbright Bank , a Chinese state lender that focuses on small businesses and consumers , is determined to buck a market trend of failed initial public offerings and list in Hong Kong before the end of this year , according to a senior executive .

  8. 诸如此类的历史点滴形成了文化游船之旅“斯特拉斯堡,20个世纪之历史”的解说词。这个旅行路线会围着斯特拉斯堡知名景观——联合国教科文组织认可的世界文化遗产大岛(GrandÎle)前行,接着逆流而上到达欧盟委员会。

    These and other tidbits form the narrative of " Strasbourg , Over Twenty Centuries of History , " a scenic Batorama boat tour that circles Strasbourg 's Grand Î le , a Unesco World Heritage site , and proceeds upriver to institutions of the European Commission .

  9. 鲤鱼利用松鼠的大尾巴跃过阻碍逆流而上!

    Carp use squirrel tails jumped over the obstacles themselves !

  10. 我们慢慢地划着(独木舟)逆流而上。

    We paddled ( the canoe ) slowly upstream .

  11. 为什么马洛非要逆流而上呢?

    Why does Marlow keep going up the river ?

  12. 我要你们逆流而上。

    I ask you to swim against the tide .

  13. 如果我要逆流而上。

    And IFL have to swim against the gulfstream .

  14. 一只太平洋大马哈鱼正在科迪亚克岛的一道小溪中艰难的逆流而上。

    A Pacific salmon struggles to swim up a stream on Kodiak Island .

  15. 我们需要沿河逆流而上。

    We have a need to travel upriver .

  16. 游击队带着她逆流而上,来到一处偏远的营地。

    The guerrillas brought her up the river until they reached a distant camp .

  17. 他试著逆流而上。

    He tried to make his way upstream .

  18. 船正在河上逆流而上。

    The boat was going up the river .

  19. 沿亚马孙河逆流而上的探险旅程。

    An exploratory expedition up the Amazon river .

  20. 他正逆流而上。

    He was making his way upstream .

  21. 尽管前景暗淡,一些商业巨头仍在逆流而上,发展壮大。

    Despite the gloom and doom , a few tycoons managed to buck the downward trend .

  22. 鲑鱼每年都要逆流而上,到它们的出生地产卵。

    Every year the salmons swim against the current to lay eggs in their birth place .

  23. 我们慢慢地划着逆流而上。

    We paddled slowly upstream .

  24. 我们在华南钢网身上看到了一种逆流而上的精神动力。

    We in the South China Steel net on a counter-current to see the spirit and motivation .

  25. 让我们想象一下,人人都说某只股票会大跌,你却逆流而上坚持买入。

    Think about what happens when you buy a stock that everybody else says is going to tank .

  26. 不管你做什么,不管你是随流而下还是逆流而上,首先对你要做的事作一独立的思考。

    Whatever you do , whether you bet with the herd or against , think it through independently first .

  27. 建筑业逆流而上,增长了26%,部分原因在于强大的住宅项目储备。

    Construction bucked the trend , up 26 per cent , due in part to a strong pipeline of housing projects .

  28. 无论他收购那个球员用什麽战术或有没有轮换他都是逆流而上的。

    Whomever he bought , whatever the tactics , and whether or not he rotated , he 's been up against it .

  29. 汽船可以逆流而上,货物运往市场所需的时间因而显著减少。

    The steamboat could sail upriver , against the flow , markedly reducing the amount of time of shipping goods to market .

  30. 真正勇敢的人不是逆流而上的人,而是随波逐流却不迷失自己的人。

    The genuine brave person is not human who swims against the stream , but drifts with the current actually does not lose own person .