
pǎi jī pào dàn
  • mortar shell/projectile;aerial torpedo;mortar
  1. 3枚迫击炮弹落在人群旁。

    Three mortar shells had landed close to a crowd of people .

  2. 他带领巡逻队在图卜鲁格无人区巡逻时遭迫击炮弹击中身亡。

    In Tobruk , leading a patrol in no-man 's land , he was blown up by a mortar bomb .

  3. 迫击炮弹外弹道辨识方法

    A Method of Trajectory Identification for a Mortar Bomb

  4. 不知哪里落了几颗迫击炮弹,闷声闷气地轰轰几响。

    A few motar shells were landing somewhere with a flat thudding sound .

  5. 停机坪上的十二架敌方运输机被迫击炮弹击毁了。

    Twelve enemy transport aircraft on the handstand were knocked out by mortar shells .

  6. 尽管以色列发动了空袭,但是巴勒斯坦激进分子从星期一以来向以色列发射了许多火箭和迫击炮弹。

    Despite the airstrikes , Palestinian militants have fired many rockets and mortar shells into Israel since Monday .

  7. 涡轮式空气动力保险机构是迫击炮弹机械触发引信中一道关键的保险与解除保险机构。

    Turbine aerodynamic mortar insurance agency is a mechanical fuze in a key insurance and lift the insurance institutions .

  8. 在附近的一个居民区,尽管迫击炮弹就在几公里远处爆炸,但人们仍然排队购买面包。

    In a nearby residential area , people line up to buy bread despite mortar shells exploding a few kilometers away .

  9. 袭击的强度一天比一天加大,迫击炮弹使人更难以入睡。

    The strength of attacks intensified day after day , making it even hard to sleep because of the mortar shells .

  10. 土耳其炮击叙利亚境内一些目标地区,报复早些时候一枚来自叙利亚的迫击炮弹对土耳其的袭击。

    Turkey has again taken an aim at targets in Syria in response to a Syrian mortar that landed on Turkish soil .

  11. 伍德谴责了来自黎巴嫩得火箭弹袭击,据报导以色列曾以一些迫击炮弹进行还击,伍德说,到目前为止,以色列还表现出一些克制。

    Wood condemned the rocketing and said Israel , which reportedly responded with some mortar fire , had shown restraint thus far .

  12. 星期五,巴基斯坦南瓦济里斯坦地方官员说,从阿富汗发射过来的迫击炮弹炸伤了一个边境检查站的8名巴基斯坦军人。

    On Friday , local officials in South Waziristan said mortar shells fired from Afghanistan wounded eight Pakistani troops at a border checkpoint .

  13. 这些卡车遭迫击炮弹袭击时,正执行一项将急需援助送往战区的急救任务。

    The trucks were on a mercy mission taking badly needed aid to the war zone when they were hit by mortar shells .

  14. 以色列表示,以色列跟哈马斯就延长六个月停火的谈判破裂之后,激进分子加紧了对以色列南部的火箭弹和迫击炮弹袭击,因此以色列除了对哈马斯进行打击别无选择。

    Israel says it had no choice but to strike at Hamas after talks on extending a six-month truce broke down and militants stepped up rocket and mortar attacks against southern Israel .

  15. 最后构建了引信机电式安全系统的系统框架,并结合迫击炮弹引信开展了机电式安全系统的设计。

    The frame of electro-mechanical safety and arming device ( SA ) is established , and the electro-mechanical SA for the mortar shell fuze is designed at the end of the paper .

  16. 当团长、营长和参谋躲在厨房的一张桌子下时,一发迫击炮弹在屋顶爆炸,让他们经受了碎渣和弹片的洗礼。

    As the regimental commander , III Abteilung commander , and selected staff are sheltering under a table in the kitchen , a mortar shell explodes on the roof and showers them with debris and shrapnel .

  17. 这场危机是由几日前叙利亚迫击炮弹致死5名土耳其人引发的,土耳其方表示将武力反击所有炮轰土耳其的行为。

    The crisis erupted several days ago when a Syrian shell killed five Turkish civilians in a border town . Since then , Turkey has said it will respond forcefully to every errant shell that lands on its territory .

  18. 通过对迫击炮弹结构诸元、弹道诸元、气动力系数、飞行稳定性、杀伤半径、发射强度、安定性、散布精度等进行计算、校核和估算,结果表明:能满足该迫击炮弹指标要求。

    Through calculating , checking and estimating various mortar structure elements , ballistic elements , aerodynamic coefficient , flying stability , shooting intensity , invariability , spreading precision , the result indicates the improved mortar shell meets the requirements of mortar shell criterion .

  19. 火箭炮、迫击炮和各种炮弹如雨点般落在大楼上。

    Rockets , mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings .