
  • 网络Ripple Effect;Chain Reaction;linkage effect
  1. 但在11月晚间,在他月桂峡谷边缘的家,另一种连锁效应即将引发了。

    But on that November evening , in his home on the rim of Laurel Canyon , another kind of chain reaction was about to be unleashed .

  2. 茧层率加性效应与性连锁效应的作用具同等强度,为30%多;

    Additive and sex linkage effect of cocoon shell rate were over 30 % , and its dominant effect was relatively low , about 10 % .

  3. 新动物物种的引进会给当地的生态系统带来连锁效应。

    The introduction of a new animal species will have a knock-on effect on the local ecosystem1 .

  4. 航展开幕第一天的100架订单为C919带来了连锁效应,越来越多的客户前来咨询C919的情况,估计在本次航展上,C919的订单数量会进一步增长。

    The first order of100 C919s brings more consultants , and it is estimated that the quantity of the C919 orders will be further increasing during this Zhuhai Airshow .

  5. 并且这是非常重要的,因为其中的连锁效应。

    And that 's important because it has a ripple effect .

  6. 因此,也将有一对印度经济的连锁效应。

    So that will also have a cascading effect on Indian economy .

  7. 评价城市基础设施自然灾害连锁效应的结构方法

    A Structural Approach to Evaluate Domino Effect of Urban Infrastructure Natural Disaster

  8. 就像通常的情况一样,市场扭曲会产生很大的连锁效应。

    As usual , market distortions have large knock-on effects .

  9. 但有一点却毫无疑问史蒂夫·乔布斯连锁效应

    But it 's certain that the Steve Jobs ripple effect will continue

  10. 但我相信其中确实有连锁效应。

    But I like to think that one thing does lead to another .

  11. 我们就可以中断这连锁效应。

    We can interrupt the chain of destruction .

  12. 全国社保基金组合重仓股的资产配置特征分析共持重仓股变脸对基金家族的连锁效应研究

    The Research of the Asset Allocation of the Stock Fund of Social Guarantee Fund

  13. 此外,微软也意识到公司此举可能会造成一种连锁效应。

    That said , Microsoft also realizes that it may have created a slippery slope .

  14. 而且这非常重要的,因为它的连锁效应在其他商业企业也会产生效应。

    And that 's important because it has a ripple effect on other commercial businesses .

  15. 这只是一种连锁效应。

    This is just a chain to .

  16. 这种趋势产生了连锁效应。

    The trend has ripple effects .

  17. 持续高企的油价确实还有一个连锁效应:西方需求下降。

    Sustained high oil prices do have another knock-on effect – falling demand in the west .

  18. 这些事会产生连锁效应。

    These things rub off .

  19. 而由此产生的连锁效应,实现了200多万军队在欧洲的成功部署,并取得了胜利。

    That cascading effect resulted in the successful employment and combat engagement of over 2 million troops throughout Europe .

  20. 但市场对欧洲危机连锁效应的担心,给美国银行造成的影响要小于去年。

    But US banks have been less affected than last year by the fear of knock-on effects from Europe .

  21. 在环环相扣的过程中,每个阶段都不能掉以轻心,否则连锁效应的结果将会影响到整个作品的品质。

    No stage of this process can be ignored or glazed over lest the entire chain of events suffer .

  22. 这些连锁效应会在勇士主宰的时代过去之后继续延续,给联盟带来长久的影响吗?

    Could these ripple effects extend beyond the era of Warriors dominance and have a lasting effect on the league ?

  23. 银行融资困难,提高了市场对于依赖银行融资的企业乃至整体经济遭受连锁效应的忧虑。

    The funding freeze has raised fears about the knock-on effects for companies reliant on bank funding and the broader economy .

  24. 结果重症急性胰腺炎相关肺损伤时,各细胞因子连锁效应、相互影响。

    Results The cytokines had a chain effect , and influenced each other when severe acute pancreatitis with lung injury attacked .

  25. 还有更多的连锁效应,南内华达州的一个慈善机构主席特蕾大安东尼奥认为。

    The knock-on effects go further , argues Terrie D'Antonio , the head of Help of Southern Nevada , a charity .

  26. 紧密耦合服务趋向于在系统中带来连锁效应,因为一个更改可能会导致需要实现另一个更改。

    Tightly coupled services tend to cause a ripple effect in the system , as one change cascades to require another change .

  27. 第八部分,主要介绍了配送中心的建立和管理,以推动和发挥超市连锁效应和规模优势。

    The eighth part mainly introduces the establishment and management of distribution centers in order to release the chain effect and scale advantage .

  28. 但当金融时报早上开业时,美国的混乱状态的连锁效应将引发更严重的残杀。

    But when the FTSE opens for business this morning the knock-on effect of the anarchy in the US will trigger more carnage .

  29. 跨越钢铁屏障&美国钢保措施及其连锁效应的影响与对策分析

    Leap over the steel barrier & Influences of American steel protecting policy and its chain reactions and the analysis of the countermeasures to the policy

  30. 两种基本立场业已形成,这将有利于塑造美国智能手机业的下一阶段,并可能会产生连锁效应。

    Two broad positions have emerged that will help shape the next phase of the smartphone business in the US , with possible knock-on effects .