
  • 网络telematics;teleport
  1. 为解决单元串联多电平高压变频器中主控系统与功率单元之间存在的强弱电隔离及功率单元与功率单元之间的电磁干扰问题,提出了采用光纤连接方法实现功率驱动PWM信号的远距离传送。

    High voltage isolation between main control system and power units , EMI immunity in different power units are the key problems in the cell series muti-level high voltage frequency converter . In this paper a method using optical fiber link is proposed to solve the problems .

  2. SPY-1型数字式频率制综合远动装置是一种远距离传送测量和控制信号的多路综合性自动远动系统。

    Model SPY-1 digital frequency multifunction remote control unit is a multichannel and multifunction automatic remote control unit which is able to transmit , measure and control signals remotely .

  3. 粮仓监控系统中数据的采集及远距离传送

    Data acquire and distance communicate of supervise and control granary system

  4. 想像一下就象电影《星舰迷航记》的船员那样进行远距离传送。

    Imagine teleporting just like the crew on Star Trek .

  5. 不过,澳大利亚国立大学最近已经实现了远距离传送的一项新的突破。

    However , a new breakthrough in teleportation has just been made at Australian National University .

  6. 解决了采集的微弱信号在恶劣的工业环境下远距离传送的问题。

    The problem of remote transmission of gathered faint signal is solved under abominably industrial environment .

  7. 电视是借助无线电远距离传送运动图象的一种装置。

    Television is a system for transmitting moving Pictures over long distances by means of radio .

  8. 远古以来,人们就面临着远距离传送消息的问题。

    From the earliest times people were faced with the problem of sending messages over long distance .

  9. 它通过数据、文字和图像资料的远距离传送,实现医院间的远程会诊。

    By transmitting data , text , language and image information , it realizes remote consultations between hospitals .

  10. 当仪表带有远距离传送系统及二次仪表时,应连同二次仪表一起检定、校准。

    If there are long distance transmission systems and accessorial instruments attaching to the gauge , they all should be appraised and calibrated .

  11. 模数转换装置为非电量转换,光导纤维对把该信息远距离传送给数字显示仪表,它能用数字量连续显示液位的变化。

    Analog to digital converter is non electrical transform . A pair of optical fibres can transmit signal to digital instrument to a great distance away .

  12. 和消费者也难以明确区分。录音技术的采用,使音乐成为不易腐坏的商品,可以被远距离传送并与它的创造者分离。

    After the adoption of recording , music was a non-perishable commodity that could be moved long distances and was necessarily alienated from those who made it .

  13. 工业测控现场中常常需要利用电压/电流变换,进行远距离传送被测信号和增加信号的抗干扰能力。

    In the field of industrial control , it is necessary to increase measured signal in long distance and its anti-interference ability with the voltage / current converter .

  14. 在20世纪初,有四种远距离传送信息和接收信息的有效方式:印刷、摄影、电报和电话。

    At the beginning of the twentieth century , there were four powerful means of transmitting and receiving information over long distances : print , photography , telegraph and telephone .

  15. 通过CAN总线及CAN总线接口转换器,电力抄表系统将用户的实时电量远距离传送至计算机,计算机实现计费与监控。

    Through CAN bus and CAN bus interface converter , the electricity checks meter system conveys remotely users ' realtime electric data to the computer and the computer realizes charging and controlling .

  16. 随着现代数据传输技术的发展,现已成功地实现了图像、声音信号的数字化,以及对声像信号的处理和远距离传送。

    With the development of modern data transmission technology , the numeralization of image and audio signals , as well as the processing and long distance transmission of acoustic image signals are realized .

  17. 高速公路通信系统包括业务处理和业务传送两个层面,业务处理层完成信号和协议的转换,业务传送层实现信号的远距离传送。

    The highway communication system comprises a service processing and service delivery in two dimensions , the business processing layer completes the conversion of signal and protocol , while business transfer layer achieves signal remote transmission .

  18. 根据船舶舵机需远距离传送信号且干扰源多的情况,采取了操作室与舵机室分散控制,通过CAN总线连接通信的控制方式,有效提高了控制及反馈信号传送的速率与质量。

    Because steering signal is remote transmission in the ship . So adopted the operating room and steering gear room were decentralized control . The rooms were connected via CAN-bus . The control and feedback signals transmission speed and quality effectively were improved by CAN-bus .

  19. 没有远距离发射机传送景象。

    There is no distant transmitter to telecast the scene .