
yuǎn chénɡ zhōnɡ duān
  • remote terminal
  1. 远程终端(RT)是先进飞机电气系统的重要组成部分,是实现航空电气综合控制系统的关键组成部分之一。

    Remote Terminal ( RT ) is an important part of advanced aircraft power system .

  2. 基于SOPC的1553B总线远程终端接口设计

    Design of 1553B Bus ' Remote Terminal Interface Based On SOPC

  3. 系统由E服务平台、数控机床网关和远程终端三部分组成。

    The system was composed of an E-service platform , CNC gateways and remote terminals .

  4. 远程终端应用Linux操作系统,进一步增强了系统的实时性和稳定性。

    The RTU using Linux as his operating system , So the real time and stabilization are strengthened .

  5. 监控系统的远程终端与监控中心通过GPRS网络实现了数据的通讯。

    The remote terminals of this supervisory system communicates with supervisory centre by GPRS network .

  6. 基于双RISC单片机的路灯远程终端的设计和实现

    Design and Application of the Streetlamp Remote Terminal Unit Based on Dual RISC SCM System

  7. 虽然演示所使用的是针对直接输入设计的PC,但是服务器或远程终端也可以使用相同的概念来根据用户活动降低功耗。

    Although demonstrated with a PC designed for direct input , servers or remote terminals can use the same concepts to reduce their power consumption based on user activity .

  8. 然后创建了一个基于WAP的远程终端控制系统,并且详细阐述了设计过程与方法;

    The designing methods and process of Remote Terminal Control System based on WAP are introduced , too .

  9. 1553B总线控制器和远程终端软件设计

    Design of 1553B 's Bus Controller and Remote Terminal

  10. 本文就谐波计算的算法,谐波计算精确性的提高,RTU(RemoteTerminalUnit远程终端设备)程序的可靠性、RTU数据的安全性等问题进行了详细研究。

    It talks about harmonic measurement algorithm , accuracy improve methods , robustness of the RTU ( Remote Terminal Unit ) and data security of the RTU .

  11. 与远程终端通信时,应该考虑使用HTTPKeepalive实现最佳性能?

    Should you consider using HTTP Keepalive for best performance when communicating with the remote end ?

  12. 详细分析了基于ARM7技术的远程终端硬件设计原理并介绍软件设计要点。

    This paper in detail analyzes long-distance terminal hardware design principle and software design based on ARM7 technology .

  13. 整个平台还包括一个运行于远程终端的监控平台,与机器人之间通过无线Wifi通信。

    The platform also includes a monitoring platform running on the remote terminal , communicating with the robot through wireless Wifi .

  14. 基于RDP协议的远程终端学习系统

    RDP_based Terminal Learning System

  15. 武汉数字化天气雷达系统微机远程终端网络(WMSN)及其应用

    A microcomputer-based remote terminal network of Wuhan digitized weather radar system and its application

  16. 利用FPGA设计实现了1553B总线控制器和远程终端,DSP负责字和消息的处理。

    On one hand , FPGA is used to design and implement 1553B bus controller and remote terminals ; on the other hand , DSP is responsible for words and messages processing .

  17. 只需使用unix命令Telnet来建立远程终端连接,命令后跟上远端计算机的地址即可。

    It is only necessary to use the Unix command that sets up a remote terminal connection ( Telnet ), followed by the address of the distant machine .

  18. 远程终端仿真器RTE的引入使得基准程序测试活动领域的进展更为迅速。

    The introduction of Remote Terminal Emulator ( RTE ) has led to rapid advances in the area of benchmark .

  19. 在分时系统TSO中,一种从远程终端提交、在后台调度并执行的作业。

    Under time-sharing option ( TSO ), a job submitted from a remote terminal for scheduling and execution in the background .

  20. 远程终端单元(RTU)是配电自动化系统中的重要设备,负责监控中心与工业现场之间数据采集、执行上传/下达命令。

    Remote terminal unit ( RTU ) is an important device in charge of data acquisition , uploading and command executing between surveillance center of power distribution automation system .

  21. 在大多数数据场中,使用远程终端服务器、KVM甚至SerialOverLAN是查看这类信息的最好方式;它也提供了带外查看功能的一些好处。

    In most data farms , using a remote terminal server , KVM , or even Serial Over LAN is the best way to view this information ; it also provides the additional benefit of out-of-band viewing capabilities .

  22. 运用低成本的单片机进行数据采集,通过用户定义的网络通讯协议,以特定方式为RT(RemoteTerminal)远程终端设备提供被控对象环境中的各种参数。

    Various parameters of the environment of the controlled object are applied to RT ( remote terminal ) in a special way by applying low cost single chip to collect data and through user defined network communication protocol .

  23. 该系统通过现场仪表设备进行现场控制和数据采集,通过RTU(RemoteTerminalUnits远程终端单元)存储数据信息并与中心监控站通信,利用GPRS远程数据传输接收或者发送数据。

    In order to realizing field controlling and data acquisition through instrumentation , this system stores data information and communicates with the center monitor by RTU ( Remote Terminal Units ), as well as uses GPRS remote data transmission to receive and transmit data .

  24. 在此基础上提出了家庭智能系统的总体解决方案,该方案主要是通过家庭智能控制器实现对家用器件的智能管理和控制,同时远程终端通过GPRS无线通信完成对家中的家用器件的远程监控。

    Proposed the overall solution intelligent family system , this plan mainly is through the intelligent family controller to manage and control the home electronic applications , at the same time through the remote GPRS wireless terminal to monitor electronic applications .

  25. 其中,远程终端RTU的硬件部分主要包括终端控制器、数据采集模块、GPRS传输模块;软件设计主要是为了保证RTU的正常工作。

    The hardware components of RTU include the terminal controller , the data acquisition module , the GPRS transmission module . As well , the software design is aimed to guarantee the normal work of RTU .

  26. HUST-B远程终端装置

    HUST - B terminal apparatus of long - distance

  27. 根据远程终端(简称RTU)和服务器之间通信协议的规则设计了可重构的协议解析服务,使系统能够灵活的应对通信协议发生的变化。

    According to rules of the communication protocol between Server and RTU , the paper designed a reconfigurable protocol analysis service in order to enable the system to respond to changes in protocols flexibly .

  28. 远程终端用户通过访问该网页来查看现场环境参数的监测结果。(4)针对PMV(热舒适度),首先研究并分析了PMV的计算理论和测量方法。

    The remote terminal can view the field measured data of environmental parameters by accessing the webpage . ( 4 ) This paper first studies and analyzes the calculation theory and measuring method for PMV .

  29. 本课题附带的效益是,该USB-RS232接口转换器开发中所总结的技术资料以及开发经验,可以作为开发其他需配备USB接口的新型仪器仪表、控制终端、远程终端等设备的参考。

    Those technique results and developing experiences , summarized from this USB-RS232 commutator design , are valuable benefits , such that could be helpful to develop some new instruments with USB interface in the future .

  30. 对于实现层,建议对IEC61970中的远程终端单元(RTU)类进行扩展,并增加与远程设定和服务器相关的类。

    For the implementation level , the extension to RTU model in IEC 61970 is inevitable , and a new model with respect to remote setting and server should also be added .