
  1. 城乡社会化环境对进城务工子女成长影响的研究

    Study on the Influences of the Two Environments to the Children of Those Farmers Working in the Cities

  2. 新时期进城务工人员子女教育歧视现象透视&以瑞安市为例

    Perspective on Educational Discrimination for Children of Migrant Workers in New Period

  3. 进城务工人员子女社会化的环境支持体系研究

    A Research on the Environmental Support System for Socialization of the Migrant Workers ' Children

  4. 进城务工人员子女义务教育责任主体的实践研究

    The Research of the Practice of Responsibility Body of Free-education for Rural-urban Migrant Workers ' Children

  5. 本研究的主要目的包括两大部分:寻找影响初中阶段进城务工农民子女自尊发展的危险性因素和保护性因素;

    Purpose : To find risk and protective factors that affected development of self-esteem of children from countries in junior middle school ;

  6. 在学校素质教育不断深入发展的今天,研究进城务工人员子女心理健康问题疏导的策略,具有十分重要的意义。

    The quality of school education develops deep ceaselessly today . The children of migrant workers mental health counseling strategies have very important sense .

  7. 学校影响、社会影响、家庭影响是影响进城务工农民子女教育的三个关系层面;

    The influences of schools , society and families are the three factors affecting the education of the children of the farmer workers in cities .

  8. 进城务工人员子女的义务教育问题正是这一急剧变迁过程与滞后的制度、政策矛盾的产物。

    The problem of free-education of rural-urban migrant workers ' children is the result of the conflict of the changing process and temporarily out-of-time policy .

  9. 进城务工人员子女作为新时期的一支独特的弱势群体,其心理健康问题已日益受到关注。

    The children of migrant workers as the new era of a unique vulnerable group , their psychological healthy problem has attracted increasing attention in recent years .

  10. 生产力发展的不平衡性以及市场经济的发展是产生我国进城务工农民子女教育问题的根本原因。

    The developmental unbalance of the productivity and the development of the market economy are the basic reasons of the educational problem of the children of the farmer workers in cities in China .

  11. 本文探讨了进城务工农民子女义务教育存在的教育存量和增量资源均不足、教育教学体制不适应等主要问题,并提出缓解进城务工农民子女义务教育问题的对策建议。

    The problems of insufficient stock and increment resources of education , and unsuitable education and teaching system in compulsory education for farmers-turned workers ' sons and daughters are discussed , and the countermeasures are proposed .

  12. 进城务工人员子女在城市上学(本文指在城市接受义务教育情况)问题近年来成为当前教育的难点问题、热点问题之一。

    Children of migrant workers in the city to go to school ( this refers to the situation of compulsory education ) in recent years become the difficult problems of education , one of hot issues .

  13. 而造成进城务工农民子女教育问题的直接原因是教育经费不足、户籍制度制约、义务教育体制落后、教育质量差异。

    However , the direct reasons for their educational problem are the deficiency of educational grants , the restriction of registered permanent residences , the lag of compulsory educational system , the differences of the educational quality .

  14. 中国进城务工就业农民子女义务教育研究

    On Compulsory Education of Rural Migrant Children Farewell to Peasant China

  15. 2008年,中华妇女联合会的一项调查表明:5800万的进城务工人员的子女是在数百公里外的老家成长,被自己的祖父母抚养。

    According to a survey in2008 by the All-China Women 's Federation , 58m children of migrant workers were being brought up hundreds of miles away , in their parents'village , usually by grandparents .

  16. 农民进城务工就业对其子女的健康成长产生了一定的影响。

    Farmers began taking their children healthy growth of had a definite impact .

  17. 因此,研究进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育情况具有重大的理论意义和应用价值。

    Therefore , the study of migrant situations Children in compulsory education is of great theoretical significance and application value .

  18. 越来越多的儿童跟随父母来到城市。进城务工人员随迁子女也逐渐进入研究者的视域。

    More and more rural children with parents migrate to the city . Children of migrant workers also gradually come into the researchers ' sight .

  19. 其中,进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育情况一直是城市义务教育长期存在的一个突出问题。

    Among them , the children of Migrant Workers to receive compulsory education compulsory education had been in long-term existence of the city a prominent issue .

  20. 为进城务工人员随迁子女提供教育服务已经成为一个重大的问题并越来越为社会所关注。

    Providing education for the children of rural migrant workers has created a critical problem for the government and getting more and more attention by the society .

  21. 但就目前西部山区进城务工农民随迁子女德育仍然存在家庭、学校、社会方面的诸多缺失。

    However , there is still much deficiency in the moral education of the western rural immigrant workers ' children owing to family , school and society at the moment .

  22. 初步解决进城务工人员随迁子女在城市接受义务教育问题,现有1260万农村户籍孩子在城市接受义务教育。

    The problem of providing compulsory education to children of rural migrants working in cities was basically solved , and 12.6 million children with rural residence status are now receiving compulsory education in cities .

  23. 保障进城务工人员随迁子女平等受教育权利的问题分析与对策

    On the Entering Higher School Opportunity of Peasant Workers ' Children in Urban Area Analyses and Countermeasures of the Problems in Protecting the Equal Right to Education of the Children Living with the Rural Migrant Workers in Cities