
  • 网络import tariff;Tariff;import duty;import tax
  1. 然而,这仍留有LED灯的高进口关税的问题。

    However , this still leaves the question of high import duties on LED lights .

  2. 美国太阳能行业协会(SolarEnergyIndustriesAssociation,SEIA)表示,如果美国对中国大陆和台湾输美的太阳能电池板开征新一轮进口关税,那将切断低成本设备的供应,而这种供应是美国太阳能发电行业近年快速增长的关键因素之一。

    The Solar Energy Industries Association said that if the US went ahead with a new round of import duties hitting solar panels from China and Taiwan , it would cut off the supply of low-cost equipment that has been a critical factor in the industry 's rapid growth in recent years .

  3. 上调进口关税的决定只会火上浇油。

    The decision to raise tariffs on imports will only add fuel to the fire .

  4. 加人WTO后,我国进口关税收入会增加,而出口退税将导致国家财政负担加重。

    After entering WTO , our import duty will be raised , and the export drawback will increase the financial load .

  5. 具有讽刺意味的是,WTO对出口补贴和进口关税都分别加以惩处,却对低估汇率这种致命的组合置之不理。

    The irony is that export subsidies and import tariffs are individually disciplined in the WTO but their lethal combination in an undervalued exchange rate is not .

  6. 在那些征收VAT税务的国家,除了普通的进口关税之外,可能还需要缴纳进口货物的相关增值税。

    VAT also needs to be paid on imports in countries that apply the VAT , along with import duty .

  7. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)已认定中国向本国钢铁企业提供了非法补贴,这为欧洲企业申请针对多种类型的中国产品征收更高的进口关税铺平了道路。

    The European Commission has concluded that China is providing illegal subsidies to its steel manufacturers , paving the way for European companies to seek higher import tariffs on a wide range of Chinese products .

  8. 2001年,我国加入WTO,并从2002年1月降低了原铝进口关税。

    Since January 2002 , the import tariff of the electrolytic aluminum was lowered after China 's entry WTO in 2001 . That indicates the competition will become more and more severe in the field of the electrolytic aluminum .

  9. 加入WTO后,若该产业的同类产品进口关税大幅下降,则该产业国内企业数量呈不确定性,但企业的规模将变大,产品价格将降低。

    If the import tariff is lower than that before entering WTO after entering it , then the number of enterprises will not be determined but the scale of the enterprise is larger and the product price will be lower .

  10. CEPA的出现令推广中国市场更为有利,因咖啡进口关税有可能取消。

    The recent emergence of CEPA makes our marketing in China easier , as there is a chance that Import Duty might be lifted .

  11. 瑞银(UBS)分析师丹尼尔•摩根(DanielMorgan)表示,煤炭品质检测是中国更全面转向保护主义措施的一部分,中国最近还推出了煤炭进口关税。

    Daniel Morgan , analyst at UBS , said the coal-quality tests were part of a wider shift towards protectionist measures in China , which has also recently introduced import tariffs .

  12. 随着中国加入WTO后乳制品进口关税的不断减让,发达国家看好我国的乳制品市场,大量国外的乳制品进入中国市场将冲击中国的乳牛业。

    With the further decreasing of tax after joining WTO , developed country attach more importance to our country 's milk products market , so much foreign milk products will go into the Chinese market and charge Chinese milk cow production .

  13. 2010年是我国加入WTO后降税承诺的最后一年,这一年,我国进一步降低鲜草莓等6个税目商品的进口关税。

    Year 2010 , is the last year of China after we sign the WTO accession obligations of reducing import duties . In this year , we have reduced the import tariffs of the six tax items that include fresh strawberries .

  14. 菲律宾总统洛丽亚马卡帕加尔阿罗约(gloriamacapagalarroyo)本周下调了石油进口关税,以安抚发出罢工威胁的运输工人。

    Gloria Macapagal Arroyo , the Philippines president , this week cut an oil import tariff to appease transport workers threatening a strike .

  15. 另一家生产商沙特国际石化公司(sipchem)上周表示,中国已就甲醇征收进口关税。

    Another producer , Saudi International Petrochemical Co ( sipchem ) , said last week China had imposed a duty on methanol imports .

  16. 由总部位于德国的solarworld公司(其美国业务带头敦促开征上述进口关税)领头的一群企业,已呼吁欧盟对中国太阳能产品开征类似关税。

    A coalition of companies led by Solarworld , a German-headquartered company whose US operations spearheaded the drive for the import duties , has called for the EU to impose similar tariffs against Chinese solar products .

  17. 他指出,即便在Karbonn、Intex等印度厂商为应对进口关税升高和中国工资上涨,将生产基地搬回印度之际,这些厂商仍然对中国合同商和供货商非常依赖。

    He notes that it and other Indian companies such as Karbonn and Intex are still largely reliant on Chinese contractors and suppliers - even as they shift production to India in response to higher import duties and rising wages in China .

  18. 随着香港当局于2008年2月取消40%的高档葡萄酒进口关税,包括苏富比(Sotheby's)、佳士得(Christie's)、宝龙(Bonhams)和AckerMerrall&Condit在内的拍卖行现在在香港卖出的葡萄酒比在伦敦和纽约卖出的总和还要多。

    Following a move by the Hong Kong administration in February 2008 to remove a 40 % import duty on fine wine , auction houses including Sotheby 's , Christie 's , Bonhams and Acker Merrall & Condit now sell more wine in Hong Kong than in London and New York put together .

  19. 降低进口关税行业面临挑战

    Lowering the Import Tax , Machine Tool Industry Faced Challenge

  20. 巨额的进口关税减少了比利时人对法国葡萄酒的兴趣。

    Heavy import duties discouraged Belgians from buying French wine .

  21. 他们说,南卡罗莱纳州人不必支付进口关税。

    They said citizens of South Carolina need not pay the tax .

  22. 资源性产品进口关税状况及政策建议

    Current situation and suggestion on import tariff of resources products

  23. 欧盟降低拉美香蕉进口关税。

    EU cuts import tariffs in a bid to end'banana wars ' .

  24. 第二,进口关税税率不同。

    Second , the import tariff rates were different .

  25. 降低进口关税对纺织行业的影响

    The Effects of Reduction of Tariff on Textile Industry

  26. 进口关税是商品被进口到国内应付的费用。

    Customs duty is a toll payable on merchandise imported into the country .

  27. 在某些地方,用来帮助农民的道路和磨坊遭到破坏。贸易保护进口关税和农业支持均被削减。

    Private investment in agriculture Protectionist import taxes and farm supports were cut .

  28. 我国矿产品进口关税分析及其政策建议

    Tariff Analysis and Its Policy-making Proposals on Import of China 's Mineral Products

  29. 中国内地征收34%的进口关税。

    China charges a 34 per cent import duty .

  30. 太阳能电池板和零配件的进口关税也将有帮助。

    Tariffs imposed on imports of solar panels and components would also help .