
huán yuán xì tǒnɡ
  • restore system
  1. 本文对网络数据包的协议还原的原理和关键技术进行了研究,设计与实现了一种高速网络环境下的专用的HTTP协议还原系统。

    This article studies on the network packet protocol restore principles and key technology , designs and implements a HTTP protocol restore system .

  2. 因此,还原系统就需要有能够处理Windows这种特性的软件。

    Therefore , restoring a system requires software that can deal with these idiosyncrasies .

  3. 结论二氧化硫气体能够显著影响小鼠雄性生殖细胞谷胱甘肽氧化还原系统和造成雄性生殖细胞DNA的损伤。

    Conclusion SO 2 can influence GSH oxidation - deoxidation system and cause DNA damage in male reproductive system of mice .

  4. 结论所设计的技术方案满足进入CO2还原系统的要求。

    Conclusion The designed apparatus met the requirements of the CO 2 reduction system .

  5. 本文在整体动物水平上研究了不同浓度二氧化硫吸入后小鼠组织谷胱甘肽氧化还原系统(GlutathioneRedoxSystem)的动态变化规律;

    Glutathione redox system as the important parts of defense systems was studied after exposure to sulfur dioxide at different concentrations .

  6. 并以http协议为例,给出了网络应用协议还原系统的实现框架和具体流程。

    The paper gives the develop model for network application protocol revert by the implement of http protocol .

  7. 设计了封闭还原系统,用此系统进行氢气热还原,不仅使氢气得到充分利用,而且容易判断反应终点,缩短了Mo粉在恒温区的时间,阻止了颗粒的长大。

    Through designing seal reduction system , the hydrogen utilization ratio is high and the destination of the reaction is easily judged .

  8. NaCl胁迫对玉米根质膜H~+分泌和氧化还原系统的影响

    Effect of NaCl stress on the H ~ + - extrusion and redox system of the plasma membrane of corn roots

  9. 本文亦根据上述算法,分别设计和实现了在C/S结构和P2P结构下的视频数据包的侦听和还原系统。

    By using these algorithms , the thesis also proposes and implements a video data monitoring and rebuilding system in C / S and P2P model separately .

  10. 提示芥子气诱导的细胞凋亡与氧化还原系统失衡有关,并且GSH耗竭在该过程中可能起一定作用。

    So SM induced apoptosis may be associated with the antioxidant defense systems interruption , and the GSH may also have relation with this progress . 3 .

  11. 玉米是C4作物,具有较高的光合作用效率,研究玉米叶绿体氧化还原系统对玉米的高产、抗逆性等意义重大。

    Maize is a C4plant , it has a high photosynthetic efficiency . The study to the maize chloroplast redox system has a great significance to the high-yielding and stress resistance .

  12. 您可以使用fsck来修复文件系统或者修正受损的inode,而不是还原系统、或者甚至重新构建操作系统。

    Rather than restoring the system or even rebuilding the operating system , you can use fsck to repair file systems or correct damaged inodes .

  13. 只有管理员和备份操作员可以还原系统状态。

    Only Administrators and Backup Operators can restore the System State .

  14. 以谷胱甘肽为电子供体的细胞膜氧化还原系统

    Redox system of plasma membrane with glutathione as an electron donor

  15. 质膜氧化还原系统在植物伸长生长中的作用

    Roles of Plasma Membrane Redox System in Elongation Growth of Plants

  16. 基于网络信息内容的分析还原系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Network Information Content Analysis and Recovery System

  17. 花生幼苗下胚轴质膜氧化还原系统

    The Redox System in Plant Membrane of Peanut Seedling Hypocotyls

  18. 质膜氧化还原系统中的抑制物及其特性

    Inhibitor of redox system in plant plasmalemma and its properties

  19. 选择催化还原系统尿素热解装置的优化研究

    Optimization of the Carbamide Furnace in Selective Catalytic Reduction System

  20. SO2吸入对小鼠组织谷胱甘肽氧化还原系统的影响

    Effects of sulphur dioxide inhalation on glutathione redox system in mice organs

  21. 硝酸盐对磷酸盐还原系统除磷效能的影响

    Effect of Influent Nitrate on Phosphorus Removal Efficiency of Phosphate Reduction System

  22. 杜氏盐藻细胞质膜氧化还原系统

    The Plasmalemma Redox System in Unicellular Green Alga Dunaliella salina

  23. 这一结论为选择性催化还原系统的设计研发提供了重要的理论基础。

    This conclusion provides theory basis for the structural design of Urea-SCR system .

  24. 电站选择性催化还原系统速度场测量方法

    Velocity Distribution Measuring Method Used in a Power Station Selective Catalytic Reduction System

  25. 生态因子对硫酸盐还原系统中微生物群落动态影响的表征

    Characteristics of Microbial Community Dynamics Influenced by Ecological Factors in Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactor Trends

  26. 植物细胞质膜氧化还原系统

    Redox System of Plasma Membrane in Plant Cell

  27. 尿素选择性催化还原系统的仿真与优化

    Modeling and Optimization of Urea-SCR Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems

  28. 降低柴油机排气中氮氧化物含量的催化还原系统的研究

    Research on the Catalytic Reduction System of NOx in Exhaust Gases from the Diesel Engines

  29. 阳城电厂选择性催化还原系统及工艺特点介绍

    Presentation of selective catalytic reduction system used in Yangcheng Power Plant and technological features thereof

  30. 水分胁迫对梨树叶片质膜氧化还原系统的影响

    The influence of water stress on redox system of leaf plasmic membrane of pear trees