
  • 网络Approximate representation;LISN;Polygonal Approximation Representation
  1. 提出随机扰动模型来近似表示DNA序列和蛋白质的相互作用。

    The stochastic disturb model is proposed to represent the events of DNA sequence interacted with a proteins .

  2. 该方法用N个线性模型近似表示参数变化很大的非线性系统。

    The method utilizes a group of parallel linear models , for instance N models , to represent nonlinear systems .

  3. 矩阵函数的Bernstein多项式近似表示

    Approximate Expression of the Matrix Functions by Bernstein Polynomials

  4. 调和场Neumann问题解的近似表示与误差估计

    The Approximative Expression to the Solution of Harmonic Field Neumann Problem and Error Estimate

  5. 气动光学畸变波前可近似表示为低阶本征正交分解(POD)基与时间系数的相乘叠加形式。

    Aero-optical aberration wavefront can be represented as a multiplicative summation of the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) basis functions and time coefficients .

  6. 给出一种理想MIS结构非平衡C-V特性的近似表示式,并绘出了CS-VS和C-VG特性曲线。

    An approximate expression of non-equilibrium C-V characteristics for ideal MIS structure is presented . C-V and C-V_G characteristic curves are drawn .

  7. 所谓规则结构,是指其位移能用Galerkin法或Ritz法近似表示的结构。

    A regular structure means the structure whose displacements can be represented with Galerkin method or Ritz method approximately .

  8. 以前,我们曾在将隐神经元Sigmoid激励函数近似表示为线性函数的情况下,找出了多层感知器输出量与输入量的近似函数关系。

    We ever use linear function to approximate sigmoid function and extract the relation between inputs and outputs within the given precision .

  9. 基于coffin一Manson定律,将曲线近似表示为均值和均方差循环应变一寿命曲线的形式。

    The curve approximated by the mean value and standard deviation cyclic strain-life curves of Coffin-Manson law .

  10. 本文对模拟信号的激光耦合调制在不同条件下的调制方式进行了分析,得出了可以近似表示为振幅调制(AM)和强度调制(IM)的条件。

    This paper analyses the mode of modulation for the laser coupling modulation of analog signal under different conditions and obtains conditions similar to amplitude modulation and intensity modulation respectively .

  11. 利用正弦函数展开近似表示固定板振动位移,通过设计特殊形状的PVDF压电薄膜,使PVDF输出信号为所需要的振动结构体积位移。

    Displacement of vibration structure is expressed by a sinusoidal function . By designing PVDF film of particular shape , the volume displacement of vibration plant can be obtained .

  12. 它是一个无穷级数,但就实际应用精度而言,它可用一个多项式近似表示,而且它的第一项是与单晶硅MOSFET的I&V特性方程(非饱和区)相似。

    For the practical accuracy , the equation can be expressed by a polynomial and its first term is similar to the characteristic equation ( non-saturation zone ) of c-Si MOSFET .

  13. 文中用零阶和二阶Legendre多项式的展开式来近似表示由于冰粒子水平取向所引起的散射参数随入射角的变化。

    The dependence of the scattering parameters on the incident angle caused by horizontal orientation of ice crystals is approximated by the Legendre polynomial expansion of zero and second order .

  14. 本文在深入分析自适应滤波重构算法后,重点研究对lo范数的近似表示以及如何减小稳态均方误差。

    We reviewed the adaptive filtering reconstruction algorithms , focusing on an approximate representation of the ι 0norm as well as how to reduce the steady-state mean square error ( MSD ) in this paper .

  15. 当超固结比(OCR)超过2.5时,静止土压力系数与超固结比为非线性关系,可用指数函数来近似表示。

    When over consolidation ratio exceeds 2.5 , the relationship of coefficient of static earth pressure and over consolidation ratio is determined to be nonlinear , and expressed with an exponential function .

  16. 采用Wiener模型描述大功率放大器的输入输出关系,该模型的结构是线性动态特性环节后级联一个无记忆的非线性静态单元,可以用一个复系数幂级数展开式来近似表示。

    A Wiener model was adopted to describe the input-output relationship of HPA . In the model , a linear dynamic characteristic is followed by a memory-less nonlinear static element that can be approximated by using complex power series expression .

  17. 动态安全域(DSR)的暂态稳定边界可以近似表示为超平面,由此提出了一种DSR的快速求解方法。

    The boundary of dynamic security region ( DSR ) can be approximated as one or a few hyper planes ( HPs ) . Based on this property , a fast method to compute DSR is developed .

  18. 通过使用一系列球面谐函数来近似表示这二维全视函数,从而实现滤波环境映照的快速计算。视函数法分析卫星覆盖研究

    Research of the coverage performance of satellite constellation using visibility function

  19. 一种弱各向异性介质地震波群速度的近似表示新方法

    New approximate expressions of Seismic group velocities for weakly anisotropic media

  20. 在解析式中,提出了η的近似表示式。

    An approximate expression of η is advanced in the analytic formula .

  21. 分岔系统中非零解的近似表示

    On the approximative expression of the nonzero solution in a bifurcation system

  22. 并联机床的工作空间及其近似表示方法

    Working Space of Parallel Mechanisms and Its Approximate Representation On Representation of Art

  23. 实验结果表明,该方法能更好的近似表示原时间序列。

    Test results show the method can much better reflect the original time series .

  24. 壁厚局部变薄量可以近似表示为扩径率的线性函数。

    The local thinning of wall-thickness can be described by linear function of expanding-ratio .

  25. 我们还提出了连续三角模的一种使用较少参数的近似表示,给出了利用它来调整三角模的学习算法。

    This paper gives another method to adjust a t-norm approximately by less parameter .

  26. 任一连续曲线可以借一系列很小的抛物线线段较精密地近似表示。

    Any continuous curve can be closely approximated by a series of small parabolic segments .

  27. 广义三角模的近似表示

    An Approximate Representation of Generalized Triangular Norm

  28. 基于变化点的时间序列近似表示

    Change Point Based Approximation of Time Series

  29. 即,给出了该周期正解(?)的近似表示。

    That is , approximations to (?)

  30. 该模型使用模糊和重叠的概率云近似表示一个电子的位置。

    The model uses indistinct and overlapping " probability clouds " to approximate the position of an electron .