
  • 网络Transportation Hub
  1. 最后提出了公路运输枢纽层次划分的结构,对未来公路运输枢纽规划奠定了基础。

    Finally , the structure layer of transportation hub is further discussed .

  2. 交通运输枢纽中客运站点布局问题的研究

    Study on the Installation of Passenger Stations in Communications and Transportation Hub

  3. 基于多Agent的交通运输枢纽虚拟组织信息集成框架

    Transport Hub Virtual Organization Information Integration Frame Based on Multi-Agent

  4. 基于因子分析与Kohonen网络的公路运输枢纽分类方法

    Classification of Highway Transportation Hubs Combined Factors Analysis with Kohonen Network

  5. 公路运输枢纽是综合运输系统的重要组成部分。

    Highway transportation hinge is an important part of integrated transportation system .

  6. 基于灰色关联投影法的公路运输枢纽综合评价

    Synthetic Evaluation of Highway Transport Hub Based on Grey Relation Projection Method

  7. 绕城高速公路的交通运输枢纽作用

    The Effect in Traffic and Transport Hub of Express Highway Circling City

  8. 公路运输枢纽站规划方案评价方法

    Evaluating methods of highway transportation hub s ' planning

  9. 综合运输枢纽公路客运场站布局方法研究

    Study of Location Planning Method for Passenger Stations in Comprehensive Transportation Highway Terminals

  10. 公路运输枢纽站场规模确定的χ-GM模型及算法

    χ - GM Model and Arithmetic Used to Decide the Scale of Highway Hub Stations

  11. 对现代国际贸易而言,港口是最大、最重要的交通运输枢纽。

    For modern international trade , port is the largest and most important transport hub .

  12. 公路运输枢纽规划后评价理论研究探讨

    Theory of Highway Transport Hub Planning Post-evaluation

  13. 在本指数中,主要交通运输枢纽新加坡位居首位,后冲突内陆国阿富汗位居末位。

    The index ranks the major transport hub of Singapore first , and land-locked Afghanistan last .

  14. 港口是一个经济地域,是一个国家或地区的门户、运输枢纽和贸易中心。

    Port is an economic region . It is the gateway to a country or a region .

  15. 论文的研究思路和技术方法对公路运输枢纽的布局规划工作具有一定的指导意义。

    The research ideas and techniques have important practical value for the layout planning of highway hub .

  16. 港口作为交通运输枢纽、水陆联运的咽喉是一个复杂的物流系统。

    Port is also a complicated logistics system which acts as a transportation hinge and the throat of portage .

  17. 港口是具有水陆联运设备和条件,供船舶安全进出和停泊的运输枢纽。

    Port is a water and land transport equipment and conditions for safe access also the ship parking transportation hub .

  18. 作为四条铁路交汇点的兰州迅速崛起,并最终成为西北最大的铁路运输枢纽。

    As four railway intersection of Lanzhou rapid rise , and finally become the largest railway hub of the northwest .

  19. 基于物流的陕西公路运输枢纽布局实证分析

    An Empirical Study on the Layout of Highway Transportation Hinge in Shan Xi Province to Adapt the Demand of Modern Logistics

  20. 上世纪90年代开始,国际港口功能正从交通运输枢纽、水陆联运咽喉向国际贸易综合运输中心和国际贸易物流中心等多功能方向拓展。

    Early in the 1990s , international ports have converted from land-and-water coordinated transport hubs into comprehensive trading centers and international logistics centers .

  21. 四要优化交通资源配置,强化综合交通运输枢纽地位。

    Fourthly , transportation facilities should be optimized and the central region 's status as a comprehensive transportation hub should be further consolidated .

  22. 最后,对道路运输枢纽布局规划方案综合评价进行论述,在常用评价方法基础上制定出道路运输枢纽布局规划方案评价指标体系。

    At the end , the paper drawn up appraisal norms for the highway transportation junction 's layout comprehensive comparison based on common methods .

  23. 面对不断增长的原油进口,作为主要运输枢纽的港口将面临更大的机遇与挑战。在各港口竞争不断加剧的情况下,建立科学有效的石油化工码头竞争力评价指标体系显得更加重要。

    Face of growing imports of crude oil , as a major transportation hub , the port will face even greater challenges and opportunities .

  24. 上海机场管理局表示,这一全新的设施将会是上海寻求成为世界级航空运输枢纽的里程碑。

    The new facilities represent a milestone in Shanghai 's quest to become a world-class air transportation hub , the Shanghai Airport Authority said .

  25. 亚特兰大也是美国重要运输枢纽,哈茨菲尔德国际机场是世界最繁忙的机场之一。

    Besides , Atlanta is the transportation hub of the U.S.A and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world .

  26. 港口作为船舶运输枢纽、水陆交通的结点和物资的集散地,其功能在不断丰富,影响也在不断扩大。

    Port serves as a shipping hub , water and land transportation nodes , material distribution center , whose function constantly enrich and influence is also expanding .

  27. 港口是综合运输枢纽,是船舶与其他载运工具的衔接点,还是物流的节点和贸易的门户。

    They are the terminals of multi-transport , the connecting points between ships and other transport vessels . They are nodes of modern logistics and doors to trade .

  28. 港口是海陆空的联结点和运输枢纽,作为物流结点的作用日益重要。

    As the connection point of the sea , the land and the air and transportation node , the harbor plays more and more important role day by day .

  29. 建立综合运输枢纽,汇合多种运输方式,集中装卸储存,这已被证明是降低运输成本、缩短运输时间的有效方式,中印两国都在进行运输枢纽建设。

    Transportation hubs , where several modes converge and handling and storage is concentrated , have proven to be effective and efficient in reducing costs and time of transport .

  30. 前言:铁路货物运输枢纽的调车场中,驼峰调车是主要的调车手段。

    As a major part in railroad freight transmit in railroad classification yard . The " hump " and switches to classification tracks are major system in freightcar calssification .