
  • 网络Over test;Overtesting
  1. Paragon公司将这一计划称为月球绿洲。该机构与美国宇航局长期合作,曾在航天飞机和国际空间站上做过试验。

    Paragon , which has partnered with NASA in previous experiments on the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station , calls it a " Lunar Oasis " .

  2. 不是每个人都相信这些,但辛克莱博士在老鼠身上做过试验,看起来大有希望,他接着就开办了一家公司,叫做Sirtris医药公司。

    Not everyone is convinced , but Dr Sinclair has done experiments on mice that look promising , and has started a company called Sirtris Pharmaceuticals to follow it up .

  3. 不过,目前为止还没有对人体进行过试验。

    No tests have been performed on humans , however .

  4. 一些心理学家已经进行过试验,并得出了一些令人吃惊的结论。

    A number of psychologists have conducted experiments and have reached some surprising conclusions .

  5. 我还没做过试验,但应该是完全安全的。

    I haven 't tested it yet , but it should be perfectly safe .

  6. 我用这种方法做过试验,小规模的和大规模的都做过。

    I have made trial of this method , both in small and in large .

  7. 该悬架系统已经过试验,试验结果与理论分析一致。

    This suspension system has been tested , and the testing result is consistent with the theoretic prediction .

  8. 文章详细阐述了振动试验中动力吸振的机理及过试验产生的缘由。

    The reason about dynamic absorb effect and overtesting in vibration test is described in detail on this paper .

  9. 在此之前,早已有研究人员做过试验:通过在猴脑里植入的电极而让猴子操纵电脑。但是,现在进行的这项试验却不需要任何手术,也不需要在大脑里植入任何东西。

    While experiments have allowed a monkey to control a computer with its thoughts , electrodes were implanted into the animal ' 's brain .

  10. 到目前为止,这种软件只通过一个机械手臂在一个人造心脏上进行过试验。

    So far the software , developed by George Mylonas at Imperial , has only been tested on an artificial heart using a robotic arm .

  11. 不考虑这两个要素,容易造成欠试验或过试验,达不到规定的激发和验证要求。

    Do not consider these two elements , easily lead to fewer tests or over test , reaching less than the required excitation and validation requirements .

  12. 这种药在美国和欧洲的750个病人身上做过试验,很少出现恶心、腹泻等典型的副作用。

    The drug has been tested on750 patients in the United States and Europe and shows few of the typical side effects such as nausea or diarrhea .

  13. 传统的卫星振动测试由于采用加速度谱包络的方式获取振动台控制谱,导致了“过试验”的发生。

    The over-testing problem is mainly caused by the traditional method in which the acceleration spectrum was enveloped and used as the control spectrum of the vibration table .

  14. 国外学者对双轴对称截面的连续梁进行过试验研究,国内尚未查阅到相关的试验资料。

    Some tests were conducted on the double-symmetric I-section continuous beams by the foreign scholars , but the related experiment data have not been found in the domestic .

  15. 回顾了国内外解决振动试验中过试验问题的方法;全面介绍了振动试验中的力限控制技术。

    In this paper , the method of force limited vibration test is introduced , which is to limit the force at interface between load and fixture during vibration test controlled by acceleration .

  16. 在航天器振动试验中引起过试验的主要原因是试验件安装结构和振动台的阻抗不同及制订加速度输入谱时采用包络法。

    The primary cause of vibration overtesting is associated with the difference of impedance between mounting structure of test item and shaker , and the practice of enveloping acceleration spectra to generate a vibration test specification .

  17. 基于PLC的高压阀过电流试验恒流充电控制器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a PLC-Based Charger Controller for Over Current Test of High Voltage Valve

  18. 吸入物变应原过筛试验和总IgE检测在变应性鼻炎诊断中的应用

    Application of Phadiatop and total IgE in diagnosis of allergic rhinitis

  19. 结果表明:SA检测可作为鉴别小儿恶性病的过筛试验。

    These results showed that serum SA detection was a better indicator for malignant disease screening .

  20. 介绍了我国第1套适用于灵活交流输电系统(FACTS)和高压直流输电系统(HVDC)的高压晶闸管阀过电流试验装置的基本原理。

    The principle of the first overcurrent test equipment for FACTS and HVDC thyristor valve in China is introduced .

  21. 检测LpⅠ型抗体的快速过筛试验

    A rapid screening test for determination of the antibodies against Legionella pneumophila serogroup ⅰ

  22. Phadiatop吸入性过敏原过筛试验的初步应用及评价

    Application and evaluation of Phadiatop in diagnosis of respiratory allergy

  23. 结论:部分CIU患者血清中有功能性的循环自身抗体存在,自体血清皮肤试验可作为CIU自身抗体的过筛试验。

    Conclu-sions : A positive ASST may indicate the presence of circulating functional au to antibodies in the serum of some patients with CIU .

  24. 目的:探讨吸入物变应原过筛试验(Phadiatop)结合皮肤点刺试验在变应性鼻炎诊断和治疗中的应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the value of Phadiatop and spot skin test in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis .

  25. 分析和比较了瑞士ABB、瑞典ABB、TOSHIBA和SIEMENS公司的几种高压晶闸管阀过电流试验回路的工作原理及其优缺点。

    The working principles as well as advantages and defects of several high voltage thyristor valve overcurrent test circuits in ABB Swiss , ABB Sweden , Toshiba , and Siemens are analyzed and compared .

  26. 直埋通信电缆雷电感应过电压试验研究

    Research on Over-voltage Induced by Lightning on Directly-buried Communication Coaxial Cable

  27. 这种药物尚未进行过人体试验。

    The drug has not been tried out on humans yet .

  28. 许多作者都曾考虑过临床试验中有不依从现象发生时的统计分析问题。

    Many authors considered statistical analysis of clinical trials with noncompliance .

  29. 电容式电压互感器传递过电压试验研究

    Study on the Transfer Overvoltage Test of Capacitor Voltage Transformer

  30. 铜导线过负荷试验及其痕迹判定方法

    Approaches to judging the overload of copper conducting wire and its traces