
  • 网络overconfidence theory;Over confidence Theory
  1. 第2章是过度自信理论的概述,这为本文后面的研究打下了坚实的基础。

    Summary on the overconfidence theory in chapter II has laid a solid foundation for following research .

  2. 过度自信理论弥补了经典金融理论在个体行为分析和研究方法上的缺陷,促进了金融学理论研究向更现实、更广阔的方向发展。

    Overconfidence theory compensates for the defects of the classic financial theory in individual behavior analysis and research methods , and promotes the financial theory research to more realistic directions .

  3. 其中对于非效率投资驱动理论又分别通过委托代理理论、信息不对称理论和过度自信理论进行划分总结。

    One theory of inefficiency investment driven summarizes through the principal agent theory , asymmetric information theory and the theory of overconfidence respectively .

  4. 本文基于代理理论和过度自信理论研究企业多元化的动因,避免了可能存在的替代解释问题。

    Based on the theory of agency and overconfidence , the paper probes into the motivation of diversification and it avoids the problem of potential ' substituting explanation ' .

  5. 过度自信理论在一定程度上得到了实证的支持。其次,从金融危机的视角,本文进一步探究宏观的信息、决策环境对分析师过度自信认知偏差的影响。

    The result partly supports the overconfidence hypothesis . Secondly , from the perspective of financial crisis , this paper tries to further explore the impacts on the degree of analyst overconfidence by certain environmental factors .

  6. 首先,根据多元化绩效的研究结果,基于代理理论和过度自信理论,对公司财务特征、公司治理特征与企业多元化行为的关系进行分析并形成假设。

    First , according to the study results , it analysis the relationship of firms ' financial character , the corporate governance character and acts of firms ' diversification , and then it forms hypotheses based on the theory of agency and overconfidence .

  7. 过度自信展望理论与处置效应

    Behavior Finance : Overconfidence , Prospect Theory and Disposition Effect

  8. 本文在动态投资理论和最优合约的基础上,放松了代理人为理性人的假设,建立了基于代理人过度自信的理论模型。认为代理人存在过度自信,会高估自己的能力和产出。

    Based on the dynamic theory of investment and the dynamic optimal incentive contracting , we relax the assumption of rational man for agency and believe that agents are overconfidence , they would overestimate their own ability and the output .

  9. 基于过度自信的行为企业理论研究

    Study on Behavioral Firm Theory Based on Overconfidence

  10. 第3章是对本文选取的新的管理者过度自信替代指标在理论和实证上进行合理性分析,以验证该指标适用于我国上市公司并购行为研究。

    Chapter ⅲ take the rational analysis on the theoretical and empirical research about the new alternative indicators for the managerial overconfidence .