
  • 网络Transit area;Transit Zone
  1. 30岁的斯诺登自6月23日从香港飞抵莫斯科以来,一直困在莫斯科谢列梅捷沃国际机场(SheremetyevoInternationalAirport)的过境区。在他飞抵莫斯科的两天前,美国当局公布了指控其犯有间谍罪的刑事起诉书。

    Mr. Snowden , 30 years old , has been trapped in the transit zone of Moscow 's Sheremetyevo International Airport since arriving on a flight from Hong Kong on June 23 , two days after U.S. authorities has unsealed a criminal indictment charging him with espionage .

  2. 一些议员参与了在莫斯科谢列梅捷沃国际机场过境区举行的闭门谈话,并确认称,斯诺登表示他将寻求俄罗斯的政治庇护,可能不飞往拉美国家。

    Several other participants in the closed-door talks in the transit zone of Moscow 's Sheremetyevo airport confirmed that Snowden said he was seeking political asylum in Russia and could not fly to Latin America .

  3. (《华盛顿邮报》(theWashingtonPost)指出,俄罗斯法律规定,在过境区停留超过24小时一般需要专门的过境签证。)

    ( The Washington Post points out that Russia ordinarily requires a special transit visa for anyone staying more than 24 hours in the transit zone . )