
guò shǒu
  • Passing through;handle;take in and give out;receive and distribute
过手 [guò shǒu]
  • [handle;take in and give out;receive and distribute] 经手

  • 他过手大量信件,没有一件差错

过手[guò shǒu]
  1. 她伸过手去关掉了灯。

    She reached over and flipped off the light .

  2. 他从司机手里抢过手提箱。

    He wrested the suitcase from the chauffeur

  3. 银钱过手,当面点清。

    Count the money on the spot .

  4. 他过手信件千千万,从没错过一件。

    He has handled thousands of letters without making a single mistake .

  5. 大荧幕上最著名的这两只巨兽曾在1962年的一部日本电影中交过手,但是新片的特效更强大,而且拥有一流的演员阵容(亚历山大·斯卡斯加德、丽贝卡·豪尔、米莉·波比·布朗),导演亚当·温加德对于影片的关键点也把握得很准确。

    Cinema 's two most famous behemoths fought each other in a Japanese film in 1962 , but the rematch has better effects , a classy cast ( Alexander Skarsg å rd , Rebecca Hall , Millie Bobby Brown ) , and a director , Adam Wingard , who has the right idea about one crucial point .

  6. 但是那些在第二次为CD排名前洗过手的学生第二次的排序几乎没有变化。

    But for those who washed their hands before ranking the CDs for a second time , the order tended not to change .

  7. MBS的运作工具有抵押贷款过手证券、担保抵押贷款证券和本息剥离债券,第三章对这三种运作工具的现金流进行了详细的分析。

    The third chapter analysis the cash flow of those operating tools in detail .

  8. 里说,有可能那些洗过手的学生不会像那些没洗手的学生一样如此喜爱他们选择的CD了。

    It 's possible that those who washed their hands won 't enjoy the CD as much as their unwashed counterparts will , he says .

  9. 判断神经肌肉功能的恢复,有时很难通过手的触觉或视觉获得的肌肉对四个成串刺激(TOF)的机械反应情况来实现。

    Often the mechanical muscle response to a train-of-four ( TOF ) stimulus is difficult for the clinician to evaluate manually or visually .

  10. 我在犹他大学打了三年,跟很多NBA新秀都交过手,我不明白为什么很多球队不选我。

    I was at Utah for three years . I played behind a lot of NBA draft picks , and I don 't know why they missed on me .

  11. 赛义夫是LSE校友,而他只是在赛义夫毕业时跟他握过手,连饭都没有一起吃过。

    He only shook hands with Seif , an LSE alumnus , once , on his graduation , and has never supped with him .

  12. 当得知本赛季将会是科比·布莱恩特的最后一季时,詹姆斯表示“自己真的非常伤心”,他也很遗憾在NBA的总决赛上从未与科比交过手。

    LeBron James said knowing this will be Kobe Bryant 's last season is " truly sad for me " and that he regrets that the pair never faced off in the NBA Finals .

  13. 米格尔立马接过手,他把Mani轻轻推至一旁,然后跪在泡沫垫子上,用匕首样锄头猛铲土壤,以松动土中石头,再交替用手清理掉泥土。

    Miguel takes over . Gently pushing Mani aside he kneels on his foam hassock and jabs the soil with a dagger-like pick to loosen the stones , alternating with brushing movements of the hand .

  14. 虽然在记者会和演唱会结束送别的时候,都曾经和ASKA握过手,但也许ASKA并不知道作为扇子设计者的我在其中吧,呵呵!

    Although I had two lucky chances to make handshaking with ASKA , but I think ASKA maybe not know the fan 's designer was in the crowd which many fans to make handshaking with him .

  15. 我很荣幸在大马士革跟他握过手。

    I had the honour to shake his hand in damascus .

  16. 和希腊人握过手,要数数自己的手指头。

    After shaking hands with a greek , count your figers .

  17. 你可能跟他交过手

    He might be one of the guys you tangled with .

  18. 所以你现在可以说你跟黑手党交过手啰。

    So now you can say you had a mafia experience .

  19. 据说他曾经和总统握过手。

    It 's said that he has ever with the president .

  20. 我们还没拉过手什么的呢,知道吗?

    But we haven 't gotten physical or anything yet , understand ?

  21. 我告诉自己:马拉拉,你已经跟死亡正面交过手了。

    I told myself , Malala , you have already faced death .

  22. 近两年内,你是否和父母牵过手?

    Have you held hands with your parents in last two years ?

  23. 他又叹了口气,伸过手来帮我。

    He sighed again and reached over to help me .

  24. 你和他握过手,你让他大笑。

    You 've shaken his hand . you 've made him laugh .

  25. 这两支球队去年在决赛中交过手。

    The two teams met last year in the final .

  26. 在伊斯坦布尔时,你曾经和皮洛科娃交过手。

    Q.You played this kid in Istanbul , I believe .

  27. 他对我笑了笑,伸过手来。

    He smiled at me and held out his hand .

  28. 他们声称钱没有转过手。

    They allege that no money ever changed hands .

  29. 去问问任何和他交过手的后卫吧。

    Just ask any defender or any team that he comes up against .

  30. 我记得在雪里洗过手。

    I remember washing my hands in the snow .