- 名jurisdiction clause

Therefore , it 's necessary to explore the validity and enforcement of the jurisdiction clause in the contract and speculate the new jurisdiction rules in cyberspace .
Impact of exclusive jurisdiction clause on Chinese young cargo owners and its countermeasures
On Jurisdiction Clauses in Bills of Lading under European Law
The little-noticed judgment centred on the nature of the exclusive jurisdiction clause in the parties ' financial contract .
It is overly simplistic to think that a non-exclusive jurisdiction clause fully maintains the parties'freedom to conduct disputes in any jurisdiction they wish .
Then point out that it is much more complex to recognizing the effectiveness of Jurisdiction clause compared to the arbitration clause . Because the lawsuit manifests quasi-judicial .
Civil law countries tend to confine the usage of jurisdiction clause in terms of the compulsory rules in procedure law , which leads to the same legal consequence .
The first part is a brief introduction to the meaning and categories of jurisdiction clause in bill of lading , it also discusses the characteristics and its importance .
Finally , the author comes to the conclusion that China needs to establish a legal identification criterion and admit the effect of the jurisdiction clauses which measure up to the standard .
The paper reviews the current position of the English and Hong Kong courts over foreign jurisdiction clause in Bills of Lading , where the plaintiff proceeds in places other than those specified in the Bills of Lading .
The jurisdictional restriction exists primarily on state immunity and diplomacy immunity as well as foreign jurisdiction clause .
When the parties select competent court by agreement , the courts of common law countries sometimes may use public policy of " choice of law mode " and " law and regulations priority mode " to deny the validity of jurisdiction clause .