
ɡuǎn xiá quán tiáo kuǎn
  • jurisdiction clause
  1. 因此,有必要重新审视B2C合同中管辖权条款的效力,并考察电子商务环境下新的管辖权规则。

    Therefore , it 's necessary to explore the validity and enforcement of the jurisdiction clause in the contract and speculate the new jurisdiction rules in cyberspace .

  2. 排他管辖权条款对中国中小货主的影响及对策

    Impact of exclusive jurisdiction clause on Chinese young cargo owners and its countermeasures

  3. 欧洲法律下的提单管辖权条款

    On Jurisdiction Clauses in Bills of Lading under European Law

  4. 这一很少受到关注的判决,聚焦于双方金融合约中专属管辖权条款的性质。

    The little-noticed judgment centred on the nature of the exclusive jurisdiction clause in the parties ' financial contract .

  5. 假如人们认为一项非专属司法管辖权条款的订立,足以完全让订约双方在其所选择的任何司法管辖区中解决其争议,这是将情况看得过于简单。

    It is overly simplistic to think that a non-exclusive jurisdiction clause fully maintains the parties'freedom to conduct disputes in any jurisdiction they wish .

  6. 并通过对仲裁和诉讼两种不同的争议解决方式之间的分析比较,指出提单管辖权条款在效力认定问题上相较提单仲裁条款的效力认定复杂得多,源于诉讼体现的准司法性。

    Then point out that it is much more complex to recognizing the effectiveness of Jurisdiction clause compared to the arbitration clause . Because the lawsuit manifests quasi-judicial .

  7. 大陆法系国家通常运用诉讼法中的强行性规则限制管辖权条款在某些领域的运用,实际上也起到了与运用公共政策类似的作用;

    Civil law countries tend to confine the usage of jurisdiction clause in terms of the compulsory rules in procedure law , which leads to the same legal consequence .

  8. 第一部分是对提单管辖权条款的概述,简要介绍了提单管辖权条款的含义、类别、特点和作用。

    The first part is a brief introduction to the meaning and categories of jurisdiction clause in bill of lading , it also discusses the characteristics and its importance .

  9. 最后得出笔者的结论:我国应制定对提单管辖权条款效力的认定标准,并承认符合标准的管辖权条款。

    Finally , the author comes to the conclusion that China needs to establish a legal identification criterion and admit the effect of the jurisdiction clauses which measure up to the standard .

  10. 详述了英国及香港法院在处理提单中外国管辖权条款,特别当原告在提单列明的管辖地之外起诉时所适用法律原则及司法实践。

    The paper reviews the current position of the English and Hong Kong courts over foreign jurisdiction clause in Bills of Lading , where the plaintiff proceeds in places other than those specified in the Bills of Lading .

  11. 管辖权的限制主要表现在国家豁免,外交豁免和涉外管辖权条款方面。

    The jurisdictional restriction exists primarily on state immunity and diplomacy immunity as well as foreign jurisdiction clause .

  12. 在当事人协议选择管辖法院时,英美法系国家法院有时会运用法律选择模式和法规优先模式公共政策否定管辖权条款效力;

    When the parties select competent court by agreement , the courts of common law countries sometimes may use public policy of " choice of law mode " and " law and regulations priority mode " to deny the validity of jurisdiction clause .