
  • 网络Management Consulting;management consultancy;Management Consulting Firm;Oliver Wyman
  1. TH管理咨询公司发展战略研究

    The Research on Developing Strategies of TH Management Consulting Company

  2. 去年,肯特•凯德尔接管了伦敦管理咨询公司控制风险集团(ControlRisks)的亚洲业务,他知道自己肯定会遇到大麻烦。

    Kent kedl knew he had big problems last year when he took the helm of the Asia practice of London-based management consulting firm control risks .

  3. 管理咨询公司

    a firm of management consultants

  4. 本文作者约翰•哈格尔三世是德勤管理咨询公司董事,在德勤设在硅谷的CenterfortheEdge担任联合董事长。

    John Hagel III , director in Deloitte Consulting LLP , is the co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the edge based in Silicon Valley .

  5. 人才管理咨询公司美国智睿咨询有限公司(DevelopmentDimensionsInternational)调查了2000多名最近被聘用的员工,询问他们在面试过程中遇到的奇怪问题,结果调查人员收集了一大堆问题。

    When talent management consultants development dimensions international quizzed more than 2,000 newly hired employees about strange questions they had fielded in job interviews , the researchers got an earful .

  6. 费城人才及职业管理咨询公司RightManagement的一项调查显示,有大概60%的员工表示,他们打算等到经济形势改善后辞掉当前的工作。

    Some 60 % of workers say they intend to leave their jobs when the economy improves , according to a survey by Right Management , a talent and career-management consulting firm in Philadelphia .

  7. GS管理咨询公司市场营销策略研究

    Studies on Marketing Tactics of GS Management Consulting Company

  8. 这是管理咨询公司合益集团(HayGroup)上周发布的一项研究中的关键内容。

    That 's the key finding in a study from Hay Group , a global management consultancy firm , which was published this week .

  9. 与莫塞尔管理咨询公司主管全球范围内招聘的副总裁凯瑟琳·H·贝克共度一天后,体会就更清晰了。

    Spend a day with Catherine H. Baker , vice-president in charge of worldwide recruiting at Mercer Management Consulting Inc. , and that much is clear .

  10. 管理咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)称,三分之二的中外合资企业是亏损的。

    Two-thirds of Sino-foreign ventures are loss-making , according to McKinsey , the management consultancy .

  11. 它们是第三方监理、管理咨询公司、企业用户和ERP软件商行为的表现,并指出企业质疑ERP能否真正适合企业的信息化建设或者对ERP全面否定的观点是没有依据的。

    Then it points out that the viewpoint that enterprises doubt whether ERP truly suits enterprise informationization construction and even comprehensively deny ERP isn 't based .

  12. 此后,斯图斯特管理咨询公司提出了一整套基于EVA的企业价值评估及业绩评价的体系。

    After that , Stern & Steward Ltd. Co. proposed a system evaluating the value and performance of an enterprise based on EVA .

  13. 环境管理咨询公司EMSIEngineering客户经理面试题。

    EMSI Engineering ( Account Manager )

  14. 并非每家投行都有高盛(GoldmanSachs)的职业准则,并非每家管理咨询公司都有麦肯锡(McKinsey)的文化。

    Not every investment bank has the work ethic of Goldman Sachs , nor management consultancy the culture of a McKinsey .

  15. 20世纪80年代,美国思腾思特管理咨询公司在剩余收入的基础上,提出了一种新的财务指标&经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,简称EVA)。

    EVA , an acronym for economic value added , as a kind of new financial index is hailed by Stern-Stewart & Company based on a long-known and compelling concept called residual income in 1980 ' s.

  16. 招聘mem毕业生的雇主包括能源企业、金融服务企业以及管理咨询公司。

    Recruiters of MEM graduates include , energy companies , financial services companies and management consulting firms .

  17. 睿仕管理咨询公司(RightManagement)上个月进行的调查显示,约有三分之一(36%)的员工表示,上司在正常工作时间之外,依然用电子邮件对他们狂轰滥炸,另外有15%抱怨在周末和假期也有同样的遭遇。

    About one-third ( 36 % ) of employees in a poll last month by consultants Right Management said they work for people who bombard them with emails after regular work hours , and another 15 % complained of the same thing on weekends and vacations .

  18. 所幸管理咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)前合伙人卡罗琳韦布(CarolineWebb)不是这样的作者。

    Fortunately , Caroline Webb , a former partner at management consultancy McKinsey , is not one of those authors .

  19. 从GS公司的发展经历中总结成功和不足的经验对于其自身的成长和其它管理咨询公司参考借鉴,具有很强的现实意义。

    It is greatly meaningful to summarize the successes and weakness from GS management consulting company for the development of bothitself and other consulting firms .

  20. 根据管理咨询公司奥纬咨询(OliverWyman)的报告《金融服务业的妇女》(WomeninFinancialServices),从全球来说,妇女只占了金融服务业董事会的五分之一和执行委员会的16%。

    Globally , women make up only one-fifth of boards and 16 per cent of executive committees in financial services , according to management consulting firm Oliver Wyman 's Women in Financial Services report .

  21. 本文的讨论目的主要通过对目前国内建设监理行业现状分析,对比国外的实际情况,提出在我国加入WTO后监理企业向项目管理咨询公司转变应对策略。

    The discussion of the thesis aims at putting forward the strategy of supervision enterprises transforming project management consultant companies after China joining WTO by means of the analysis of internal supervision market and contrasting to abroad consultant market .

  22. 管理咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)表示,中国的软件业落后于印度,原因就是中国软件企业结构松散、管理不善。

    McKinsey , the management consultancy , says China 's software industry lags behind India 's , because of its fragmented structure and poor management .

  23. 位于上海的资产管理咨询公司泽奔咨询(Z-BenAdvisors)的分析师克里斯鲍尔斯(ChrisPowers)补充道,一些人对于货币基金的关注或许是错误的。

    Chris Powers , analyst at Z-Ben Advisors , the Shanghai-based asset management consultancy , adds that the focus by some on money funds is perhaps misplaced .

  24. A学生卡拉•戴尔(KaraDyer)2006年夏天经过一次小组面试后成功获得管理咨询公司ZSAssociates驻芝加哥办事处的实习机会。

    M.B.A.student Kara Dyer landed a2006 summer internship in the Chicago office of management consultancy ZS Associates after a panel interview .

  25. 陈玮表示,自己当时没打算离开美国管理咨询公司合益集团(HayGroup),他在该公司担任驻上海的董事总经理。陈玮是上海人,约在15年前去了美国。

    Mr. Chen , a Shanghai native who had moved to the U.S. about 15 years ago , said he didn 't plan to leave Hay Group , a U.S. management-consulting firm where he was a Shanghai-based managing director .

  26. 他还指出,由管理咨询公司创办的“思想领导力”杂志和网站,是咨询公司与商学院——同样大量出版商业书籍,比如《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)之类——之间的边界正变得模糊的又一标志。

    He also points out that the " thought leadership " magazines and websites created by management consultants are another sign of how boundaries with business schools - big publishers themselves , with the likes of Harvard Business Review - are blurring .

  27. 我想我所运用的技能比任何一名我认识的mba实习生都要广博,就连那些最终进入管理咨询公司、科技初创企业和投行的人也不例外。

    I think I have used a broader-based set of skills than any MBA intern I know , including those who ended up in management consulting roles , tech start ups and investment banks .

  28. 我的论文课题是有关于管理咨询公司的关系管理研究。我的导师是BrianMonger教授。

    My thesis topic is Relationship Management in the context of the Management Consulting Profession and my supervisor is Professor Brian Monger .

  29. 管理咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)近期一项研究显示,美国的药价比其它发达国家的同类产品高出50%。

    A recent study by McKinsey , the management consultancy , suggests that drugs in the US cost 50 per cent more than their equivalents in other developed countries .

  30. 上个世纪术,美国斯特恩管理咨询公司(EVA品牌的创造者)率先提出了经济增加值(EVA)的概念,并将其成功应用于全球300多家企业。

    Since the previous century 's end , stern & Stuart consulting company ( EVA brand inventor ) firstly proposed the concept of EVA , and successfully applied EVA more than 300 enterprises in the global .