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  1. 艾瑞咨询集团(iResearchConsultingGroup)提供的数据显示,10年之后,亚马逊中国的业务在网络购物市场中所占的份额不到2%。

    A decade later , Amazon 's China operation has less than 2 percent of the online shopping market , according to iResearch Consulting .

  2. 艾瑞咨询(iResearch)表示,去年中国移动支付市场规模达到5.5万亿美元,而根据福里斯特调查公司(ForresterResearch)的数据,美国移动支付市场规模为1120亿美元,这意味着中国移动支付市场规模为美国的50倍。

    iResearch said China 's mobile payments hit $ 5.5tn last year , 50 times the size of the US 's $ 112bn market , based on Forrester Research figures .

  3. 总部位于北京的咨询公司艾瑞咨询(iResearch)预测,纯电子商务已开始进入增长放缓的时代。

    Beijing-based consultancy iResearch predicts that pure ecommerce has started to hit the era of declining growth .

  4. 根据北京互联网咨询公司艾瑞咨询(iResearch)的数据,微信和腾讯旗下的另一款消息应用QQ是中国最受欢迎的两款移动应用。

    WeChat and Tencent 's other messenger , QQ , are the two most popular mobile apps in China , according to iResearch , a Beijing-based internet research firm .

  5. 中国网络视频行业规模巨大&据艾瑞咨询公司(IResearch)估计,今年的在线广告应该会为这个行业带来约29.5亿美元的营收。

    The Chinese online video industry is massive & this year online ads should generate $ 2.95 billion in sales , according to iResearch .

  6. 专注于中国市场的艾瑞咨询(iResearch)表示,中国在线学习人数去年增长21%,达到7200万人。

    The China-focused analysis firm iResearch says that the number of people studying online in the country rose 21 per cent last year to 72m .

  7. 据中国艾瑞咨询(iResearch)估计,2016年,中国第三方移动支付的规模扩大两倍多,至38万亿元人民币(合5.5万亿美元)。

    The value of Chinese third-party mobile payments more than tripled to Rmb38tn ( $ 5.5tn ) in 2016 , according to estimates by iResearch in China .

  8. 咨询公司艾瑞咨询(iResearch)的数据显示,百度和阿里巴巴的地图各自拥有2亿左右的月活跃用户,而腾讯独立的地图应用仅有800万月活跃用户。

    Figures from iResearch , the consultancy , show that Baidu and Alibaba 's maps have around 200m monthly users each , whereas Tencent 's standalone map application has only 8m .

  9. 财付通一直难以扩大市场份额,而支付宝在中国的在线支付市场占据霸主地位。北京互联网咨询公司艾瑞咨询(iResearch)估计,支付宝占有50%的市场,而财付通的市场份额为20%。

    Tenpay has struggled to gain market share amid Alipay 's dominance of online payment - estimated by Beijing internet company iResearch at 50 per cent against Tenpay 's 20 per cent .

  10. 根据位于北京的互联网咨询公司艾瑞咨询集团(iResearch)发布的研究报告,总体上,中国2014年第二季度的移动互联网收入同比增长了1倍,从210亿元人民币增至440亿元人民币。

    Overall , mobile internet revenues in China doubled year on year in the second quarter of 2014 , from Rmb21bn to Rmb44bn , according to a study published by iResearch , a Beijing-based internet consultancy .

  11. 中国的第三方智能手机在线支付市场让美国市场相形见绌:艾瑞咨询(iResearch)估计,中国这个市场2016年价值15.7万亿元人民币——是eMarketer预测的美国市场2017年625亿美元价值的28倍——到2018年将达到28.5万亿元人民币。

    China 's online third-party smartphone payments market dwarfs that of the US : iResearch estimates it to be worth Rmb15.7tn in 2016 - 28 times the $ 62.5bn forecast by eMarketer for the US in 2017 - and Rmb28.5tn in 2018 .

  12. 而据艾瑞咨询预计,同期中国的移动支付总额将增长7.4倍。

    Chinese payments will grow by 7.4 times in the same period , according to iResearch .

  13. 但艾瑞咨询分析师王婷婷表示,该集团“最终肯定会做出此举”。竞争对手京东最近启动了一项国际业务。

    But Wang Tingting , an analyst at iResearch , says the company " will definitely make that move eventually . "

  14. 根据独立市场研究公司艾瑞咨询的一项调查,摩拜的活跃用户数量估计约为585万。

    The number of Mobike 's active users was estimated around 5.85m , according to a survey by independent market research firm iResearch .

  15. 互联网咨询机构艾瑞咨询集团的分析师卢荣辉表示,这一新规可能不会进一步抑制百度的业务。

    Lu Ronghui , an analyst with internet consultancy iResearch Consulting Group , said the new rule may not further dampen Baidu 's business .

  16. 艾瑞咨询集团和中国最火的微博平台——新浪微博在上海的一个论坛上发布了该报道。该论坛由微博和通信巨头华为联合举办。

    The report by iResearch Consulting Group and Sina Weibo , China 's most popular microblogging platform , was released at a forum in Shanghai , co-organized by Weibo and telecom giant Huawei .

  17. 根据艾瑞咨询的一项报告指出,按照2015年的19.7%的年均增长率,全球人工智能收入在2020年预计将达到1190亿元(折合181亿美元)。

    Global AI revenue is expected to reach 119 billion yuan ( US $ 18.1 billion ) in 2020 , an average annual growth rate of 19.7 percent from 2015 , according to a report by consulting firm iResearch .

  18. 艾瑞咨询表示,中国移动广告市场在2015年价值900亿元人民币,同比增长178%,并预计从2015年到2018年期间复合增长年率达到54%。

    China 's mobile ad market was worth Rmb90bn in 2015 , according to iResearch , up 178 per cent year on year , and is forecast to grow at a compound annual rate of 54 per cent from 2015 to 2018 .

  19. 艾瑞咨询的数据显示,其支付附属公司“财付通”去年处理了中国20%的第三方在线支付,同比仅上升半个百分点,远低于“支付宝”的48%。

    Its payment affiliate , Caifutong , processed 20 per cent of Chinese third-party online payments last year , compared with Alipay 's 48 per cent , according to iResearch . That 's up only half a percentage point from a year earlier .

  20. 研究公司艾瑞咨询集团说,虽然网上订餐只占餐饮行业一小部分比例,但就更多的消费者习惯于网上订餐而言,其市场规模有望在2017年突破400亿。

    Although online food ordering only accounts for a small proportion of the catering industry , research company iResearch Consulting Group says its market volume is expected to hit 40 billion yuan in 2017 , as more consumers develop the habit of booking meals online .

  21. 上海艾瑞市场咨询公司第二季度的调查数据显示,百度在中国搜索引擎市场占有63%的市场份额,谷歌却只有26%。

    Baidu has63 % of the Chinese search market share , while Google has26 % , according second-quarter data research by Shanghai-based iResearch .