
ɡuǎn lǐ lǐ niàn
  • management philosophy
  1. 为了应对不断加剧的挑战,齐商银行z支行制定了精品支行发展战略,并始终坚持以人为本的管理理念。

    In response to the growing challenges , branch Z of Qi Shang Bank established the development strategy of boutique branch , and always adheres to people-oriented management philosophy .

  2. CRM不仅是一种新型的管理理念,还是一种信息技术,它利用庞大的数据网络为支撑,目的在于重塑银行与客户之间的关系、培育优质客户,从而为银行带来长期稳定的利润增值。

    CRM is not only a new management philosophy , also an information technology , which is supported by a large data-repository , aimed at reshaping the relationship between bank and its customers and cultivating high-quality customers .

  3. 引深三种ISO管理理念强化安全闭合管理

    Deep Autumn Deepening Three Kinds of ISO and Reinforcing Safely-closed Management

  4. 中国企业如何从管理理念的高度架构CRM

    How to Construct Management Platform from the Management Concept for Chinese Enterprise 's CRM

  5. 介绍了ISO9000标准的作用以及集成质量系统的概念,从管理理念的相似性、管理职能的互补性和实施的关联性3方面说明ISO9000标准与集成质量系统结合的可能性和必要性;

    The functions of ISO9000 standards and the conception of integrates quality management was introduced .

  6. 对于设备时间运转率这个因素,运用TPM的管理理念论述了如何对设备故障进行管理,并提出了消除故障的有效方法;

    For machine availability rate , how to manage and eliminate the machine failure is discussed .

  7. 追溯不同的经典管理理念,不同的更新决策模型都殊途同归地获得了经济订货量公式EOQ,展现了EOQ所特有的“原始之美”。

    Firstly , the original beauty of EOQ model is exhibited by examining four schools of classical management thoughts .

  8. 随着中国加入WTO,中国企业已参与到一个更加激烈的国际竞争环境中,传统的管理理念与方法不可避免地受到冲击。

    Along with the China 's joining into the WTO , the Chinese business enterprise has nowadays participated in a much more vigorous and intense environment . The traditional management principles and methods are suffering the impact inevitably .

  9. DF商用车公司借鉴先进管理理念和模式,积极融合与创新,管理水平和效率不断提升,运营能力不断增强。

    The management level , efficiency and Operational capacity of DF Commercial Vehicle Company are promoted constantly by learning advanced management and patterns , integrating and creating actively .

  10. 针对检测行业特点、现状及需求,采用先进的信息技术和管理理念,设计出一套贴近实际应用的CRM系统。

    On the basis of the characteristic , status and demands of the testing industry , we designed and developed a practically applicable CRM system with the advanced information technology and the management theory .

  11. 我国已经加入WTO,必须适应入世需求,在政府管理理念、管理体制、管理机制及人才管理体制等诸多方面实现全面的创新。

    Now our country has been accession to WTO , so we must adapt the requirement of WTO and conduct all-round innovation on many aspects such as the idea of government administration , management system , management institution and the management system of talent and etc.

  12. 本文在对美国华盛顿大学商学院进行实证考察的基础上,系统分析了美国华盛顿大学商学院的管理理念、管理体制、教育结构、MBA项目和教学方法及其对我国工商管理教育的启示。

    Based on the practical research , this paper analyses systematically the mission , government structure , education structure , MBA programs , and teaching methods of University of Washington Business School , then discusses its revelations for Chinese business administration education .

  13. 管理理念:程序大于权力、规则看守企业。

    Manage concept : program over power 、 rule dominate enterprise .

  14. 城市化的质的规定性要求城市管理理念的创新。

    Urbanization calls for new ideas and views of urban management .

  15. 全新的事故管理理念科学的事故预防措施

    Completely New Accident Management Concept and Scientific Accident Prevention Measure

  16. 知识经济时代企业管理理念的深刻变革

    The Profound Renovation of Business Management in the Times of Knowledge Economy

  17. 六西格玛管理理念在护士长绩效管理中的应用

    Application of six sigma managing concept in achievement management of head nurses

  18. 六西格玛管理理念与数理统计方法

    The Idea of Six Sigma and the Use of Statistics

  19. 管理理念的转变是优质服务的关键

    Change of Management Concept is the key to Excellent Service

  20. 论政府管理理念创新

    On the Innovation of the Idea of Management of Governments

  21. 新公共管理理念与政府财务报告的完善

    New Public Management Idea and Government Financial Report Consummation

  22. 略论高校管理理念的变革

    On the change of the management concept of college

  23. 我国会计师事务所引入客户关系管理理念的研究

    The Study of the Application of Customer Relationship Management in Our Accounting Firms

  24. 政府管理理念&“好政府”与“强政府”;

    Government idea & good government and strong government ;

  25. 网络大学的组织形态及管理理念

    The Organization Pattern of Network University and Administrative Idea

  26. 经营城市与城市管理理念创新研究

    Research on Managing Urbans and Urban Managerialism Innovation

  27. 我国企业以人为本管理理念分析

    Analysis Of Human Resource Management In Chinese Firms

  28. 现代企业成本管理理念浅析

    Simple analysis of modern enterprise cost management sense

  29. 知识经济:管理理念的深刻革命

    Knowledge-Based Economy : Fundamental Revolution of Management Philosophy

  30. 知识管理理念对数字图书馆建设的影响

    The idea of knowledge management bring influence in the construction of the digital library