
  • 网络Excessive Control;excess control;Overcontrol;overcontrolled
  1. 过度控制电子邮件和网络流量的不幸后果就是,商业活动放缓。

    The unfortunate result of excessive control over email and Internet traffic is the slowing down of commerce .

  2. 城市政府作为土地市场的管理者,政府的过度控制将会导致土地市场不活跃;

    The government as the manager of the land market and the excessive control will cause the inactive of land market .

  3. 过度控制是指对个人工作自主性的限制达到某种程度,以至于严重阻碍有效的工作绩效。

    Overcontrol is the limiting of individual job autonomy to such a point that it seriously inhibits effective job performance .

  4. 把“窥探”和“监督”两个单词合在一起,这个名词描述的是对于员工行为过度控制,甚至有时会侵犯隐私。

    Merging the words " snoop " and " supervise , " this noun describes excessive monitoring of employee activity , which sometimes spills over into breach of privacy .

  5. 该方法可克服现有的非线性自适应控制方法只能控制最小相位的非线性系统并且容易产生过度控制的缺点。

    The proposed method can overcome the drawbacks of existing adaptive nonlinear control methods which can only control minimun phase nonlinear systems and may easily result in a large control effort .

  6. 毫无疑问,在一个复杂多变的社会中,如果自由裁量权受到法律的过度控制,社会问题将难以解决。

    There is no doubt that the social problems will be difficult to solve in a complex and changing society if discretion is unduly controlled by law * Americans scholars , P.

  7. 对于不遵守公司形式行为的适用之界定,主要是资产与事务混同行为的适用限制和过度控制行为的适用限制。

    The definition of the companies which do not comply with the legal forms , mainly refers to the restrictions of confusing assets and affairs of company , or the application of excessive powers and rights of control of company .

  8. 它很容易受到投资过度的控制。

    It can be subject to excesses and abuse .

  9. 最后,您必须避免以法规遵循的名义进行过度的控制。

    Finally , you should also avoid implementing excessive controls simply in the name of compliance .

  10. 在小美联储模式下,一个单独的机构将决定何时针对正在出现的过度行为控制对冒险进行控制。

    In a narrow Fed model a separate agency would decide when to use controls on risk-taking to target emerging excesses .

  11. 反垄断法的三根基本支柱是滥用市场支配地位控制制度、联合限制竞争行为(又称限制竞争协议或垄断协议)控制制度以及经济力量过度集中控制制度。

    The three main bodies in anti-monopoly law are the controlling system : market dominant position abuse , combined limited competition behavior , economy-power over concentration .

  12. 正如你希望控制你的下属、同事们和工作中的计划一样,你大概在你的个人关系中过度要求控制。

    Just as you wish to control your subordinates , co-workers , and projects at work , you are probably overly controlling in your personal relationships .

  13. 市场失灵理论、帕累托最优理论是政府干预调节民办高等教育市场,但同时又不能过度干预控制的理论依据;

    Market malfunction theory and Pareto optimality theory is the theoretical basis for government to interfere and regulate the market of private high education if a moderate degree ;

  14. 结果老年糖尿病患者发生低血糖的主要原因为药物使用不当、进餐延迟、进食减少、过度饮食控制、运动量过大、饮酒等。

    Results The main causes induced the hypoglycemia included improper use of drugs , delay of meal , reduce of food , excessively control of intake , excessive sport , drinking and so on .

  15. 为实现烤烟烘烤自动化,设计了燃烧有烟煤的往复推动炉排燃烧器的自动控制系统,介绍了系统中燃烧器的自动推煤、防回烧、防推煤过度等控制方法。

    To realize the automation of baking flue-cured tobacco , the automatic control system of the reciprocating pushing burner having bituminous coal is designed . Some control methods are introduced that pushing the coal automatically , guarding against burning back , pushing the coal excessively .

  16. 采用具有鲁棒性能的H2控制方法对海洋平台的过度振动进行控制,给出与控制效果相关的加权函数形。

    The H2 control method , which can be used to control the excessive vibration of the offshore platforms with robustness is adopted .

  17. 结论积极纠正低血容量、高凝状态以及避免过度降压是控制CWI的关键。

    Conclusions To improve insufficient blood volume , hyper-coagulation states and avoid overdecreased blood pressure are important for prevention of CWI .

  18. 通过把混沌动力学与收敛力学相结合,使网络逐渐由混沌神经网络向Hopfield网络过度,达到控制混沌的目的,并提供一个在全局最优解附近的值。

    Combining chaotic dynamics and convergence mechanics , the neural networks is changed gradually form chaotic NN to Hopfield NN as to control the chaos , and the initial value near global optimal solution is also provided at the same time .

  19. 颤音唱歌中的颤音,通常指过度的或控制不好的。

    A vibrato in singing , often excessive or poorly controlled .

  20. 仲裁的司法监督:过度干预和控制还是适度监督

    Judicial Supervision over Arbitration : Excessive Intervention and Control or Appropriate Supervision

  21. 运动员的赛前过度紧张及其控制

    The athlete 's overstrain before match and its control

  22. 第五部分对股票价格过度波动的控制提出几点建议。

    And the last chapter puts forward some suggestions to the control of the stock price volatility .

  23. 究其原因,往往与地方政府经济人本性导致其自身利益过度膨胀和控制不当直接相关。

    All these are usually relevant directly to the over-expansion and improper control of local government 's benefits caused by its " economy man " character .

  24. 一半儿童承认他们有进食过多或贪食的习惯,即过度饮食缺乏控制。

    Half of the children said they had a habit of overeating or bingeing , which refers to overeating with a feeling of being out of control .

  25. 然而,在管理实践过程中,人力资源管控存在着诸多问题:如过度集权、控制层过多、一刀切管理等等。

    However , in the implementation process of human resource management & control , there are so many irregular phenomena , for example , excessiveness of centralization , overabundance of management level , no flexibility and so on .

  26. 由于教学具有生成性,学生总会采取各种策略回应乃至消解教师过度的强权控制,教学始终是一个师生权力关系不断摩擦、不断磋商的过程。

    Teaching is productive , so students will adopt various strategies to respond , even to clear up the excessive powerful control of teachers . Therefore , teaching is always a process during which power of teachers and students frictions and negotiates .

  27. 上市公司过度投资与负债控制效应研究

    Study on Overinvestment and Debt Control Effects of Listed Company

  28. 多个体消耗弱再生公共资源的谋利行为的均衡曲线与过度谋利行为的控制模型

    The Equilibria Curve of Benefit-Seeking Behavior of Consuming Thinly Reborn Resource and the Control Model of Excess Benefit-Seeking Behavior

  29. 表明内部现金流构成家族控股股东过度投资、攫取控制权私利的资金来源。

    The phenomenon represents the internal cash flow has been the capital source to grab control of self-interest by family controlling shareholders .

  30. D(注意缺陷障碍).此外,如果他们看上去过度活跃且无法控制自己的行为,那医生可能会说这是A。

    D.If , in addition , they seem overly active and unable to control their behavior , a doctor might say it is A.