
  1. 我国工程造价管理失控的原因及其控制措施探讨

    Discussion on the Reasons for Construction Project Cost Management Getting Out of Control and Corresponding Countermeasures

  2. 管理失控是导致企业集团战略管理失败的主要原因。

    The main reason of Strategy Failure is that the parent company loses control of the subsidiary .

  3. 高等学校教育成本管理失控的成因分析与对策

    The Causes and Countermeasures for Institutions of Higher Learning to Have Lost Control of the Management Cost

  4. 近年来,我国一大批证券公司因管理失控、经营粗放等问题而被撤销、关闭或行政接管,证券公司内部控制薄弱造成的后果已经相当严重。

    These years , many security companies are closed or taken - over for the reason of losing management control .

  5. 本文从财务角度分析教材管理失控的原因,提出了完善教材管理的设想。

    This paper analyses the reasons of the chaos in teaching material management from the financial perspective and puts forward the countermeasures .

  6. 导致这些违法犯罪活动重要的原因就是企业的内控制度不健全,管理失控。

    One important reason of these illegal and criminal activities is the corporate internal control system is not complete , the management out of control .

  7. 内部财务控制使企业得以强身健体,防范内部管理失控,防止财务信息失真,从而可以有效防治经济犯罪现象的发生;

    Internal finance control can make enterprises stronger and guarantee the validity of internal management and the reality of the accounting information to prevent occurance of economic crimes .

  8. 由于法治功能的弱化,近些年山西民用爆炸物品治安问题突出、管理失控。

    Due to the weakening of the legal system , in recent years the problems of civilian explosive devices in Shanxi are highlighted and the management is out of control .

  9. 在一系列财务报表舞弊、风险管理失控事件之后,许多专家学者和业内人士认识开始反思企业治理和内部审计等问题。

    After a series of financial statements fraud and risk management going out of control incident , many experts and scholars began to reflect on corporate governance and internal audit issues .

  10. 国内二十余年的资本市场发展历程中,证券公司风险管理失控带来的违规违法问题也层出不穷,甚至造成证券行业在2001-2005年处于系统性崩溃的边缘。

    In the course of the development of domestic capital markets in two decades , risk management of securities companies went out of control , which brought about numerous illegal issues .

  11. 近年来,会计舞弊、管理失控造成企业破产,投资者信心严重丧失,使得内部控制逐渐被关注。

    In recent years , accounting fraud and out-of-control of the enterprise leads to bankruptcy , investors lose their confidence and social public begin to pay more attention to internal control .

  12. 本文提出的建议,希望有助于改善山东建工集团管理失控的状况,并对其他建筑施工企业有所借鉴。

    The author hopes the suggestions arising out of this article could help to improve the status of out of control actions and also hopes to give some suggestions to other construction enterprises .

  13. 这些不确定因素可能造成项目工期延长、成本增加、计划修改等工程项目管理失控问题,最终导致工程经济效益降低,甚至项目失败。

    These uncertain factors may cause the project to extend the project period , add the cost and change the plan , ultimately may reduce the economic benefits , even cause the project fail .

  14. 导致抢劫银行犯罪高成功率的主要因素有:犯罪职业化程度的提高,涉暴武器的管理失控,银行自身存在的不良因素等。

    These major factors making the crime success rate being high are that the professional crime action is increasing , the weapon related to crime is running away , the defects of the bank itself is existing .

  15. 目前我国相当一部分企业对建立内部会计控制制度不够重视,导致会计信息失真、会计秩序混乱以致最后管理失控。

    At present a number of enterprises attach little importance to enactment of internal accounting control system , which has led to falsification of accounting information , accounting disorder , and even failure to control over management .

  16. 由于内部管理失控,中小企业的财务制约暴露了诸多问题,加强财务制约势在必行。

    Because of the loss of the control of inner management , the middle and small enterprises expose many problems in the finance check and supervision , and strengthening the finance check and supervision is extremely important .

  17. 从社会学视角审视,社会角色匿名是网瘾行为恣意的必备条件,社会支持不足是网瘾倾向强化的反向支撑,社会管理失控是网瘾问题恶化的主要原因。

    From a sociological perspective , the anonymity of social roles of is a prerequisite ; the lack of social support is a reverse support to strength the addiction tendencies ; social management out of control is the main cause .

  18. 20世纪90年代,一些跨国性金融公司就已经认识到,相继发生的重大操作风险和洗钱案等风险丑闻,突显出了公司自身合规风险管理失控问题的严峻性。

    As far back as the 1990s , some international finance companies have already realized that , risk scandals as great operational risk case and money laundering taking place in succession , mostly caused by its failure management of compliance risk .

  19. 国际上一些跨国银行早在20世纪90年代就已经认识到,相继发生的重大操作风险和银行洗钱案等风险丑闻,大多是由于银行自身的合规风险管理失控所造成的。

    As early as the 1990s , a number of international banks have been recognized that a variety of outbreak of the operation risk and the scandals of money laundering result from the compliance risk management of bank out of control .

  20. 本文针对项目管理的失控问题,阐述了如何对项目资金进行控制,并提出了若干建议。

    Aiming to uncontrollable problem of project management , this paper expounds how to control project capital , and presents some suggestions .

  21. 近些年,随着私挖滥采矿产资源的情况日益严重,山西民用爆炸物品治安问题越来越突出,管理严重失控。

    With more and more serious illegal coal mining in Shanxi , the problem of civilian explosives becomes prominent , even out of control .

  22. 但是,中国种子经营企业数量多、规模小,市场化程度不高,种子市场管理严重失控。

    But , there are too many seed management company that the scale is small and the marketable degree is not high , the seed market management seriously loses control .

  23. 课余体育锻炼对培养其形成良好的生活习惯,养成自觉锻炼的习惯起着极其重要的作用,但相比之下,高校的课外体育锻炼仍处于缺乏有效管理的失控状态。

    By contrast , University of extra-curricular physical exercise is still in lack of effective management control of the state . After-school physical activity on the development of their form a good living habits , to develop the habit of consciously training plays an extremely important role .

  24. 核电站辐射防护的任务主要包括:个人和集体剂量控制,放射性物质管理以防止失控和污染扩散,辐射事故预防,其中最能衡量核电站辐射防护管理和ALARA实施水平的指标是集体剂量控制。

    Radiation protection in nuclear power plant is mainly for : controlling the individual and collective doses , management of radioactive material to prevent any loss of control or contamination spreading , and prevention of radiation protection related incidents and accidents .

  25. 为解决其生产组织管理无序、失控和工艺执行问题,提出了一种自动化的配料方法。

    In order to solve the production organization management disorder , out of control and crafts execution problems proposed a method of automatic ingredient .

  26. 麦克•史密斯•霍尔华生,CorporateFX总的来说,我认为,欧洲中央银行在欧元政策的管理方面有点失控和信心不足。

    MIKE SMITH HALVORSEN , CORPORATE FX I think it shows a lack of control and a lack of confidence in general terms in the ECB 's management of Euro policy .

  27. 虽然我国和西方发达国家在上市企业管理界面同样存在高级管理人员薪酬失控现象,但是,我国的具体原因和西方国家的具体原因又有所不同。

    While China and Western countries in the enterprise management interface also exists the phenomenon of senior management staff salaries out of control , but the specific element of our country and Western countries due to specific reasons , it also different .

  28. 企业上下级之间存在的信息不对称导致了企业内部信息滞后、失真和不完整,给公司管理层决策带来很大影响,形成管理失控风险。

    Incongruous information between upper levels and lower levels leads to the delay , distortion and incompleteness of information in corporation . This will affect the policy-making of corporation managers and run the risk of losing control of management .

  29. 研究如何构建有效的税源管理体系,进一步优化基层税源管理,解决税源失控问题,成为当前税收征管亟待解决的首要问题。

    How to build effective sources of revenue management system , further optimization of the primary sources of revenue management to address the sources of tax revenue out of control , the tax collection and the most important issue to be solved .

  30. 本文认为当前地质经济管理存在的主要问题,是以包代管造成宏观管理失控,片面强调动态管理导致秩序紊乱,和忽视对人的管理。

    The major problems existed in the management of geological economy are : abandonment of administrative control after contracting and overstressing the so-called " dynamic control ," which caused ailments in macro-economic control and economic order , and the neglect of personnel management .