
  • 网络Edge layer;marginal layer;marginal zone;rim proper
  1. E21~31d,神经管已分化出室管膜层、外套层、边缘层、脊神经节、脊神经及交感神经链。

    E21  ̄ 30d , the neural tube differentiates the ependymal , the mantle and the marginal layer , the spinal and the sympathetic ganglion .

  2. 滤泡髓质区上皮分化为网状上皮,边缘层和芯细胞。

    The epithelial cells of the follicular medulla differentiated into the reticular epithelial cells , the marginal layer and the core cells .

  3. 建设语音MPLSVPN网和中继,信令网关,实现骨干层和边缘层的设计。

    Build tone MPLS VPN , TG , and SG , realize skeleton and brim level design .

  4. 5μg/ml砷仅对脑部有轻度损害,可见内皮层和边缘层细胞脱落,说明脑是砷毒作用的一个敏感靶器官。

    In a dose dependent manner . The cell exfoliation of epithelial and edge layer was only discovered in 0.5 μ g / ml group , which demonstrated that brain was a susceptible target tissue .

  5. 发育过程中NT-3及其受体在室管膜层-套层-边缘层3条带上呈现不同程度的免疫阳性反应。

    During the embryonic development , NT-3 and TrkC showed a positive immune reaction to a greater or less extent in ependymal zone mantle zone marginal zone .

  6. 孵育第9~10d,中脑泡可分细胞层和边缘层或纤维层,中脑水管未形成;

    The midbrain vesicle formed cell layer and fiber layer , but the duct of midbrain did not appear during the 9-10 days of incubation .

  7. 通过类C1陨石与其它球粒陨石及C1陨石成分结构特征的对比,推断它们是星云盘边缘层星云发生气-液-固和气-固联合凝聚作用,同时发生水化作用的产物。

    Through the comparative studies on Q-C1 meteorite , C1 meteorite , and other carbonaceous chondrite , the Q-C1 meteorite 's origin is inferred that they were results if gas-liquid-solid condensation , gas-solid condensation and hydrous effect in border sheet of nebular disk .

  8. 结果RIM3γ的mRNA主要表达在丘脑腹后外侧核、嗅球的僧帽细胞层、大脑皮质躯体感觉区的第Ⅱ~Ⅳ层及在小脑的颗粒层和脊髓后角的边缘层区域。

    Results RIM3 γ mRNA was preferentially expressed in lateral posterior thalamic , mitral layer of the main olfactory bulb , layers ⅱ - ⅳ of somatosensory cortex , the granula layer of the cerebellum and the superficial layers of the spinal cord dorsal horn .

  9. 基于边缘层活动的战略决策模式

    The Strategic Decision-making Model Based on Activity of Edge Layer

  10. 脑室层,除边缘层外,每一层各含有不同类型的神经元。

    There are a variety of neurons on each stratum except SM .

  11. 第6层边缘层.同时对莫桑比克罗非鱼中脑视顶盖与其他脊椎动物的结构特点进行了比较。

    The characters of optic tectum in mozambique tilapia were compared with other vertebrate animals .

  12. 本研究将边缘层模型应用于两层流体系统中弱非线性内波在台阶地形上的反射和透射问题的研究。

    The edge-layer theory is applied to study the refection and transmission of the weakly nonlinear internal wave over a step in a two-layer fluid system .

  13. 它采用一种幽默与讽刺相结合的方式,从本质上讲,它属于政治言论的符号空间里的边缘层。

    They use a combination of humor and irony , in essence , they belong to the edge of the layer in the symbolic space of political speech .

  14. 边缘层行为是市场导向的、反复试错的结果,公司总部常常在与边缘层的相互冲突、相互学习中发现新战略。

    Behavior of edge layer is a market-oriented result by trial and error . Company general headquarters often find new strategy in the process of learning each other and conflicting each other with edge layer .

  15. 笔者认为研究期内安徽省旅游空间格局为以主核心层(黄山合肥),次核心层(安庆池州芜湖)和边缘层(其他城市)构成的多层级核心边缘空间结构模式。

    The author considers that the tourism spatial structure in Anhui Province to the main core layer ( Huangshan-Hefei ), second core layer ( Anqing-Chizhou-Wuhu ) and marginal layer ( other cities ) to form a multi-level " core - periphery " spatial mode .

  16. 另外本文给出了边缘服务器层基于负载均衡的数据调度策略,包括点播请求下数据的分发和拥塞控制策略两方面。

    This paper also gave load balancing data distributed strategy in CDN layer including requested data distributing and congestion control .

  17. 在强碱性环境下,片层边缘连接层与层之间的氢键被削弱,使得层内存在应力。

    However , under highly basic condition , the interlayer H-bond linkage at the sheet edges can be weakened , causing stresses in the layers .

  18. 用油酥面皮盖住边缘,每层之间抹些熔化的黄油。

    Let the pastry overhang the rim and brush between the layers with the melted butter .

  19. 该机制以无连接的逐跳QoS路由为基础,将整个互联网划分成核心网络和边缘网络两层。

    Based on hop-by-hop QoS routing , the Internet is divided into core and edge networks .

  20. 然后利用B帧的运动信息将镜头的边缘在图像层GOP中精确定位。

    Feature difference threshold may be self - adaptively regulated ; And then , shot boundary is located precisely in GOP using motion information of B frame .

  21. Terrien角膜边缘变性板层角膜移植疗效分析

    Analysis of the therapeutic result of Terrien 's marginal degeneration of cornea treated with lamellar keratoplasty

  22. 鄂尔多斯盆地边缘沉积盖层底部类冰碛岩的讨论

    Tilloid at the bottom of the sedimentary covers on the margins of the Ordos Basin

  23. 现在探测器正处于太阳系的边缘——日光层。

    It is now in the heliosphere , which marks the edge of our solar system .

  24. 引脚的边缘和阻挡层必须至少有半数的最小间距离开单元的边界。

    The edges of pins and blockages must be at least one half the minimum spacing away from the cell boundary .

  25. 研究了喷口边缘自由剪切层在下游扰流物干涉下产生自激振荡的机理,并进行了相应的实验。

    The mechanism of the self-sustaining pressure oscillation derived from the free shear layer between jet edge and downstream disturbing objects is investigated and some experiments are made .

  26. 多层堆焊时,易产生堆焊层横向裂纹、焊道边缘气孔及层间结合不良等堆焊缺陷。

    The transverse crack in surfacing layer , porosity in bead edge and non-fusion between layers are the defects that are liable to produce when multi-layer surfacing is used .

  27. 大庄子金矿床是产出于胶莱盆地北缘的一个新类型金矿床,金矿受盆地边缘具有顺层产出特征的平缓断裂的严格控制。

    The Dazhuangzi gold deposit located in the northern margin of the Jiaolai pull apart basin is a new type gold deposit , which is controlled strictly by a fault .

  28. 在大量实例中,用在雷达曲线上同时考虑六个目标变量的方法证实了对由简单支撑边缘的三层(θ/-θ/θ)长方板有效性。

    In numerical examples , the idea of considering the six objective functions simultaneously in the radar chart is demonstrated for the three layer [ θ / - θ / θ ] rectangular plates with simply supported edges .

  29. 组织学观察结果:术后2周,无支架组均可见替代物表面有胶原及炎性渗出物,边缘见1~2层鳞状上皮细胞;

    Observational result of histology : Two weeks after operation , the esophageal defect was covered with collagen layer and inflammation exudation . A little epithelization was observered at free edge of the anastomosis , which was 1-2 layers of stratified squamous epithelium cells in both groups .

  30. 在部分滑移区,微滑发生在接触区边缘,淬火层损伤轻微,磨损机制是磨粒磨损和氧化磨损。

    When the fretting ran into PSR , the micro-slip occurring at the contact edge , the sticking occurring at the contact center and the damage of hardening layer being slight , the scar presented a typical morphology of annularity . And its mechanisms were abrasive wear and oxidation wear .