
biān gōu
  • side ditch;cuvette
边沟[biān gōu]
  1. 现有的公路设计中,考虑较多的仅仅是通过设置道路的纵坡、边沟及排水沟等设施来排除地表水。

    The existing highway design criterion only takes setting pavement longitudinal grade , side ditch and drainage ditch into account in order to eliminate surface water .

  2. 水力最优断面在公路边沟设计中的应用

    Application of Optimum Hydraulic Section in Design of Hydraulic Side Ditch

  3. 高速公路边沟施工质量的工艺控制与监理

    Technological control and supervision of construction quality of Expressway limbic channel

  4. 公路边沟中通信光缆沟的爆破开挖

    Blasting Excavation of Furrow for Sound Optical Cable in Highway Side Ditch

  5. 加强高速公路石砌边沟的施工管理

    The Construction Management of Strengthening Expressway Stone Drain

  6. 禁止任意利用公路边沟进行灌溉或者排放污水。

    Also banned is the use of roadside ditches for irrigation or drainage purposes .

  7. 将剩余污泥的排放点改在边沟是十分必要的。

    It 's necessary to set discharge tube of excess sludge in the side ditch .

  8. 高速公路边沟排水的设想

    The Study on Expressway Side Ditch Drainage

  9. 道路路表排水的锯齿型街沟计算算法和综合设计朝北锯齿形屋顶边沟

    On Integrated Design & Computational Algorithm of Saw-tooth Shaped Street Gutters about Road Surface Drainage

  10. 新型公路边沟清挖机

    New Road Side Trench Digger

  11. 论《夹边沟》系列小说中的复杂人性这个两边的夹角是多大?

    On the Complex Human Nature in the Series " Jiabiangou "; How big is the angle contained by these 2 sides ?

  12. 通过参与大新高速公路边沟全过程的施工实践,就如何作好高速公路浆砌片石沟防护内在质量与外观质量谈些看法。

    Combined with the construction practice , the paper discussed the quality of stone drain protection , and proposed some advice for reference .

  13. 在夹边沟被关闭之后,一位医生被派到劳改营,花了六个月的时间为每一名囚犯编造病历。

    After it was shuttered , a doctor who was assigned to the camp spent six months fabricating the medical records of every inmate .

  14. 结合山西省高速公路建设的工程实际,初步探讨了目前高速公路边沟排水与美化设计的基本原则,提出能更好地满足边沟排水的设想。

    By analyzing expressway side ditch design , combined with the engineering practice , the paper discussed the basic principle of side ditch drainage and beautification design for meeting with side ditch drainage plan .

  15. 发现孔隙率在5%~8%时沥青混凝土路面就开始渗水,路面与路缘石或预制边沟的接缝具有相当的渗水能力。

    It is found that when porosity is 5 % - 8 % , bituminous concrete pavement starts to penetrate water , pavement and road curbstone or the joints of precast side ditches have considerable penetration capacity .

  16. 通过对目前高速公路边沟、中央分隔带、路肩排水等设计的分析,并结合具体设计,对如何完善高速公路排水系统做了初步的论述。

    Through the analysis on the design of the drainage of the side trench , central separation strip and road-shoulder of the superhighway , and connecting with the concrete design , this paper discusses on how to perfect the drainage system of the superhighway .

  17. 结合汾灌高速公路边沟的施工实践,分析了影响高速公路边沟质量的因素,提出了提高边沟质量的措施、工艺控制及监理要点等。

    In this paper , the factors affecting the expressway limbic channel quality are analysed by using the experience in expressway limbic channel construction , and the measures for improving the limbic channel quality and the main process control and supervision points are proposed .

  18. 对排水口排水能力的水力计算,综合考虑了边沟形式、边沟内水流量、铺面横坡、道路纵坡等因素,得出了排水口排水能力在不同条件下的变化规律。

    Hydraulic calculation for water drainage capability of water outlet takes comprehensive consideration of factors such as side ditch form , water flow inside side ditch , pavement lateral gradient , etc. , so to conclude the changing rules of water drainage capability of outlet under different conditions .

  19. 结合工程实例,介绍了大面积淤泥质地基处理的措施、工程特点、换填施工工艺、路基排水边沟设置以及施工中应注意的事项。

    Connecting with the engineering practice , this paper introduces the measures for large-area muddy ground foundation treatment , the engineering features , the soil replacing and filling processes , the setting up of the side trench for the roadbed drainage , and some matters needing attention in the construction .

  20. 阴沟的水流到哪里?帕特拉斯基躺在水沟里。水从稻田边流进沟里。

    The water flows into the ditch at the edge of the rice field .

  21. 对污染土层进行了一维和二维有限层分析,最后对南京长江边污水排放沟处污染土的污染物运移进行数值计算,预测了未来200年内各种污染物的变化情况。

    And that finite layer analysis in one and two dimensions is carried through laplace transforms , in the end , numerical simulation of experimental site is put up and the change of contaminant within 200 years is forecasted .

  22. 田边水沟和道路边沟的螺情很严重(阳性螺占有螺面积的62%),是最危险的易感地带。

    The ditches beside paddy fields and roads were the most dangerous susceptive zone because of serious Oncomelania , area of Positive Oncomclania is62 % of Oncomelania area .