
fú shè qū
  • radiation zone
  1. 小城镇经济辐射区研究&以重庆为例

    Tentative study of economic radiation zone of small cities and towns & take Chongqing as an example

  2. 分析了超临界锅炉水动力特性对下辐射区水冷壁出口温度的影响。

    The influence of supercritical boiler 's hydrodynamic characteristics to the outlet temperature of water wall 's lower radiation zone is analyzed .

  3. 硬X射线能段是天体物理的重要波段,由于具有较强的穿透能力,因而它可以携带辐射区的很多信息。

    The energy band of hard X-ray , with strong penetrability , is an important astrophysical wave band .

  4. 结果发现两种类型湖滨带N2O排放均显著高于临近的开阔水体,可以达到10~100倍,水位变幅区是湖滨带温室气体N2O排放的峰值区,是陆向和水向辐射区的5~10倍。

    The results show that N2O emissions from both types of littoral zones were evidently higher than that from adjacent open water ( up to 10 ~ 100 times ) .

  5. 作为上海近辐射区的苏州市,综合经济实力强,人均GDP和GOP总量都达到较高的发展水平,是我国经济发展最为迅速的地区之一。

    The city of Suzhou , near to Shanghai , had strong comprehensive economic strength and the total GDP and GOP reached a high level of development . It is one of the most rapidly developing areas in China .

  6. 辐射区皮肤抽吸水疱液中三种PGs水平均在UV照后5小时明显升高,峰值约在UV照后5~9小时之间,三种PGs水平变化与PA活性变化均无显著相关性;

    Levels of the three PGs in the suction blisters obviously elevated at 5 hours of irradiation with peaks in 5 to 9 hours . Between levels of the three PGs and PA activities , there were no significant correlations .

  7. 主成分分析在小城镇经济辐射区研究中的应用&以重庆市大足县为例

    The method of factor analysis on the town economic radial area study

  8. 而这些牛奶的源头又是吃了辐射区的草的奶牛。

    The milk came from cows that ate grass where radioactive material had fallen .

  9. 1958年美国的第一颗卫星发现了地球周围辐射区的重要信息。

    In 1958 , the first US satellite discovered important information about areas of radiation around the earth .

  10. 本文暂且把这种基本经济地域单元称为城市经济辐射区,以供探讨。

    This text calls such basic unit of economic region radiation area of urban economy temporally for discussion .

  11. 铝合金上部出气管位于上部发热源的辐射区。

    Aluminum ally upper steam outlet pipe is positioned in the irradiation area of the upper electric heat source .

  12. 通过监测伽玛射线,我们可以找到宇宙中的强辐射区。在这里,粒子被加速,获得很高的能量。

    And looking at the universe with gamma-ray eyes , this reveals places in the universe where particles are accelerated to very high energies .

  13. 但军方和文职消防队员不得不保持距离和时间限制,他们可以在因辐射区。

    But the military and civilian firefighters had to keep their distance and limit the time they could be in the area because of the radiation .

  14. 以石英窗口氘灯为传递标准光源,在紫外及真空紫外辐射区完成了同步辐射和壁稳氩弧两种基准之间的对比。

    The deuterium lamp as a radiometric transfer , the comparison of synchrotron radiation and wall stabilized argon arc plasma radiation was performed in 165-350 nm .

  15. 星际闪烁现象和星际介质的深入理解,使脉冲星星际闪烁已成为研究诸如脉冲星辐射区结构和脉冲星速度等脉冲星本身性质的重要工具。

    The progress on determining distribution of scattering plasma in the galaxy , resolving pulsar emission region and measuring pulsar velocities based on interstellar scintillation are also described .

  16. 在远场主要辐射区(即傍轴区),振幅和相位对于源包络扰动不敏感,而在远轴区较敏感。

    In the paraxial region , the far field amplitude and phase are not sensitive to the source perturbation , but , in off axis region , they may be sensitive .

  17. 城市经济辐射区作为都市区形成的萌芽阶段,其形成与发展的研究对于我国的区域经济的发展有着极其重要的意义。

    The radiation district of urban economy , as embryonic stage of the Metropolitan area , its study focus on forming and development has extremely important meaning for the development of regional economy in our country .

  18. 根据核心区辐射区推广区的总体规划,狠抓项目建设,梧州市现代农业实验区已初步形成层次分明的运作格局。

    According to the overall project of core region , radiated region , extended region , modern agricultural experimental region in Wuzhou has preliminary formed clear operated pattern , at the same time focusing on establishment of project .

  19. 寡日照低辐射区不同重穗型杂交水稻品种比较因此,稻农只种具有与籼-粳杂交品种农学特性相同的优质品种。

    Yield Performance of Different Hybrid Rice Varieties with a Big Panicle in Zunyi Region with More Cloudy Days Therefore , rice farmers grow only high quality varieties which have similar desirable agronomic characters to those of the indica-japonica cross varieties .

  20. 根据试验区和试验辐射区的经验,探讨了农民培训的必要性,提出了农民培训的对象、内容、方式及培训中应注意的问题。

    Through the research in the experimental area and the areas involved , this project has brought up the necessity , contents , and methods of farmer-training , what kinds of farmers should be trained , and the problems we should avoid .

  21. 考虑到中国的现状,认为应该充分利用就有铁路货运站的宝贵资源,将攀枝花铁路货运站作为基础同时新建一个铁路物流分区,两部分共同承担攀枝花以及辐射区内的货运要求。

    The paper argues that should make full use of the valuable resources of the railway freight station . Panzhihua railway freight station at the same time create a new railway logistics partition . The two parts shared the the Panzhihua freight requirements .

  22. 从土地科学和农业经济科学视角出发,探讨我国国家农业科技园区的运行机制和园区内部核心区、示范区和辐射区三大结构的土地利用规模状况;

    From the angle of land science and agricultural economy science , this paper firstly discusses the inner mechanism of the national agricultural science and technology parks and the land use of the inner core area , the demonstration area and the radial area .

  23. 本文报道利用光镜和电镜观察到CO2激光辐射损伤区:碳化带,凝固带、水肿带。

    The damage area of CO_2 laser radiation on cerebral tissue was studied by LM and EM in experimental animals and human cerebral tumors .

  24. 黄海海底辐射沙洲区的M2潮波潮汐响应分析的非线性效应及太阳辐射潮


  25. 我们认为这可能与小尺度空间内spike辐射源区的等离子体密度出现短时标的波动及磁场强度的起伏有关。

    We think it is related to the fluctuations of the plasma density and the magnetic field of the source region in a small space scale .

  26. 基于TM图像的潮滩表层沉积物含水量推算模型研究&以江苏辐射沙洲区为例

    Study on Model of Surface Sediment Humidity on Tidal Flat Based on Remote Sensing Image of TM & A Case Study of Radial Sands Banks in Jiangsu Province , China

  27. 将焚烧炉划分为加热干燥区、热解区、残炭燃烧区、挥发分燃烧区、辐射传热区,使建立的热力模型比Essenhigh模型更接近实际过程。

    Some fields , such as drying by heating , devolatilization , char burning , volatiles burning , radiative heat transfer were divided in waste incinerator , thus making thermodynamic model more approaching to the actual process than Essenhigh model .

  28. 高功率密度同步辐射前端区安全防护系统的结构与配置

    Construction Configuration of Safeguard System for High Power Density Synchrotron Radiation Frontage

  29. 辐射烧蚀区电子温度研究

    Investigation of electron temperature of radiation ablation region

  30. 辐射污染区土壤中放线菌的分离及多样性

    Diversity Investigation of Actinomycetes Isolated from Radiation-polluted Soil