
lún jù
  • Track width;tread;gauge;wheel-base;rut
轮距[lún jù]
  1. 设有液压输出接口,用户可根据需要进行液压输出;轮距可调;液压转向。

    PTO according with international standard , hydraulic output interface and adjustable tread , hydraulic steering are equipped .

  2. 优化后发现前束角、外倾角、轮距、轴距的变化范围均得到了一定程度上的改善。

    Optimized prior to the discovery beam angle , camber , tread , wheelbase range of variation are to a certain degree of improvement .

  3. 火车车轮和轮箍轧制通过延展的车罩、加长的轮距和舒缓的车顶,全新BMW7系的光彩无法被掩盖。

    Its assets are impossible to conceal : through its extended bonnet , long wheelbase and generously tapering roof contours the new BMW 7 Series displays its unique character .

  4. 轮距和车身都加宽了,车子更加稳定,装载空间也大了。

    The wheel-track and bodywork were also widened for stability and extra load-space .

  5. 泰山-25拖拉机前轮轮距液压无级调整的研究

    Research on Hydraulic Pressure Stepless Adjustment of Front - wheel Tread of Mount Tai-25 Tractor

  6. 前后轮距也分别增加了59毫米,相较于掀背车。

    The front and rear tracks have been increased by59 mm compared to the hatchback .

  7. 小车架有大特色,它有窄轮距和改良的重量分布,适合于身材娇小的骑行者。

    It has a narrow track and improved weight distribution that is perfect for smaller riders .

  8. 更广泛的前后轮距增强操控性和较低的道路感到更有信心的重心。

    Wider front and rear tracks enhance handling and lower the center of gravity for a more confident road feel .

  9. 这座拔地而起的首都之轮距波托马克河55米好似直入云霄,可以一览华盛顿特区的全景。

    The Capital Wheel soars 55 meters above the Potomac River with panoramic views of the Washington , D.C. area .

  10. 轮距相对于轴距较大,车辆转弯能力便较好,方向稳定性则中等;反之亦然。

    Greater track in relation to the wheelbase leads to a tendency towards good cornering ability and medium directional stability and vice versa .

  11. 宽轮距、长轴距、低重心和前后50:50的重量分配构成了完美平衡。

    And the wide track , long wheelbase , low centre of gravity and 50:50 weight distribution ensure perfect balance at all times .

  12. 另外,由于前轮距重心较远,就不会出现后三点起落架容易发生的“拿大顶”现象。(意译)

    In addition , the nosewheel makes it impossible for the plane to tip over on its nose during landing , as can sometimes happen on taildraggers .

  13. 在向飞机挂装悬挂物时,后驱动轮插入到机翼下,为躲开障碍物可以实现轮距变幅。

    The back driving wheels can be inserted under airfoils when hanging equipment on an aircraft , and the varying tread can be realized for avoiding barriers .

  14. 讨论分析了路面位移的变化趋势并且对车辆的轮距、轴距、重量等参数对路面动力反应的影响进行了初步的探讨。

    In the research , the rule of dynamic displacement of roadway is mainly analyzed , and the effects of main vehicle parameters on dynamic response are discussed .

  15. 主要分析内容有:车轮外倾角、车轮内倾角、主销后倾角、前束、轮距及转向误差的变化规律。

    The main analysis content includes transformation rule of camber angle , kingpin inclination angle , caster angle , toe in , wheel grounding distance and steering error .

  16. 由于联动悬架中的两悬架用连杆相连,连杆可以设计得较长,因此这种悬架更适用于轮距较大的车辆。

    The suspension frame is more suitable to vehicles with long wheel base because the two suspension frames are connected with linkage and the linkage can have a longer design .

  17. 挖掘参数的设计涉及多方面的因素,其中主要有挖掘力、平衡重、轮距、底盘宽度以及工作装置自身的约束条件。其根本在于力矩的平衡。

    The design of digging parameter refers to many factors , for example digging force , back balance , tread , chassis width and the self constraint condition of work device .

  18. 以简化道路模型为对象,以数值计算方法为手段,研究了载重货车不同单边双轮轮距对沥青面层层底应变的影响。

    Based on the model of simplified road , the effects of different double-wheels sizes of lorry on the bottom strain of asphalt layer were analyzed by the method of numerical calculation .

  19. 本实用新型有独特三轮行走装置,并且三轮轮距可调的升降臂型悬挂物挂装车。

    The utility model relates to a lifting arm type hanging equipment loading truck which is provided with a unique three-wheel running device , and can adjust the tread of the three wheels .

  20. 考虑轮距滤波的情况下,分析了摩托车振动响应与车速之间的关系,并通过大量试验找出了摩托车在碎石路和水泥路上行驶时车速的统计规律。

    A relation between motorcycle response and speed was analyzed herein , then through lots of tests , the statistic distributions of speed when motorcycle ran on gravel and concrete road were developed .

  21. 因此,根据台车列辊轮轮距的交替变化,确定了星轮相隔布置的两类齿距,以及星轮的齿数是偶数。

    Hence , two kinds of teeth space arranged alternately and the even number of teeth are determined for the sprocket wheel according to the interval changed wheelbases of the rolling wheels in the pallet cars .

  22. 根据灵敏度分析结果,选择对前束角、外倾角以及轮距和轴距四个参数为设计目标,选取对设计目标影响较大的衬套刚度进行优化。

    According to sensitivity analysis , the selection of the toe angle , camber angle and tread and wheelbase four parameters as design objectives , select a greater impact on the design goals of bushing stiffness optimization .

  23. 降低承载面和增加轮距是提高横向稳定性的有力措施,但太低的承载面和过宽的轮距将会增大最小转弯半径和最大通道宽度。

    Decreasing the bearing face and increasing the tread are two effective measures to increase the lateral stability . But with the bearing face becoming lower and the tread becoming broader , the minimum turning radius and the maximal gangway width will increase too .

  24. 首先介绍了点和直线的三维重建算法,然后用轮胎试验完成了不同轮距的汽车,在不同角度斜直线行驶时的轮毂中心的三维重建,并分析了绝对误差曲线。

    First introduced 3D reconstruction algorithm of point and the straight line , then completion of the experiment with tires of different tread vehicle , 3D reconstruction of wheel center At different angles when Oblique straight line driving , and drawn the absolute error curve .

  25. 同时,讨论了安装横向稳定杆、轮距变化、重心高度变化及道路附着状况等对大客车高速操稳性的影响,从而为客车的设计、安全运行等提供了宝贵的依据。

    The paper also discusses the influential factors on the maneuverability and stability , such as , lateral stable pole , the position of gravity center , road adhesive coefficient , and so on , which provides the basis for the designing and safe running of the coach-bus .

  26. 最后总结出优化之后的前悬架使得前轮的定位参数更加合理,减小了轮距变化量,从而降低了轮胎磨损,并保证了样车具有一定的不足转向特性。

    In conclusion , we know after the front suspension optimized , the front wheel alignment parameters is more reasonable . The variation of tread is minished so that the abrasion of the tire is reduced . And also the vehcile keep some understeering characteristic after front suspension optimized .

  27. 对牵引车采用稍小的后悬挂静挠度和较小的后轴轮距,半挂车采用大断面边梁;从而设计了低台面直梁式多用重型半挂列车。

    Applying smaller rear - hanging static deformation and smaller distance of rear axles to drawing train , and applying side frame with big section half - hanging train , which can design multi - used heavy half - hang - ing train with low - board straight girder type .