
zhuǎn yí dìnɡ jià
  • transfer pricing
  1. 最后运用前面的研究理论为ABC公司制订了利用转移定价进行税收筹划来达到公司税负最小化、利润最大化的目的。

    Come to reach corporation tax being defeated applying preceding research theory to plan and prepare for the ABC company has worked out the transfer pricing in order that tax is minimized and profit is max.

  2. WOI-c假设下的供应链联盟转移定价研究

    Transfer Pricing in Supply Chain Alliances Based on the Assumption of WOI-C

  3. 在总结前人对转移定价研究成果的前提下,结合一些相关领域的新思想,提出了用EVA和作业成本法制定转移价格的新方法。

    Put forward the new methods of transfer price : transfer pricing with ABC and EVA .

  4. 我国加入WTO后,跨国公司大举进军中国市场,国际转移定价滥用问题日益突出。

    The multinational corporations will soon enter our market after China 's accedence to WTO , and the abuses of international price transference prevail .

  5. AMC运作中的不良资产转移定价研究

    The Non-performing Assets in AMC Operation Shifts the Fixed Price to Study

  6. 科勒资本创始人杰瑞米·科勒(JeremyColler)说:拆分投资组合会产生转移定价的问题,会有赢家和输家。

    Splitting portfolios creates transfer pricing issues and there will be winners and losers , said Jeremy Coller , founder of Coller Capital , the world 's biggest secondary investor .

  7. 内部资金转移定价体系(FTPS)作为国外先进银行的产物,开始被国内各大商业银行引进并运用于日常业务经营中。

    Internal funds transfer pricing system ( FTPS ) as the product of advanced foreign banks , major domestic commercial banks began to be introduced and applied to daily business operations .

  8. 本论文在内部资金转移定价学术领域摒弃了传统的方法,对产品归类,并对不同的方法进行实证比较,采取先进技术OFSA计算结果,OFSA在文献实证分析中没有采用过。

    It classified the products , did positive comparison on different methods and adopted the advanced technology – OFSA to calculate the results , Which has not been used in positive analysis . 4 .

  9. 跨国关联企业转移定价避税问题研究及防范

    Study on Evading Taxation with Transfer Pricing in Multinational Affiliated Enterprises

  10. 转移定价系统的动机分析

    The Analysis for the Motives of the List Price Transfer System

  11. 国际关联企业转移定价的法律规制问题研究

    A Study on the Legal Control of the International Associated Enterprises

  12. 基于中间产品转移定价战略初探

    Preliminary probe of strategy for tranfer pricing of intermediate products

  13. 转移定价是企业集团内部的关联方之间交易价格。

    Transfer price is the price between multinational enterprises or affiliated enterprises .

  14. 存在库存管理成本的寡头集团转移定价研究

    Analysis on transfer pricing strategy for firms with inventory cost

  15. 试论跨国公司转移定价策略

    On the Strategy of Transfering Price for the Multinational Companies

  16. 基子MA和多卖方主从对策的转移定价

    The Transfer Pricing Based on MA and Stackelberg Game with Multiple Retailers

  17. 转移定价避税交易并非都发生在传统的关联企业之间。

    The Avoidance of Tax of Affiliated Enterprises and Its Legal Regulations ;

  18. 关于国际转移定价制定方法的探讨

    A Research on the Method of the International Transferring Pricing

  19. 跨国公司转移定价策略在我国的运用

    On the application of transferring price strategy of transnational corporation in China

  20. 第二章为对我国外商投资企业转移定价问题的实证分析,包括转移定价的成因、主要性质和转移机制等方面内容。

    Chapter two Demonstration of the foreign-investment enterprise in China transfer pricing .

  21. 跨国企业转移定价法有关问题研究

    The International Issues of Transfer Pricing Practice on Multinational Corporate

  22. 转移定价是公司治理中一个不容忽视的问题。

    Transfer pricing is a corporate governance issue which cannot be ignored .

  23. 第二章介绍了外企避税的常用方法,如转移定价、利用国际避税地、资本弱化等;

    In Chapter two , it introduces common used methods of ITA .

  24. 上市公司关联方交易转移定价分析

    Analysis of Transfer Price in Related Transaction of Listed Companies

  25. 转移定价产生了深刻的政治和经济影响。

    Transferring price leads to profound influence on the politics and economics .

  26. 我国商业银行内部资金转移定价研究

    Study of Internal Funds Transfer Pricing for Our Commercial Banks

  27. 寡头竞争中间产品市场的转移定价策略研究

    Transfer pricing strategies for firms with oligopoly intermediate products market

  28. 对于转移定价策略的监管亦越来越多。

    Transfer pricing in particular is coming under increasing scrutiny .

  29. 转移定价研究的行为经济学视角

    Behavioral Economic View on Research of Shifting the Settled Price

  30. 论激励相容约束下的转移定价机制设计

    On Design of Transitional Price System Under Limitation of Incentive