
  • 网络Translational Research;translation research
  1. MGD提供了一个数据挖掘平台,它使得基于比较基因型、表型和功能分析的转化研究假设的发展成为可能。

    MGD provides a data mining platform that enables the development of translational research hypotheses based on comparative genotype , phenotype and functional analyses .

  2. 从事转化研究的人们认识到了在遗传学、人们生活的社会经济环境以及对疾病的有效治疗之间有着强烈的相互作用。

    Those engaged in translational research acknowledge that there is a strong interplay between genetics , the socioeconomic environment in which people live and effective treatment of diseases .

  3. 农业生态系统中N素在土水界面的迁移转化研究进展

    Research progress on N movement between soil and water interface in agro-ecosystem

  4. CO2催化转化研究新进展

    New progress in the study on catalytic transformation of carbon dioxide

  5. 一步合成二甲醚催化过程开发及co2的h2助活化与转化研究。

    The development of one-step catalytic process for dimethyl ether synthesis and co_2 activation promoted by h_2 .

  6. Bt抗虫基因导入马铃薯的遗传转化研究

    Study on Transfer of Insect Resistance Bt Gene into Potato

  7. 高等植物异源核酸转化研究Ⅱ.外源紫菜苔DNA诱导大白菜表型变异

    Studies on Transformation of exotic nucleic acid in higher plants ⅱ . phenotypic variations of Chinese cabbage induced by exotic DNA of purple Chinese Cabbage

  8. 刈割条件下羊草(Leymuschinensis)组织转化研究

    Approach to the Tissue Turnover of Leymus Chinensis under Different Cutting Conditions

  9. 软枣猕猴桃原生质体培养及GFP基因转化研究

    Study on the Protoplast Culture and GFP Gene Transformation of Actinidia Arguta

  10. ARF基因导入烟草的遗传转化研究

    The Study on Transformation of ARF ( Auxin Response Factor ) Gene into Tabacco

  11. 疫病(Phytophthoracinnamomi)pg基因的克隆、测序及其遗传转化研究

    Studies on Cloning , Sequencing , and Genetic Transformation of pg Genes in Phytophthora Cinnamomi

  12. CandidaCloacae源脂肪酸醇氧化酶基因的植物表达质粒构建及农杆菌转化研究

    Construction of plant expression plasmid of fatty-acid alcohol oxidase gene from candida cloacae and its transformation into agrobacterium tumefaciens

  13. 以8d龄花生无菌苗的上胚轴为外植体,进行植株再生和农杆菌介导遗传转化研究。

    The epicotyls of 8-d-old sterile peanut seedlings were used as explants to study plantlet regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation .

  14. Patatin、Wun1启动子驱动下的PPO反义基因植物表达载体构建及马铃薯、烟草的遗传转化研究

    Studies on Construction of Plant Expression Vector with Antisense PPO Gene Promoted by Patatin or Wun 1 Promoter and Genetic Transformation in Potato and Tabacco

  15. 但在《中图法》等传统类表的SKOS语言全描述转化研究中,伴随概念框架完美设计的同时,类表的一些细节和一些特性却无法实现语义最低损耗的描述转换。

    But in the research of comprehensive description transformation of traditional class table , such as Chinese Library Classification , with the perfect design of concept frame , some details and characteristics of class table cannot realize the semantic description transformation with lowest loss .

  16. 煤氮催化转化研究中的主要影响因素分析

    Main influencing factors in the research on catalytic conversion of coal-nitrogen

  17. 果蔗‘拔地拉’植株再生与农杆菌介导的遗传转化研究

    The Regeneration of Fruits Sugarcane and Transformation Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  18. 玉米自交系幼胚培养与基因枪转化研究

    Study on Maize Inbred Immature Embryo Culture and Transformation by Particle Bombardments

  19. Pt/H-SAPO-11催化剂用于重质油催化转化研究初探

    Investigation on catalytic conversion of heavy oil over pt / h-sapo-11 catalyst

  20. 快速原型制造技术的实施及转化研究

    Discussion on the Implement and Application of Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing

  21. 氟化沥青的制备及其结构转化研究

    Study on Preparation of Pitch Fluoride and Shift of Structure

  22. 含氮污水灌溉氮素运移与转化研究进展

    Advance of Research on Nitrogen Transportation and Transformation in Nitrogen-containing Sewage Irrigation

  23. 商业银行存量资源风险转化研究

    Analyzes How to Transform the Existing Resource Risk in the Commercial Banks

  24. 板栗饮料工艺中淀粉的酶转化研究

    Study on starch hydrolysis by enzymes during processing chestnut beverage

  25. 芸薹属蔬菜作物的遗传转化研究进展

    The Progress of Genetic Transformation Research on Brassica Vegetable Crops

  26. 桔梗细胞悬浮培养体系对斑蝥素的生物转化研究

    Biotransformation of cantharidin by cell suspension cultures of Platycodon grandiflorus

  27. 砂梨组织培养及遗传转化研究

    Studies on Tissue Culture and Genetic Transformation of Sand Pear

  28. 包气带土体生物地球化学特征与氮转化研究&以河北平原正定试验场剖面为例

    A Study of Biogeochemistry and Nitrogen Transform in the Unsaturated Soil Zone

  29. 先进制造技术的实施和转化研究

    Discussion on the Implementation and Application of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

  30. 芳烃树脂的合成机理及其中间相转化研究

    Study on the synthesis mechanism of aromatic resin and its mesophase transformation