
chē jiān zhǔ rèn
  • workshop director
  1. 车间主任把一位工人工程师介绍给我们。

    The workshop director introduced a worker and engineer to us .

  2. 以车间主任为中心的现场管理体制与方法

    Setting Up Fieldwork Management System with Workshop Director as Its Focus Core

  3. 车间主任下令这项工作必须在3天之内完成。

    The head of the workshop ordered that the work be finished in three days .

  4. 他已调任车间主任。

    He has been transferred to be head of a workshop .

  5. 车间主任下令这项工作必须在两天之内完成。

    The head of the workshop ordered that the work should be finished in two days .

  6. 适合车间主任深层次岗位培训的新模式

    A New Model for the advanced Training of Workshop Directors

  7. 工人们推选他为车间主任。

    The workers made him head of the workshop .

  8. 负责车间主任和班组长的精益生产和管理知识的培训。

    Responsible for training workshop leader and team leader about Lean and management .

  9. 我们就把这些成品送去给车间主任检验吧。

    Let 's send the finished products to the head of the workshop to be checked .

  10. 按照工单或组长、车间主任的指导进行喷漆作业。

    Carry out spray painting work according to the repair order or instruction of group leader / foreman .

  11. 厂长仍在与车间主任商议扩大工厂的可行性问题。

    The factory manager is still conferring with the workshop directors on the feasibility of expansion of the factory .

  12. 然而,这三位代表本身的境况都相当不错,其中两人担任工厂车间主任。

    But the three delegates have all done quite well for themselves , with two of them working as factory workshop managers .

  13. 今后企业的车间主任、工段长、班组长要由本车间、工段和班组的工人选举产生。

    Henceforth , workshop directors , section chiefs and group leaders in the enterprises should be elected by the workers in their respective units .

  14. 现在只解决了选举车间主任和班组长的问题,将来厂长、经理怎么选拔,很值得研究。

    So far we have solved only the problem of electing workshop chiefs and group leaders ; we shall have to study the question of how to choose factory directors and managers .

  15. 不但应该使每个车间主任、生产队长对生产负责任、想办法,而且一定要使每个工人农民都对生产负责任、想办法。

    We must create a situation in which not only every workshop director and production team leader but also every worker and peasant is aware of his responsibility for production and tries to find ways of solving related problems .

  16. 到会的人,应是真正有经验的中级和下级的干部,或老百姓。首先从一部分党员行政管理干部中试行,比如厂一级干部可以下去当车间主任,当两年再说。

    Those attending such meetings should be really experienced cadres of middle and lower ranks , or ordinary people . This method can be tried first among some administrative Party cadres . For example , factory directors can be demoted to serve as workshop directors for a couple of years .

  17. 这位是张先生,转炉车间的车间主任。

    This is Mr. Zhang , director of the converter workshop .