首页 / 词典 / good


dié xiè
  • walk in small steps;pace about
蹀躞 [dié xiè]
  • (1) [walk in mincing gait]∶小步走路的样子

  • 蹀躞御沟上,沟水东西流。--古乐府《白头吟》

  • (2) [pace up and down]∶往来徘徊

  1. 只有一个管理员在梅第奇的维纳斯像附近蹀躞着。

    There was only a custos hovering about the Medicean venus .

  2. 单调地在砾石路上往来蹀躞,正适合艾丽西亚的心情。

    The monotonous walk up and down the gravelled pathway suited Alicia 's humour .

  3. 他在老板门前来回蹀躞,还是没有勇气提出辞职。

    He paced up and down in front of his boss 's door , still not brave enough to resign .

  4. 她们大家都慢慢地走开去了,走到宁静的草地上不同的角落里去了,独自在那儿蹀躞,沉思又沉思。

    They all moved slowly away to different parts of the quiet grass and there paced to and fro , each alone , thinking .