
pǎo mǎ chǎnɡ
  • Racetrack;racecourse;turf
跑马场 [pǎo mǎ chǎng]
  • [racecourse] 赛马的场地

  1. 新德里跑马场路(racecourseroad)7号的历任主人不时宣称,这将是“印度的世纪”。

    Every so often , the occupant of 7 Racecourse road in New Delhi declares it to be an " Indian century " .

  2. 从这塔上你可以鸟瞰全市,包括跑马场和机场。

    From this tower you get a bird 's eye view of the city , including the racecourse and the airport .

  3. 贝尔蒙特跑马场有宽阔的弧形跑道,很适合举行欧式赛马。

    Belmont Park is a broad sweeping track which will suit the European style of running

  4. 两点钟时他们到达跑马场。

    They arrived on the horse-court at two .

  5. 那匹马在跑马场的四周遛蹄。

    The horse paced around the ring .

  6. 然后我们开车去了跑马场吃午饭。

    Then we drove to Race court to have lunch .

  7. 大雨使那个跑马场变得松软(骑起马来觉得地面松软)。

    The heavy rain made the course ride soft .

  8. 百年欧式俱乐部&汉口西商跑马场调查纪实

    Traditional European Style Club - Investigation Record of Western Merchant Horse-race Field in Hankow

  9. 你在跑马场做什么?

    What were you doing at the track ?

  10. 古罗马跑马场里来自安纳托利亚高原西部的舞者。

    Western Anatolian dancers perform at the Hippodrome .

  11. 福克就象是一匹跑马场上的快马,他已经接近了终点。

    Phileas fogg , like a racehorse , was drawing near his last turning-point .

  12. “马尔斯跑马场的赛马伯爵夫人也去看了的。”夏多勒诺说。

    " The countess was present at the races in the champ-de-mars ," said chateau-renaud .

  13. 头等的骑手正在赛马场赛马。那匹马在跑马场的四周溜蹄。

    Top drivers are racing at the race course . The horse paced around the ring .

  14. 我想在跑马场再走一圈。那匹马在跑马场的四周溜蹄。

    I want to go round the race course once again The horse paced around the ring .

  15. 在这之前,我们该在跑马场转几圈,打打九洞。

    And before that , maybe take a few laps around the race track , play nine holes .

  16. 然后他们突然被跑马场中间的一大片树丛遮挡住了。

    Then suddenly they vanished behind a great clump of trees growing in the middle of the Hippodrome .

  17. 我想在跑马场再走一圈。他在赛马场上很有名气。

    I want to go round the race course once again His name is well-known on the turf .

  18. 她喊道,四边的喧闹声、笑声、喝彩声越来越高,渐渐响遍了跑马场。

    She cried amid a redoubled uproar of laughter and bravoes , which little by little overspread the whole Hippodrome .

  19. 其中有三所分别转为办公楼、疗养院以及跑马场,而余下的四所至今尚未找到买主。

    Three were turned into a corporate office , a nursing home and a horse-racing centre but the town was unable to find buyers for the others .

  20. 周日,预计将有18万人参加教皇在冉维特跑马场举行的弥撒,这是唯一一个能够容纳所有人的公共场所。

    On Sunday , 180,000 are expected to attend a Mass celebrated by the Pope at Randwick Racecourse , the only open space , big enough to accommodate them all .

  21. 今天在这一带是全新的大街、竞技场、马戏场、跑马场、火车起点站、一所名为马扎斯的监狱,足见进步不离刑罚。

    To-day , there are brand-new , wide streets , arenas , circuses , hippodromes , railway stations , and a prison , Mazas , there ; progress , as the reader sees , with its antidote .

  22. 于是工厂,商店,银行,夜总会,跑马场,赌场大量出现了。在不到一百年的时间里,上海就变成了外国人在中国进行冒险,寻求浪漫生活的地方。

    In less than a hundred years , shanghai , teeming with factories , shops , banks , night clubs , race-courses and casinos , became a place for foreigners to seek adventure and romance in china .

  23. 我曾经去过一次跑马场,我把赌注押在了一匹名叫“战炮”的马身上,当马儿们都亮相后,我的那匹是场中唯一安着一对辅助轮的马。

    I went to the racetrack once in my life and I bet on a horse called Battle Gun , and when allthe horses come out , mine is the only horse in the race with training wheels .

  24. 在过去8年中,颍泉区政府官员让农民搬离了自己的土地,拆毁了住宅和校舍,为工业园、购物街、“生态园”(包括跑马场)和壮观的新办公楼让路。

    Over the past eight years , Yingquan officials moved peasants off their land and demolished homes and schools to make way for an industrial park , a shopping street , an " ecological park " ( complete with driving range ) and the magnificent new offices .