
táng yàn
  • small reservoir;small reservoir in a hilly area
塘堰 [táng yàn]
  • [small reservior in a hilly area] 亦称塘坝。山区或丘陵地区修建的一种小型的蓄积雨水和泉水的工程,用来灌溉农田

塘堰[táng yàn]
  1. 基于GIS的南方水库灌区塘堰蓄水能力研究

    Research on Ponds Water Storage Capacity of Reservoir-irrigated District in Southern China Based on GIS

  2. 漳河灌区塘堰灌溉作用研究

    Research of Pond 's Effect in Irrigation in Zhanghe Irrigation Area

  3. 灌区塘堰拦蓄地表径流能力的研究

    Study on the Capacity of Surface Runoff Interception by Ponds in Irrigation District

  4. 因此,大力发展塘堰工程是当前和今后一个时期农村水利建设的重点。

    So the development of pond is very important in the country for now and the future .

  5. 充分利用塘堰水可以减少渠系渗漏、降低灌溉成本,利用得当,既能节约水资源,又能提高灌区抗旱能力。

    Using pond water for irrigation can cut cost , save water , boost capacity in fighting droughts .

  6. 山西西南部黄土区林地枯落物截持降水的研究灌区塘堰拦蓄地表径流能力的研究

    Litter Interception of Forests in Southwestern Shanxi Province Study on the Capacity of Surface Runoff Interception by Ponds in Irrigation District

  7. 分析结果表明:税费改革后,农民更多地依赖于塘堰水进行灌溉,塘堰在灌溉中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    The results indicate that after FGS , farmers depend on ponds in irrigation , and ponds become more and more important .

  8. 分析了中小型水利设施对大型水库的补充作用,并对塘堰的灌溉作用做了较深入的研究。

    The roles of the middle and small water facilities in irrigation are analyzed , and the irrigation function of ponds is studied deeply .

  9. 为精确快速地估算区域塘堰供水能力提供了简易的途径,它也可为指导灌区水资源优化管理和灌区改造中新建塘堰容量及位置的确定提供决策依据。

    The model can also be used for decision support of optimum water resources management and new building ponds capacity and location in the rehabilitation of irrigation district .

  10. 提出拦蓄系数的概念,来衡量塘堰拦蓄地表径流的能力,并通过实例来说明拦蓄系数的计算及其应用。

    This paper proposes a concept of interception coefficient to measure the pond 's capacity of surface runoff interception and shows the calculation , calibration and application through case study .