
  • VND;Vietnamese;vietnamese dong
  1. 目前金价处于高位,再加上越南盾正在贬值,刺激了越南的黄金持有者出售黄金。

    The high level of the gold price at the moment , reinforced by the depreciation of the Vietnamese currency , has stimulated gold owners in Vietnam to sell their gold .

  2. 越南政府今年已将外资企业工人的最低工资上调至100万越南盾(合52.50美元)。

    The Vietnamese government increased the minimum wage for workers at foreign-owned companies to 1m dong ( $ 52.50 ) this year .

  3. 人民币与越南盾汇率生成机制及影响研究

    The Study of the Exchange Formulation Mechanism of RMB to Dong of DRVN

  4. 收紧越南盾供应的一个方法就是停止购买美元。

    One way to squeeze the supply of Vietnam dong would be to stop buying dollars .

  5. 同时,美元正在贬值,这使控制越南盾升值变得更加困难。越南进口的商品价格也在上涨。然后,越南经历了40年里最寒冷的冬天,造成食品价格的上涨。

    Then , Vietnam had its coldest winter in 40 years , driving up food prices .

  6. 为了防止越南盾的升值,越南央行购进美元,这一措施导致通货膨胀。

    To keep the dong from rising , Vietnam 's State Bank bought dollars and that contributed to inflation .

  7. 但分析师怀疑,金融市场是否相信这些新举措能够为越南盾构筑一道底线。

    Analysts , however , questioned whether financial markets would believe the latest move had put a floor under the Dong .

  8. 当越南盾昨日触及1美元兑19395越南盾的历史新低时,远期衍生品市场的走势显示,在3至6个月内,越南盾汇率将突破20000。

    As the dong touched a record low of 19,395 to the dollar yesterday , forward derivatives implied a break through 20,000 within three to six months .

  9. 此外,一家外资公司的会计试图将3万美元兑换成本币,用以支付员工工资和办公室租金,但银行将其拒之门外,称没有足够的越南盾。

    Elsewhere , an accountant for a foreign firm tried to convert $ 30,000 into local currency to pay staff salaries and office rent but was turned away when the bank said it did not have enough dong .

  10. 越南盾隔夜银行间拆借利率最近已经一度升至高达40%。不过,在上周越南央行向金融系统注入了一些额外流动性后,该利率回落至9%至10%。

    Overnight inter-bank rates for the currency have reached as high as 40 per cent recently although rates dropped last week to 9 - 10 per cent when the central bank injected some additional liquidity into the system .

  11. 随着通胀开始抬头,越南盾最近面临着压力。而在80亿美元经济刺激计划的推动下,越南国内需求将经常项目赤字推高至接近每月20亿美元的规模。

    The dong has come under pressure recently as inflation started climbing and domestic demand , driven by the country 's $ 8bn stimulus programme , drove the current account deficit to close to $ 2bn a month .

  12. 但是,美元进入越南给越南盾汇率的上升造成压力,越南盾的汇率上升将影响越南的出口贸易。

    But the influx of dollars created upward pressure on the exchange rate of the Vietnamese dong , which could have hurt exports .

  13. 上星期,越南表示将允许越南盾的汇率更加自由的浮动,只在政府目标上下浮动半个百分点。

    Last week , Vietnam said it would allow the dong 's exchange rate to float a bit more freely - just half a percentage point around the official target .

  14. 昨日,越南将管理下的越南盾兑美元浮动区间的中间值,从17034调整为17961,同时,日交易上下浮动波幅从5%收窄至3%。

    Yesterday 's move cut the mid-point of the currency 's managed float range from 17,034 dong to the dollar to 17,961 , while narrowing the daily trading range from 5 per cent to 3 per cent either side .

  15. 数周来,越南政府一直坚称,不会屈服于越南盾所受到的压力。

    For weeks , the government had insisted that it would not give in to pressure on the dong .

  16. 但一份报告显示,越南5月的消费价格涨幅较上年同期高出25%,令越南盾在外汇期货市场的价格下跌,同时引发人们担忧将会出现金融危机。

    But a report that consumer price inflation was25 % higher in May from a year earlier knocked down the value of the local currency in futures markets and set off worries about a financial crisis .

  17. 与此同时,分析人士表示,越南也面临着类似的通胀压力,同时政策可能已开始转变,允许越南盾兑美元升值。

    Meanwhile , analysts say Vietnam also faces similar inflationary pressures and a policy shift to let the Dong appreciate against the dollar may already be under way .

  18. 上周,在越南央行将利率上限提高了12%以后,越南各银行也开始调高了越南盾的存款利率。

    Last week , Vietnamese banks also began to raise dong deposit rates after the central bank lifted a 12 per cent ceiling on interest rates .

  19. 近几年,黄金在越南的买卖往往存在溢价,因为政府设置了进口限制,以遏制资金流出越南盾。

    In recent years , gold in Vietnam has tended to trade at a premium because of import restrictions designed to stem the flow of money out of the Vietnamese currency , the Dong .

  20. 过去4个月,国际银行家和经济学家表示,越南央行已经控制了其美元购买量,拒绝满足商业银行希望卖出美元、购入越南盾的要求。

    For the past four months , international bankers and economists said , the central bank had curbed its purchases of dollars , refusing to accommodate commercial banks seeking to offload dollars and acquire dong .

  21. 由于越南央行(statebankofvietnam)试图从金融系统中回笼流动性,以遏制通胀并压低越南盾兑美元汇率,大量外资企业最近数周都受到了影响。

    A number of foreign businesses have been affected in recent weeks , as the State Bank of Vietnam , the central bank , tries to drain liquidity from the financial system to control inflation and hold down the value of the Dong against the dollar .

  22. 越南昨日把本币兑美元汇率下调5.4%,同时将利率上调整整一个百分点,以遏制通胀,并为承压的越南盾提供支撑。

    Vietnam devalued its currency by 5.4 per cent against the dollar yesterday and raised interest rates by a full percentage point in an effort to cut inflation and underpin the beleaguered Dong .