
chāo pín
  • overclock
  1. 你的CPU是黑色版,以及多大程度的超频,你希望得到什麽呢?

    Is your CPU a Black Edition , and how much of an overclock are you hoping to get ?

  2. 另外还有AMDOverDrive技术,它可以在操作系统中简单实现超频。

    It also features AMD OverDrive , which allows an overclock to be more easily applied with a single button press , during system operation .

  3. 介绍在非线性编辑系统中,为提高计算机的运行速度对CPU进行超频时的误用。

    This article introduces the misuse of super frequency for speeding up CPU in non linear editing system .

  4. 英特尔的Corei5和Corei7运行,远低于其热和电的限制,使涡轮推动的“超频”的CPU时钟频率和速度。

    Intel Core i5 and Core i7 operates well below its thermal and electrical limits , allowing the Turbo Boost to " overclock " the CPU clock frequency and speed .

  5. 即使将对HTPC进行你的超频计划时,这散热器将会在你娱乐享受的之余,提供安静和良好冷却散热效能。

    Even if you plan to overclock your HTPC , this cooler will sure able to keep the CPU running quiet and cool while you are enjoying in your entertainments .

  6. 超频在非线性编辑系统中的误用

    Misuse of Super - frequency in Non-linear Editing System

  7. 它可以很好的超频!

    It can OC very well !

  8. 如果这发生在你改变设置时(例如设置超频),那是正常的;

    If it was only when changing something ( like pushing the overclock ), that would be one thing ;

  9. 超频的处理器或系统总线会产生不可预测的结果或系统的不稳定,而这些现象可能并不一目了然的。

    Overclocked processors or system bus can produce unpredictable results or system instabilities , which might not be readily apparent .

  10. 它的设计将涉及超频空间,以及一个冷却器优于参考设计的冷却性能。

    Its design will involve overclocking headroom , and a cooler superior to the reference design in terms of cooling performance .

  11. 我无法从电压提高中获得更大的超频空间。为什么?最大的安全电压是哪个?

    I can 't gain any more overclocking headroom by increasing the voltage . Why ? What 's the maximum safe voltage setting ?

  12. 标语显示“拥有最新散热器的超频内存,”使用的语言对大多数人而言则是外语,使得硬件爱好者流口水。

    Signs herald " overclocking memory with the latest heat spreader ," language that , while foreign to most people , makes hardware enthusiasts drool .

  13. 本文介绍现代计算机中总线结构发展的特点,以及超频及超线程等新技术,为从事计算机理论研究提供参考。

    The characteristic of modern computer bus architecture and Exceed Frequency as well as Hyper Threading technology are introduced , the paper puts forward some references for the researchers .