
  • 网络N Sync;super boy;superboy;Nsync;Bye Bye Bye
  1. 超级毛巾能把超级男孩变成什么样子?超级干净,对吗?

    What does the super towel get the super boy ? Super clean , right ?

  2. 我要“浮华世界”杂志,MTV的卡森达利,“人物杂志”,超级男孩。

    I want " Vanity Fair , " Carson Daly , " People , " " Teen People , " NSYNC ...

  3. 我来告诉你,我找到超级男孩了。

    I came to tell you that I found superboy .

  4. 他们为什么从桥上救走超级男孩。

    Why 'd they get superboy off the bridge .

  5. 超级男孩团员蓝斯巴斯有望实现太空旅游梦想。

    Lance bass of boy band n sync expected to realizes space tour dream .

  6. 超人气组合“超级男孩”宣布今年六月二十六日将发行一张新专辑。

    The popular boy band N-sync announces that they will be releasing their new album this coming June26th .

  7. 但是看来每个人在超级男孩乐队说了“再见”之后很长时间内仍然会记住披头士乐队。

    But it seems that everyone will remember the Beatles long after'N Sync has said bye , bye , bye .

  8. 王喜欢听流行音乐。他最喜爱的歌手有布兰妮?斯皮尔斯、后街男孩和超级男孩。

    Wang enjoys listening to pop music and lists Britney Spears , Backstreet Boys and N'sync among his favorite artists .

  9. 一个谈论超级男孩的借口现在已经不复存在了。乔伊法托被《与星共舞》淘汰了。

    The one excuse to talk about * NSYNC again is now gone.Joey Fatone was eliminated from Dancing With the Stars .

  10. 无论是后街男孩、超级男孩、欧城男孩、98度或者其他的男孩组合,世界各地都有无数的少女为他们疯狂。

    Whether it was the Backstreet Boys , N'Sync , O-town , 98 Degrees or any others , millions of girls all over the world went crazy over them .

  11. 2000年之后,这些男孩乐团开始暂时解散,很多成员单飞,专注于自己的独立事业发展,比如后街男孩的尼克·卡特和超级男孩的贾斯汀·汀布莱克。

    After 2000 , the boy bands started to split up for a while and members focused on their own solo careers , such as Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys and Justin Timblerlake of N'Sync .

  12. 也不应该取决于另一个人的爱,即使他是在一个超级著名的男孩乐队里。

    Nor should it hinge on the love of another person & even if he is in a super-famous boy band .

  13. 有什么比超级英雄更适合男孩们的吗?

    And so what better to sell boys than superheroes ?