
  1. 学术研究的功利性和超功利性一直是学术研究领域争论不休的一个话题。

    The utilitarian and super-utilitarian in academic research are disputed topics .

  2. 由此可以引出审美心理的特征乃是超功利与非逻辑。

    Thus , characteristic of aesthetic psychology is exceeding utility and non-logic .

  3. 它呈现出惊异、体验、澄明三种基本精神存在状态,具有感性直观性、超功利性、情感性、自由性、创造性等基本特征。

    It presents 3 spiritual states of surprise , experience and clarity .

  4. 自由、超越与诗意的救赎&对审美功利性与超功利性问题的思考

    Freedom , Surmount and Poetic Retrieval On Confucian Utilitarian Aesthetics

  5. 谈审美功利性与超功利性的统一

    On Unity of Utility and Super utility of Aesthetic

  6. 从儒家诗教到超功利说&西方启蒙美学对中国传统美学的矫正

    From Confucian Doctrine to Utilitarianism & Correction of traditional Chinese Aesthetics by Western Aesthetics

  7. 它的根本特点是审美的超功利性比较弱。

    Its basic characteristic is that the nature of aesthetics exceeding utility is comparatively weak .

  8. 学术研究:功利性抑或超功利性?

    Academic Research is Utilitarian of Super-utilitarian ?

  9. 超功利的审美观对中国传统美学观的形成和后世文人产生了深远的影响;

    Ultra-utilitarian aesthetic views have profound influence on the formation of traditional Chinese aesthetics and later scholars .

  10. 在王国维看来,艺术是超功利的,具有其独立的价值和地位。

    According to Wang Guowei , art is above utility and has its independent value and position .

  11. 艺术家创作应该完全是非理性和超功利的。

    Artists , if there be composition , should do it completely rationally , not for utility .

  12. 当前,既重视功利性目标,又重视超功利性目标,并使二者日趋契合,成为世界终身教育发展的新特点和大趋势。

    At present , the agreement of both the utilitarianism objective and super utilitarianism objective is the trend and characteristics .

  13. 与作为功利教育的智育与德育不同,美育具有超功利性和感性特征。

    Being different from intelligence education and moral education , aesthetic education has the characteristics of utility surmounting and perception .

  14. 自由的审美游戏是人的超功利性目的活动,它表现为人的文化精神存在状态。

    Aesthetics and play is the aim for no utility , but for self , It is spirit and cultural existence of man .

  15. 四是体现出对女性超功利的审美倾向,并在美学史上创造出特定的贵族式女性审美模式。

    Third , royal creations revealed female 's pure taste for beauty and created a certain female aesthetic style in the history of aesthetics .

  16. 审美是一种与现实的超功利或非功利关系,目的是使人获得情感享受和精神愉悦;

    Aesthetic is a meta-utility or non-utility relation between people and reality , the aim of which is making people gain affectional enjoyment and spiritous delight .

  17. 科学在王小波的小说里有着非凡意义,科学不只是知识分子的一种精神自救,而且,超功利地思想还是科学家生命的存在方式。

    Science in Wang 's Novels is not only the self-salvation of intellectuals , but also the way of being of scientists in an ultra-utilitarian way .

  18. 文章阐释了经历了功利场的疲惫转战后,审美文化必将从对美学精神的背离走向融合,把超功利的美学精神作为其核心组成部分。

    This paper argues that aesthetic culture will restore its appropriate aesthetics spirit with ultra-utilitarianism as its core after being immersed in so much utilitarianism for a fairly long time .

  19. 美育是一种新的、有吸引力的、有生命力的教育理念、手段、途径,美学以其特殊的功用,利用审美过程的超功利性和情感化教育,为思想政治教育工作打开新的局面。

    Aesthetic education is a novel , attractive , energetic education principle , which takes advantage of the super-utilitarian and Sentiment Education , breaking new ground in ideological and political education .

  20. 所谓“心斋”就是“虚而待物”,对外物采取一种“虚”的态度,即超功利、超现实的态度,排除一切外界干扰,忘却功名利禄,全神贯注,在顺乎自然中与自然融为一体,返璞归真。

    The experience of " xinzha ( mindfasting ) " means the freedom from all preoccupations , that is , an attitude free from materialism and a complete unity with nature .

  21. 在体育教学模式的建构过程中应注意以下几点:一是转变教育观念,树立超功利态度;

    Should notice the following what time in the construction or purchase process of the athletics teaching mode : One is a change education idea , set up a super utility attitude ;

  22. 同时,伴随着体验经济时代的到来,旅游者对旅游质量的要求不断提高,他们更多地开始追求一种值得回忆的超功利的独特的体验。

    At the same time , along with the experience economy era , tourists have a continually increasing demand for tourism quality . Most of them begin to pursuit a memorable unique ultra-utilitarian experience .

  23. 五六十年代的美学大讨论,表面上看来是解答美的本质问题,其实,更为潜在的问题是回答美的功利性与超功利性的关系。

    In the free aesthetic discussions in the 1950-60s , the apparent question is the essence of beauty , in fact , its more potential problem is to answer the relation between utilitarian and super-utilitarian .

  24. 具有客观性与主观性相统一、他律性与自律性相统一、功利性与超功利性相统一以及可法度性与可公度性相统一的特点。

    Has characteristic which the objectivity and the subjective disposition unification , the heteronomy and the autonomy disposition unification , utilitarian and the ultra utility disposition unification as well as may the law and the commensurability unify .

  25. 奥基夫,格鲁吉亚1887-1986美国画家,以其给人感官享受的花卉特写绘画而著名审美是一种与现实的超功利或非功利关系,目的是使人获得情感享受和精神愉悦;

    American painter known especially for her sensuous close-up paintings of flowers . Aesthetic is a meta-utility or non-utility relation between people and reality , the aim of which is making people gain affectional enjoyment and spiritous delight .

  26. 纵观百年来的中国现代美学,功利与超功利的美学观相互纠缠,共同缔造了中国现代美学的传统。

    Take a wide view of Chinese modern esthetics of last one hundred-year , the esthetics view of " utility " and " super utility " entwined mutually , creating the tradition of the Chinese modern esthetics together .

  27. 前期创造社深受日本唯美主义文学思潮影响,与日本唯美主义有许多相似之处:在文学观上,认为文学是超功利的,追求文学的全与美;

    The early Creation Society was under the great influences of Japanese aestheticist trend and has many similarities to it . In literary view , it believes that literature is beyond utility , pursuing the wholeness and beauty of literature .

  28. 首先,通过分析王国维把创作源泉理解为对真理执著的追求和人生问题的探讨,揭示其关于美学之功利性与超功利性的思想。

    Firstly , by analyzing Wang 's view , that the pursuit of truth and the questioning of life should be taken as the base of literary creation , this thesis reveals his utilitarian and non - utilitarian thought about esthetics .

  29. 只看到它局限性和不完满性,看不到它的积极性、进步性、合理性,试图超越历史发展阶段,苛求人人都达到超功利的神圣崇高的道德境界,是道德理性的迷失与偏执。

    Any attempt to confine to its imperfection and ignore its enthusiasm , rationality and progressiveness and to make excessive demands of everyone to reach the ethics level which is beyond utility win lead to getting lost and stubbornly biased in moral reason .

  30. 审美理念也从超功利化的精神升华的传统模式中走出来,转而满足日常的欲望释放和快感追逐,美学的主调由形而上的追思转为形而下的感官愉悦。

    Appreciated beauty principle also came out from the traditional mode of the spirit distillation that was super utility , turned to satisfy release of usual desire and pursue with pleasant sensation , the main argument of esthetics adjust from recall of metaphysics to concrete sensory pleasure .