
  • 网络Overrun Type
  1. 二是不A不B式或非A非B式,即超越式,具有(空)虚、(虚)无的意思;

    ' neither A , nor B ' transcendent form , with a hollow and empty meaning ;

  2. 超越式学习的本质规定及其立论基点

    The Score of Transcending - learning and Its Foundation

  3. 超越式汽车差速器研究

    A Study on Overdrive Automobile Differential

  4. 超越式模型学习

    Learning Models for Surpassing

  5. 超越式学习论

    The Study on Transcending-style-learning

  6. 本文将高新技术用于扶贫实践,并按照卡拉托斯科学发展模式建构了贫困地区超越式发展的战略。

    The thesis intends to apply high-new tech to the practice of aiding the poor and construct the strategies of surpassing development in the poor regions according to Lakatos ' model .

  7. 经理论分析认为,在高含水饱和度油藏火烧过程中,存在着湿式燃烧机理,促使火烧前缘超越式推进。该燃烧机理有助于提高火驱效果。

    The theoretical analysis showed the existence of mechanism of wet combustion was confident in high water saturation reservoir which contributed to the overhead advance of the combustion front and improved combustion drive effect .

  8. 要以旅游形象的塑造为中心,品牌升级为目的,以强大的和针对市场的旅游学信息流,影响现实的和潜在的旅游者的选择心理,走超越式发展的道路。

    Centering on the moulding of tour image , aiming at promotion of brand , with great information flow of tourism in accordance with the market , which influences actual and potential tourists ' psychology of choosing , we should take the overstepping road .

  9. 正是由于赎回机制的制度创新,使得开放式基金最终超越封闭式基金而成为基金业的主流。

    It is just this redemption system that make open-ended fund stake the position of close-ended funds as the main stream of fund market .

  10. 超越美国式现代消费文化,使现代消费方式作出理性抉择,这是建构现代消费伦理的前提和出发点。

    Surpassing American style 's modem consumption culture have peo-pie make a rational decision on modern consumption style , which is the prerequisite and starting point to establish modern consumption ethics .

  11. 它超越了情景式领导,变成了转变式领导,不仅仅转变了关系,也转变了个人。

    It goes beyond transactional leadership into transformational leadership , transforming individuals involved as well as the relationship .

  12. 许多人纠结于这样一个想法,即福生渴望从华生这里得到的感情已经超越了柏拉图式的友情。

    A lot of people are fixated on this idea that he fancies Watson for something beyond a platonic friendship , but it isn 't.

  13. 其研究方法超越了解读式电影研究而涉及到电影与物质表象、与身体等感官文化领域,还涉及到电影与广告牌、杂志封面等其它视觉模式的相关研究。

    The methodology of the research has already transcended the analytical reading but been involved with such sensuous fields of culture as cinema and material phenomena , cinema and body , cinema and visual modes such as advertising signs and magazine covers .

  14. 超越意识与超越式教学及模式探讨

    Discussion on the transcendental consciousness a transcendental teaching and the teaching mode

  15. 拼搏进取志在超越&访跨越式发展中的航空工业中心医院

    Go all out to keep forging ahead and overstepping & A visit to Aviation Industry Central Hospital in rapid development

  16. 迭代式增量开发为业务提供了超越传统的瀑布式开发方案所提供的更多的优点。

    Iterative and incremental development offers businesses many benefits above and beyond those proffered by the more traditional , waterfall development approaches .

  17. 如何探索和实施超越传统的变式教学模式和策略呢?高中数学新课程标准明确指出:实施促进学生发展的多元化评价:包括评价主体多元化、方式多元化、内容多元化和目标多元化等。

    How can we explore and carry out some diversified variant teaching models and teaching strategies that are better than the traditional ones ? The high school mathematics new curriculum standard clearly points out that we should use the diversified evaluations which can improve the development of the students .