
  • 网络Sierra;SARAH;sera
  1. 赛拉是亚伯拉罕的妻子,不是的奴隶。

    Sarah is the wife of Abraham not his slave .

  2. 现在他提到另一个耶路撒冷,由赛拉代表。

    Now he gets another Jerusalem , what 's represented by Sarah .

  3. 而α2受体激动剂可乐定和赛拉嗪以及DA受体激动剂阿朴吗啡,拮抗剂氟哌啶醇均不影响Bus的增强作用。

    No effects were found with α 2-adrenoceptor agonists clonidine and xylazine or dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine and antagonist haloperidol in this study .

  4. 与吉赛拉?邦辰大照片的摄影师解决Sundsbo挪威。

    Great photos with Gisele B ü ndchen by Norwegian photographer Solve Sundsbo .

  5. 赫司特赛拉尼斯公司及其聚甲醛产品celcon■

    Hoechst Celanese Corp. and its polyoxymethylene celcon ■

  6. 15岁时,还在上学的赛拉.胡尼扬(SairaHunjan)拉着妈妈一起,去假期打工的地方见她未来的老板。

    At 15 , Saira Hunjan took her mother along to meet the person with whom she would do work experience in the school holidays .

  7. 静脉麻醉药&赛拉嗪类似物的合成及其构效关系

    Synthesis and structure-activity relationship of analogs of intravenous anesthetic & xylazine

  8. 国际奥委会的新闻发言人吉赛拉-戴维斯在昨天公布了这一决定。

    IOC Spokesperson , Giselle Davies announced the decision on Wednesday .

  9. 弥赛拉公主的玩偶也是同一位工匠做的.

    The same dollmaker makes all of Princess Myrcella 's toys .

  10. 我知道赛拉但是这样做太困难了

    I know , Sierra , but it was so hard .

  11. 赛拉俱乐部难以满足这一标准。

    The Sierra Club was unable to meet this standard .

  12. 拟胆碱药物对赛拉嗪镇静效应的拮抗作用

    Antagonistic effects of cholinergic drugs on xylazine induced sedation

  13. 赛拉:一起去购物吧,我需要一些新衣服。

    Sarah : Let 's go shopping . I need some new clothes .

  14. 赛拉嗪对大鼠心功能的影响

    Effect of xylazine on isolated working heart in rat

  15. 赛拉你说的不是缩略语你在拼写

    Sierra , you 're not speaking IM . You 're just spelling .

  16. 哦赛拉密码就是你的生日

    Oh , Sierra , it 's your birthday .

  17. 赛拉:我没有,我看不起你是因为你吝啬!

    Sarah : I don 't.I look down on you because you 're cheap !

  18. 这是安珀赛拉和布拉娜

    This is Amber , Sierra and Brianna .

  19. 一切从这里开始:摄于1988年最早的金赛拉家庭照。

    Where it all began : The original Kinsella family photo was shot in 1988 .

  20. 赛拉喜欢用熏衣草熏香她的手帕。

    Sarah likes to lavender her handkerchief .

  21. 应用乙酰胆碱选择性微电极对赛拉嗪抗胆碱作用的观察

    Cholinolytic effect of xylazine observed by means of acetylcholine selective microelectrode technic in urethane anesthetized rats

  22. 其实在出现标日期的那张照片很久以前,我们就开始这样拍照。迈克金赛拉这样告诉赫芬顿邮报记者。

    ' We started taking them long before date-stamped photos , ' Mike Kinsella told the Huffington Post .

  23. 赛拉嗪对小鼠胃肠运动及大鼠胃肠电的影响

    The influences of xylazine on the gastrointestinal motility in mice and on the gastrointestinal electrical rhythm in rats

  24. 赛拉:你永远不付晚饭餐费,每当要结账时,你总在洗手间。

    Sarah : You never pay for dinner . You 're always in the bathroom when the bill comes .

  25. 萨哈冈曾竞选墨西哥中部城市赛拉雅市(位于福克斯家乡所在的瓜那加托州)市长,但没有成功。

    Sahagun ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Celaya , a central Mexican city in Fox 's home state of Guanajuato .

  26. 赛拉:祝福你。我希望不是很严重,是甚麽病?感冒?肺炎?

    Sarah : Bless you . I hope it 's not serious . What is it ? The flu ? Pneumonia ?

  27. 建设巨型娱乐场的计划遭到赛拉俱乐部的反对,理由是林业部违反了好几项联邦法规。

    Construction of the huge resort was opposed by the Sierra Club on the ground that the Forest Service had violated several federal statutes .

  28. 第一、原告试图按照赛拉俱乐部的方式,通过提供宣誓书,证明其成员使用了被征用的土地。

    First , plaintiff had attempted to comply with Sierra Club by filing affidavits attesting to use of the affected lands by some of its members .

  29. 诺曼底是法国运动马的第一大繁育区,是著名的赛拉法兰西马的诞生地,并以马术冠军之乡而闻名。

    Normandy , is the1st breeding region for sport horses in France , the birthplace of Selle Fran ç ais horses , and recognized as a land of champions .

  30. 落叶归根:2008年,金赛拉家族回到了新泽西布里克,他们长大的那条新月街,参加一个邻里重聚的活动。

    All Hearts Come Home : The Kinsellas return to Crescent Drive , the street they grew up on in Brick Township , New Jersey , in 2008 for a neighborhood reunion .