
  • 网络resource constraints;resource limit
  1. 大容量消息的处理会导致资源限制并阻碍其他ProcessServer解决方案的处理吗?

    Could the processing of the large messages cause resource constraints and hinder other Process Server solution processing ?

  2. 针对不同的资源限制和性能要求,人们设计了不同种类的MAC层协议。

    Many kinds of MAC protocol are developed with resource constraints and performance requirements considered .

  3. 应用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对n种方案的有效性进行评价,选取相对有效的扩张方案,再根据实际的资源限制选取最优方案。

    This article evaluates the efficiency of these expansion plans and chooses the optimal plan based on the constraint of resources .

  4. 多入多出(MIMO)技术是无线通信技术发展的一次重大飞跃,它能够突破无线频率资源限制,大幅度地提高无线通信系统的频谱效率,被公认为是无线通信技术的未来发展趋势。

    Multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) technology is a significant breakthrough in the development of wireless communication technologies .

  5. 第3章,详细论述了以太网控制芯片驱动程序的设计,同时将TCP/IP网络协议作为一种嵌入式应用,并根据单片机系统的实际资源限制,对该协议进行了裁剪。

    In the third chapter , the design of Ethernet control chip driver is discussed and TCP / IP protocols are tailored as an embedded application in view of the limited resource of MCU system .

  6. 资源限制也是一个问题。通常,浏览器都会限制对单个服务器的并发HTTP连接的数量,以避免对该服务器(或者网络连接)造成过大的压力。

    The other problem is resource-based ; generally , browsers limit the number of concurrent HTTP connections to a single server to avoid overbearing the server ( or the network link ) .

  7. 实验2A和实验2B的结果表明,空间注意资源限制会对返回抑制容量产生不同程度的损害。

    The result of experimental 2 A and experimental 2 B shows that the space attention capacity limits damaged the capacity of IOR in different degrees .

  8. etc/security/limits文件包含所有ulimit,即用户的系统资源限制。

    The / etc / security / limits file contains all the ulimits , or users'system resource limitations .

  9. 对于TestConductorAddOn,您可以测试在嵌入式目标上运行的程序,而不用使用黑箱测试来连接目标以测试资源限制型的目标。

    With the TestConductor Add On , you can test applications that run on an embedded target without using black box tests to connect to the target to test resource-constrained targets .

  10. Sinha和Barry说,就像发展中国家的移动电话技术绕过了铜缆固话技术,医学技术的创新有潜力克服资源限制。

    Innovation in medical technology has the potential to overcome resource limitations just as cell phone technology by-passed copper-wire landlines in the developing world , say Sinha and Barry .

  11. Bayeux和WebSockets都试图避免资源限制问题,使用回退机制来实现长轮询(比如Bayeux),或者切换到其他非HTTP协议之上。

    Both Bayeux and WebSockets attempt to avoid the resource limits by using a fall-back mechanism for long polling ( in the case of Bayeux ) or switching to a non-HTTP based secondary protocol instead .

  12. 文章首先对二语习得中有关语言输入的理论做了简要回顾,然后借助McLaughlin的外语学习信息加工模式,从资源限制过程和材料限制过程分析了影响学习者语言输入的因素。

    Firstly , it attempts a brief review on the theories of second language input . Secondly , it explores the factors influencing optimal L2 input in reference to McLaughlin 's information-processing model .

  13. 其次,用图论的方法分析资源限制图建立决策树;

    Secondly , the decision-tree is presented by analysis graph theory .

  14. 提出了资源限制信任协商方法。

    A resource constrained trust negotiation ( RCTN ) was proposed .

  15. 因此资源限制信任协商比较适合在计算能力有限的移动设备之间建立信任关系。

    RCTN is well-suited for resource-limited devices to establish the trust relationship .

  16. 由于系统资源限制而无法执行该操作。

    Cannot perform this operation due to system resource constraints .

  17. 在基于百分比的资源限制设置中,资源控制的粒度也更细了。

    There is also finer granularity for in the percentage-based resource-limit specification .

  18. 资源限制混合流水车间调度的启发式算法

    Heuristics for Resource - Constrained of Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling

  19. 基于资源限制性人工免疫系统的多光谱遥感影像分类方法

    Classification of Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Image Based on Resource Limited Artificial Immune System

  20. 基于资源限制流图的工作流并发结构的正确性验证

    Concurrency Correctness of Workflow Based on Resource Constraint Workflow

  21. 了解组织能力,在行动前确定资源限制投条件。

    Understanding organizational capabilitiesandestablishing resource constraints prior to action .

  22. 影响额外会话预计数量的主要系统资源限制。

    The primary system resource constraint effecting the number of estimated additional sessions .

  23. 因此移动环境下的敏捷供应链研究具有现实意义。但是,移动环境的复杂性和资源限制也导致移动环境下供应链运作的诸多问题。

    So research on agile supply chain in mobile environment is a significant subject .

  24. 在默认情况下这两个资源限制都是禁用的。

    Both resource limits are disabled by default .

  25. 但他们将资源限制给自己。

    But they limit their resources to themselves .

  26. 因此,广西战略产业选择中的升级趋势受到了严重的资源限制。

    Therefore the upgrading of the selection of Guangxi strategic industry has been hindered greatly .

  27. 该系统将生产计划中的各部分资源限制因素贯穿于整个生产计划和生产执行过程。

    The resources which the system need will be throughout the production of plans and actions .

  28. 伊犁新垦区未开发农业土地资源限制性因素评价

    Assessment of Limiting Factors of Undeveloped Agricultural Land over Newly Reclaimed Areas in Yili , Xinjiang

  29. 硬性限制是指由于资源限制,教室和教师必须要满足的派课条件。

    Hard constraint is that due to resource constraints , classrooms and teachers must meet the conditions .

  30. 有资源限制条件的时差的计算

    Calculated Float at Resource Constraints