- 名capital;registered capital

Through this year , the Financial Stability Board is leading the charge to boost loss-absorbing capital for the largest , systemically important institutions to correct this error .
Some of the monolines may need to raise fresh capital in order to maintain their triple-A ratings .
At the time , jazz was really just a well-capitalized platform in search of product .
The surcharge comes on top of the worldwide Basel III minimum of 7 per cent set last year for all banks .
The revelation that BofA needs about $ 35bn in extra capital will increase pressure on Ken Lewis , its embattled chief executive .
If enough money flees the country , it could hasten the inevitable restructuring of Greek debt – an outcome the European Central Bank is desperately trying to delay in the name of saving undercapitalized banks on the continent .
Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko told reporters the country needed IMF funds to strengthen its foreign-currency reserves and its banks'capital .
Based on the fractal market theory , behavioral finance , VaR , reinforcement of investment analysis , business adjustment and capital increase , some countermeasures are brought forward to securities company .
In the wake of the Lehman bankruptcy in 2008 , private markets and regulators are requiring much larger capital , ie buffers , to support liabilities of financial institutions .
Although the IMF said yesterday that it was " not necessarily endorsing " the surcharge concept , its 27-page assessment of the theory adds further weight to an idea that is gaining international momentum .
The banks have told clients and regulators that new regulations including the Volcker rule , designed to prohibit proprietary trading , and the Basel III capital rules are hurting their ability to hold bonds .
The project financing mode through the use of TOT , the recovery of resources to ease the shortage of capital construction projects of contradictions .
Rivals including Credit Suisse and Barclays have since scaled back investors ' expectations about future profitability as they are forced to slim down or quit riskier businesses and hold a much bigger buffer against potential losses .
The proposed capital surcharge and new FDIC fee assessments on the largest institutions with high risk concentrations , however , are a different matter .
RockBridge is already poised to lose its status as the largest start-up in Georgia 's history to another Atlanta-based de novo , Atlantic Capital Bank , which is expected to launch shortly with more than $ 100m of capital .
With many of these ventures losing money , their capital is being eroded at a time when the China Insurance Regulatory Commission is raising capital requirements .
These funds , while still strengthening our capital base , will enable us to expand lending and step up acquisitions , said Dowd Ritter , chief executive of Regions Financial , which took $ 3.5bn of capital .
The group also made an implicit plea for banks to limit payouts to shareholders , saying : We call on banks to retain a greater proportion of current profits to build capital , where needed , to support lending .
It is with the aim of reducing the frequency , severity and public costs of such crises that the leaders of the group of 20 are committed to significantly increasing the levels of capital and liquidity in their national banking systems .
Financial groups are interested in buying back the securities because trups are an expensive form of capital .
Asked by Josef Ackermann , chief executive of Deutsche Bank , whether the markets were right to pressurise banks to hold more capital , the ECB president insisted three times that " what the markets are suggesting is not appropriate " .
Secondly , this paper analy-zes respectively the theory of price stickiness and rational expectations cause the asymmetry of monetary policy . Then we use CC-LM model analyze the reason of credit rationing and capital fund lead to the asymmetry of monetary policy .
Fifth , the banking system needs to be strongly capitalised .
This capital has to be deposited in a domestic bank .
Capital ratios are an important element , Mr Ackermann said .
That requires core institutions to hold more capital against risk .
Assessment Method of the Return on Investment for Railway Transportation Enterprise
Enriching capital fund replenishing channels to increase capital adequacy ratio ;
An Acknowledgement Issue on Liability Risk Capital of Property Insurance Company
On the Core Target about the Evaluation System of State-owned Capital