
zī běn zhōu zhuǎn
  • Capital turnover;turnover of capital
  1. 在第Ⅱ稿第二章,资本周转部分的阐述框架和理论要点基本成型。

    In the second chapter of Ms. ⅱ, the framework and main theoretical points of " Turnover of Capital " takes shape basically .

  2. 而这个进步的核心,在于把资本循环从资本周转中剥离出来,建立了从资本循环到资本周转的抽象&具体结构。

    At the core of this progress stands peeling off of the circuit of capital out of the turnover of capital , and thus the establishment of the abstract-concrete structure of presentation from circuit of capital to turnover of capital .

  3. 论商业资本周转运行的规律和特点

    On Rule and Characteristics of Capital Turnover and Function

  4. 资本周转理论和我国企业的关系

    The relation between the rule of capital turnover and our country 's enterprises

  5. 资本周转是周期性的循环。

    Captial turnover is a periodical cycle .

  6. 资本周转的涵义

    The Connotation of Capital Turnover

  7. 现代化物流产业的发展必将加快资本周转,大大降低生产和贸易成本。

    The development of modem logistics is sure to expedite the capital turnover and greatly reduce the manufacture and trade cost .

  8. 其中,内部财务理论研究的是企业内部资本周转的效率与安全问题,资本周转的安全,是确保企业长期稳定发展的前提;

    Thereinto , the internal finance theory studies the efficiency and the security about the turnover of the interior capital of the groups .

  9. 资本周转与资本循环的区别在于是否从周期性上去考察资本的循环,而不在于资本循环次数的多少。

    The difference between capital turnover and capital cycle lies in studying the cycle of capital in term of periodicity rather than the times of capital cycle .

  10. 这种商店在物理布局上与百货商店类似,但强调批量采购与通过提供低价、较少的商品种类与顾客服务获得很高的资本周转率。

    Such stores are similar to department stores in physical layout , but emphasize mass merchandising and high turnover by offering low prices , fewer product varieties and customer services .

  11. 由于房地产资本周转周期过长,很多开发商资本不足,发包人拖欠承包人建设工程款的情况也日益严重。

    As the real estate capital turnover cycle is too long , many developers lack of capital , and the developer defaulted contractor construction project loan situation is getting worse .

  12. 发展现代物流产业可以加快资本周转,有效降低流通成本,提高资本运行质量,有利于我国经济持续快速增长。

    Developing modern logistics can speed up the capital flow while effectively lower the cost and improve the quality , and accordingly benefits the nation 's economy in maintaining a fast speed .

  13. 营运能力指标涉及存货周转率、营运资本周转率、总资产周转率、应收账款周转率、流动资产周转率和非流动资产周转率共六个指标。

    Operational capacity indicator relates to the accounts receivable turnover , inventory turnover , current asset turnover , working capital turnover ratio , non-current asset turnover and total asset turnover , total of six indicators .

  14. 家族集中持有的财产承担了企业风险和隐性成本,但内源融资使企业对资本周转速度不够敏感,减缓了加速效应,企业难以在短期内迅速获得技术创新和组织创新能力。

    Owning family undertakes business risks and implicit costs , but internal financing makes the firm less sensitive to the speed of capital turnover , reducing the accelerating effect , thus the firm is hardly to obtain the ability of technological and organizational innovations .

  15. 本文根据马克思的商业资本周转理论,通过与产业资本周转运行的比较指出了商业资本周转运行的特点;并论证了商业资本周转对商业资本自身的利润和市场价格的影响。

    Based on Marxism Theory on commercial capital turnover , this paper Points out the characteristics of the function of industrial capital and discusses foe influence of commercial capital turnover on the profit of commercial capital and market price by comparing the theory with the function of industrial capital .

  16. 报告声称这面临很多障碍:成本、技术局限、资本存量周转缓慢、政策无法在全球范围内推行以及自然惯性。

    The purported obstacles are many : costs , technological limits , slow turnover of the capital stock , inability to implement policy globally and natural inertia .

  17. 这在很大程度上归咎于监管改革,监管改革明显抑制了银行资本的周转率,限制了金融体系的多元化。

    A big part of that is due to regulatory changes that are explicitly putting a brake on velocity in bank capital and limiting the diversity of the financial system .

  18. 这不仅让企业获得了更多的融资来源,而且它也是加快银行资本再周转的第一阶段,增强了为传统贷款再融资的途径。

    This not only gives companies more funding sources but also it is the first stage in recycling bank capital with more velocity by strengthening routes to refinance traditional loans .

  19. 结论认为我国上市公司流动资产的占用水平普遍偏高,并较多的使用流动负债融资,同时营运资本的周转周期明显高于国外同行业的先进水平。

    The conclusion is that listed companies ' current assets ratio and current liabilities ratio in China is too high , and the turnover of working capital is longer than the advanced level of the same industry .

  20. 负债及资本净值总额周转率

    Turnover of total liabilities and net worth

  21. 本文首先从马克思关于产业资本循环和周转的理论出发,分析了产业金融的作用;

    The paper analyses the role of industry finance through the Marxism theory on industry capital cycle .

  22. 例如对于资本循环和周转的动态分析,对于社会资本运动中的动态平衡的分析,等等。

    Take for example , the dynamic analysis of the circle and turnover of capital , analysis of dynamic balance of social capital in motion .

  23. 有的企业可能保持较多的库存,这样虽然能提高顾客服务水平,但是增加了企业的库存管理费用,并造成资本呆滞,资金周转率降低等。

    Other firms keeps relative high level of inventory that improves clients service ability , but it result in large mount of inventory management expenditure and creating capital dullness as well as low cash turnovers .

  24. 如果从周期性上考察,即使一次资本循环也属于资本周转,离开周期性去考察,即使反复多次的资本循环也不能称之为资本周转。

    From the perspective of periodicity , even one capital cycle can be classified as capital turnover , while without considering periodicity , even the repeated capital cycles cannot be called capital turnover .

  25. 应收帐款转让市场是资本市场的一个重要组成部分,利用这一市场能加快社会总资本周转,缓解企业之间债务链的矛盾。

    The author holds that the assignment market of accounts receivable is an important part of capital markets .