
  • 网络ferri;Riccardo Ferri;Danny Ferry
  1. 费里斯具备把自己的观察结果记录下来的超强能力。

    Ferris has a rare ability to record her observations on paper

  2. 费里斯蹲伏着。

    Ferris was crouched down on his haunches .

  3. 这儿有一家离邓费里斯不远的药店。

    There 's a chemist 's shop not a hundred miles from dumfries .

  4. 今年的提名作品中包括费里斯的小说《在体面的时刻再度崛起》(ToRiseAgainataDecentHour),书中写了一个愤世嫉俗的纽约牙医;

    This year 's nominees included Mr. Ferris 's novel " To Rise Again at a Decent Hour , " which features a misanthropic New York dentist ;

  5. 其后,约书亚·费里斯(JoshuaFerris)和凯伦·乔伊·弗勒(KarenJoyFowler)两位美国作家的作品入围了六本书的最终决选名单。

    Two American authors , Joshua Ferris and Karen Joy Fowler , made the six-book shortlist .

  6. 蒂姆•费里斯是创始小组的活跃成员,当初他在为自己的书《每周健身四小时》(The4-HourBody)进行实验时,也曾向小组成员寻求反馈。

    Tim Ferriss , an active member of the original group , tapped members for feedback as he was conducting experiments for his book , The4-Hour Body .

  7. 拉夫堡大学(Loughboroughuniversity)的海伦德雷克(HelenDrake)指出,法国政府为了设定2025年国家目标而委托制定的皮萨尼-费里(Pisani-Ferry)报告,念念不忘地将法国与其他国家进行基准对比。

    The Pisani-Ferry report , commissioned by the government to set national targets for 2025 , obsessively benchmarks France against other countries , notes Helen Drake of Loughborough University .

  8. 他的技术风格跟蒂姆•费里斯有类似之处,后者著有红极一时的生产力指导类书籍:《每周工作4小时》(The4-HourWorkweek)。

    His technocratic style is similar to that of Tim Ferriss , author of the smash hit productivity guide the 4-hour workweek .

  9. 市场参与者和越来越多的实体企业正将解体的情形计入价格,布鲁塞尔智库Bruegel主任让皮萨尼-费里(JeanPisani-Ferry)表示。

    Market participants and , increasingly , real businesses are pricing in a break-up scenario , said Jean Pisani-Ferry , director of the Brussels-based Bruegel think-tank .

  10. 这种风险是惊人的:根据让皮萨尼-费里(JeanPisani-Ferry)为布鲁塞尔智库Bruegel撰写的一篇文章,2011年年中时,28%的西班牙国债及27%的意大利国债均为它们本国的银行所持有。

    This is high : in mid-2011 , 28 per cent of Spanish debt and 27 per cent of Italian debt was held by domestic banks , according to a paper by Jean Pisani-Ferry for Bruegel , a Brussels-based think-tank .

  11. 根据Waze的网站,费里曼因他“无疑是Waze用户最喜欢的声音”而被选来担当此次的配音大任。

    According to the app website , the star was selected as he was ' far and away one of the most requested voices by Wazers . '

  12. 该公司在一则声明中讲道:“Waze让你圆总统梦。2月22号星期一起,在美国的限定时间内,摩根·费里曼将(以《伦敦陷落》里副总统特兰伯尔的身份)为Waze用户导航。”

    In a statement the company said : ' Waze is prepared to make you the President . Starting Monday , February 22 , and for a limited time in the United States , Morgan Freeman ( in character as Vice President Trumbull from London Has Fallen ) will be the voice of Waze .

  13. 这以后,我就只玩碰碰车和费里斯转轮。

    After that I stuck to bumper cars and Ferris wheels .

  14. 你让费里斯未经扫描就直接上了你的直升机。

    You allowed Farris to board your chopper without a scan .

  15. 乔?桑德兹的花园不比比尔?费里斯的花园美多少。

    Joe Sanderss garden is no more beautiful than Bill Friths .

  16. 这部分费用会从我的总生活费里扣除吗?

    Can this amount be counted towards my living costs calculation ?

  17. 或者是在电影里更强大的摩根·费里曼。

    Or , even more powerful in film , Morgan Freeman .

  18. 试析费里教育世俗化改革

    A Preliminary Study of Ferry 's Reform for Secular Education

  19. 我的戒指是罗马著名的费里加尼设计的。

    Mine was modelled in Rome by the great Ferrigiani .

  20. 通行证上的指纹属于费里西娅和那个司机。

    The prints on the pass come back to Felicia and the driver .

  21. 请算在我的住宿费里。

    Put it on my hotel bill , please .

  22. 京晶:那不是蒂姆.费里斯的书吗?

    Isn 't that a book by Tim Ferris ?

  23. 我最喜欢乘坐的游乐设施是费里斯转轮。

    My favourite ride is the Ferris wheel .

  24. 由于费里曼的女朋友作伪证,第一次审讯无效。

    The first trial resulted in a mistrial due to Ferriman 's girlfriend committing perjury .

  25. 我很快就到了昆斯费里。

    Soon I arrived in Queensferry .

  26. 我去费里斯的车轮下,看了一下,哇,好啊!

    I went to a Ferris wheel below , looked at it , wow , good high-ah !

  27. 惠顿学院的贾森龙和西北大学的约瑟夫费里埃用艰苦细致的工作为我们提供了另一番视角。

    Painstaking work by Jason long of Wheaton College and Joseph ferrie of Northwestern University provides another perspective .

  28. 费里斯这位优雅、俊俏、现居住于布鲁克林的年轻人32岁时就已被奉为天才作家。

    At32 , Mr Ferris gracious , photogenic , based in Brooklyn was anointed a writer to watch .

  29. 千真万确,一艘小艇正驶回昆斯费里,我叔叔就坐在里边。

    Sure enough , there was the boat returning to Queensferry , with my uncle sitting in it .

  30. 索尔费里诺战争发生在150年前,也就是1859年的6月份。

    The Battle of Solferino took place one hundred fifty years ago , in June of eighteen fifty-nine .