
  • 网络cost efficiency
  1. 求得设备的维修费用与维修时间的关系;进行设备的寿命周期费用分析及费用效率分析等。

    This system can be used for analyzing the operation reliability and maintenance of equipment , calculating the static usability , working out the relationship between equipment maintenance cost and time , and analyzing the life cycle cost and cost efficiency of equipment .

  2. 制造费用效率差异帐户

    Factory expense efficiency variation account

  3. 结果表明,该模型可以协助技术人员把复杂的决策问题定量化,选择出最佳设备,实现检测资源的最佳配置,提高检测系统的费用效率与服务水平。

    The application results show that this model can help technical personnel scientifically select equipments and improve the service level of equipments .

  4. 研究结果证实了双方的坦诚合作交易是降低交易成本、提高市场交易费用效率的最优战略。

    The finding substantiates the straight-out collaboration transaction between sides is the best strategy to reduce the transaction cost and increase the transaction efficiency .

  5. 在设备选型的经济性分析方面,运用费用效率的寿命周期费用评价方法来确定设备选型的最佳方案;

    Using cost & efficiencies means for the best selection of equipment in the aspects of economics analysis and using comprehension appraise the technology norms of equipment , such as , technology , reliability .

  6. 为了提升后台的费用计算效率,后台采用OraclePL/SQL进行数据计算处理。

    To improve the efficiency cost of the background , the background using Oracle PL / SQL for data computing .

  7. 笔者应用边界搜索法,分别以有效材料费用、效率和起动转矩为目标函数,对250W单相电容运转电动机进行了优化设计,同时也用罚函数法进行了优化对比。

    Taking the active material cost , efficiency and locked torque separately as objective functions , the optimization design has been studied with the boundary-search algorithm , The penalty function algorithm has also been employed to compare the effect of the two optimization methods .

  8. 商业企业物流外包的费用和效率边界分析

    Cost Efficiency of Logistics Outsourcing Boundary in Commercial Companies

  9. 为新项目建立和安装喷射夹及其相关程序,并兼顾费用和效率。

    Create and install spray jigs and programs for new project requirements taking into consideration costs and efficiency .

  10. 然后从总的物流运作成本及其构成要素与资产的专用性之间的关系,探讨了商业企业物流外包的费用与效率边界问题;

    The boundary from the relationships of total logistics operation cost and its components with assets specificity are presented .

  11. 企业的成本核算方法在企业管理中占有非常重要的地位,影响着企业的成本费用、效率及其盈利水平。

    The method of corporate cost accounting is very important in enterprise management . It impacts on business costs , efficiency and profitability .

  12. 从货币收益的角度看,农家小院系统的费用使用效率、商品生产获利能力要优于芦花湖系统。

    The results showed that the Farmyard system got more benefit than the Luhua Lake system did from the point of view of monetary profit .

  13. 活性污泥处理系统的主要反应器&曝气池中的气液传质效率直接关系到污水处理的费用和效率。

    The gas-liquid transfer efficiency in the aeration tank , which is the key reactor of the activated sludge treatment system , has immediate relations with the cost and efficiency of the wastewater treatment .

  14. 电力市场中购电费用及竞争效率分析

    Analysis on power purchase cost and competition efficiency in electricity market

  15. 交易费用、制度效率与三元灌溉管理制度安排

    Transaction Cost , Institution Efficiency Irrigation Management Institution

  16. 该技术具有施工费用低、效率高、经济效益好等特点。

    The technology is characterized by low construction expense , high efficiency , and high economic benefit .

  17. 科学合理的选址不但能够节省企业今后运营的各项费用和提高效率,还能够为客户提供更加优质高效的物流服务。

    Scientific and reasonable locations can not only help enterprise save cost of operation and improve efficiency , but also provide clients with much better services .

  18. 传统设计设计过程周期长、费用高、效率低,并且得到的仅仅是可行的设计方案而并非是最优的设计方案。

    Despite traditional design method is provided with long production period , high cost and low efficiency which can only obtain a feasible design scheme but not an optimal one .

  19. 从基建投资、运转费用、净化效率、能源消耗、煤气及粉尘压块回收的再利用和环境保护等方面作了全面的分析与比较。

    Two processes are compared from the points of capital cost , operation cost , efficiency of cleaning , energy consumption , recycle of gas , dust recovery and environmental protection .

  20. 以单位费用的接运效率和单位费用的覆盖效率最大为规划目标建立接运效率模型和覆盖效率模型。

    And feeder efficiency model on the aim of max feeder effect per cost is proposed . Then cover efficiency model on the aim of max cover effect per cost is presented .

  21. 当前的主要桥梁监测方法分为人工检测的方法和一些自动识别方法,它们一般都存在检测费用高、效率低和灵敏度不高的问题。

    At present the main bridge monitoring methods are divided into manual work method and automatic detection method , and they generally follow high testing cost , low efficiency and low sensitivity .

  22. 超滤能有效截留反应液中的杂质,清液透光率达90%以上,而且费用低、效率高,保证了后续工序的顺利进行,极大地提高了产品质量,取得了明显的经济效益。

    This technology can cut off the impurity components , get 90 % clean liquid , has low costs and high efficiency . It also guarantee the latter procedure and improve the product quality .

  23. 运行测试表明,静电除垢装置能有效地起阻垢、除垢、防腐作用,并具有制造成本、运行费用低,效率高,无二次污染等特点。

    The running tests showed that the processor could remove scale and keep from corrosion effectively and had a characteristic of low making and running costs , high efficiency , and no second pollution .

  24. 车间设备布局设计是制造系统规划中的重要一环,其结果对生产系统运行过程中的物料搬运费用、搬运效率,乃至系统的产能、生产效率等均有较大影响。

    Developing a plant layout is an important step when designing manufacturing facilities due to the impact of the layout on material handling cost and efficiency , on the actual capacity , and on productivity of the facility .

  25. 传统的文本分类是基于人工方式的,这种方式缺点很多,如周期长、费用高、效率低、需要大量专业人员以及分类结果的一致性低等。

    Conventional text classification based on manual mode has a lot of shortcomings , such as long period , high charge , low efficiency , the requirement of large numbers of professional people and low consistency of the results et.

  26. 由于通信基站的上述特点,移动公司需要派专人经常抄表检查,然而人工抄表监控的缺陷特别突出,主要有:实时性差、工作量大、费用高、效率低。

    Because of above-mentioned traits , specially-assigned persons are put in charge of meter reading , however , defects of manual meter reading are obvious , such as poor in real-timeliness , large in workload , costly in expenses and low in efficiency .

  27. 与此同时,通信检测市场中的客户掌握了前所未有的主动权,客户不仅挑剔检测的费用、检测效率和检测技术,还对检测机构提供的服务提出了更高的要求。

    In the same time , the customers in the communication test market have gained the initiative . They are not only hypercritical on the fare , efficiency and the technology of the test , but also on the service offered by the test organization .

  28. 为了适应信息资源快速增长的需要,和解决传统人工标引的费用高昂、效率低下、一致性差等缺陷,自动标引的研究成为必然趋势且具有重大意义。

    In order to meet the needs of the rapid growth of information resources , and to solve the traditional manual indexing defects , which is costly , inefficient , poor consistency . Research on automatic indexing has become an inevitable trend and has great significance .

  29. 由碱性铁矿渣制备Mg(OH)2乳浊液脱硫剂是一种投资省、运行费用低、脱硫效率高、以废治废的烟气脱硫新技术。

    Research results indicated that Mg ( OH ) _2-based absorbent is a new FGD technology with investment-saving , low cost , high desulfurization efficiency and recycled method .

  30. 介绍哈尔滨医科大学第二附属医院引入ISO9000医院管理模式,进行管理创新,降低医疗费用,提高工作效率,为患者提供高效服务,对病人实行自主选药;

    By introducing ISO9000 hospital managerial pattern , the hospital conducted managerial innovation , as a result , medical service charge was reduced , efficiency improved , effective service offered to patients , patients were allowed to select drugs ;