
  • 网络Power plant;power equipments
  1. 基于遗传算法的核动力设备实时故障诊断系统

    Nuclear Power Plant Real-Time Fault Diagnosis System Based on Genetic Algorithm

  2. 狠抓基础工作加强动力设备管理

    Firmly Grasp Basic work And Strengthen The Management Of Power Plant

  3. 基于WEB方式的通信动力设备及环境集中监控系统的研制

    Development of Remote Power and Environment Monitory System Based on WEB

  4. 基于Internet动力设备集中监控通讯子系统中的设计模式

    Design Pattern of Communication Subsystem of Internet Based Concentrate Monitor System of Power Devices

  5. 基于PDA的船载动力设备巡检系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of inspection system of shipborne dynamical equipment based on PDA

  6. 动力设备如汽车在很大程度上依赖于石油资源。石化燃料燃烧产生的CO2引起了温室效应,而CO、NOx和烃类危害人体健康。

    Burning of fossil fuel produces CO_2 , which give rise to greenhouse effect , and CO , NO_x and hydrocarbons , which jeopardize people 's health .

  7. 作为回报,东方电气(DongfangElectric)、哈尔滨动力设备(HarbinPowerEquipment)和上海电气(ShanghaiElectric)等中国大型能源企业从越南获得了利润丰厚的电力设备供应合同,并在越南各地建设发电站。

    In return , large Chinese energy groups such as Dongfang Electric , Harbin Power Equipment and Shanghai Electric have been awarded lucrative contracts to provide equipment and build power stations across Vietnam .

  8. 最后,本文结合哈尔滨动力设备股份有限公司的RD项目,对所建立的方法进行了应用,提出了改进RD项目管理的对策。

    Finally , basing on the R D projects of Harbin Power Equipment Co. , Ltd , the method putted forward in this article is applied and the solutions to improve the R D project management are proposed .

  9. 利用自动代码生成技术,加快了动力设备ECU开发速度、缩短了开发周期。

    With the use of automatic generation of technology , it can shorten the time of the development of power equipment ECU and the development cycle .

  10. IDC机房中的设备种类较多,包括各种动力设备、空调系统、安保系统、网络通信设备、大容量存储设备及大、中型服务器等。

    Many kinds of IDC computer room equipment , including a variety of power equipment , air conditioning system , security system , network communication equipment , large capacity storage devices and large , medium-sized servers .

  11. 火力发电厂动力设备保温的改进

    Improvement on Thermal Insulation of Power Equipment in Thermal Power Plants

  12. 高速电动车组的结构和动力设备配置问题

    Structure of High-speed Electric Multiple Unit and Distribution of Power Equipment

  13. 电机是煤矿生产中最主要的动力设备。

    And the main power equipment for coal production is motor .

  14. 知识发现在动力设备监控系统中的应用研究

    The Research and Application of DDK in Power Equipments Monitoring System

  15. 主蒸汽母管改造及动力设备调优运行

    Improvements for Main Steam Pipe and Optimum Operation for Power Equipments

  16. 电厂动力设备状态维修管理系统的开发

    Development of Condition-based Maintenance Management System of Power Equipment in Power Plants

  17. 大型动力设备基础桩基负摩阻力问题的研究

    Negative Friction Resistance of Pile Foundation for Heavy Dynamic Equipment

  18. 动力设备便携式动态信号分析仪的研制

    Development of a Portable Dynamic Analyzer Used in Power Plants

  19. 电动机是各行业应用最为广泛的动力设备。

    Motor is the most widely used dynamic equipment in all fields .

  20. 船用典型动力设备抗冲击性能评估研究

    Shock resistance performance evaluation for the typical dynamic device used in ships

  21. 高温超导交流同步电动机&一种理想的舰船推进动力设备

    HTS AC Synchronous Motor & an Ideal Power Equipment for Ship Propulsion

  22. 动力设备综合实验平台的计算机模拟

    The computer simulation of integrated experiments platforms for power equipment

  23. 部份引进远洋渔船的动力设备概况

    A survey on the power equipment on some imported pelagic fishing vessels

  24. 变频器在中央空调动力设备系统中的应用

    The Application of Converter on the Power Equipment of Central Air-conditioning System

  25. 动力设备两级有源积极隔振系统的研究

    Research on Two-Layer Active Vibration Isolation System of Power Plant

  26. 大型散货船动力设备振动评价与诊断

    Vibration measurement and fault diagnosis for power equipment of large-sized bulk carrier

  27. 柔性基础上动力设备的隔振系统功率流特性研究

    Power Flow of Power Machine Vibration Isolating on Flexible Base

  28. 铁路机械动力设备技术信息管理系统的开发与应用

    Utilizing and Using of Technical Information Management System for Railway Mechanical Dynamics Equipment

  29. 楼宇动力设备的集散控制系统设计

    The Concentrating And Distributing Control-System Design Of High-Building Equipment

  30. 动力设备中蒸汽喷注噪声的研究

    A Study on the Hissing Noise of Injecting Steam in Steam Power Equipments