
  • Guizhou Province;Kweichow
  1. 它也称为天眼(“上帝之眼”),位于中国西南部贵州省的深山里,呈盘状,有30个足球场那么大。

    It is also called Tian-yan ( " The Eye of Heaven " ) , with a dish the sire of 30 football grounds , deep in the mountains of southwest China 's Guizhou Province .

  2. 利用GIS的网络通达性分析功能,根据胡佛模型,采用实际交通距离替代直线距离的方法,计算贵州省九个地级市的腹地范围。

    The hinterland of the nine cities in Guizhou province is studied by using GIS and Huff Model .

  3. 基于GIS的贵州省地质灾害危险性评价

    Geological Hazard Risk Assessment Based on GIS in Guizhou

  4. 基于RS和GIS技术的贵州省植被生态环境监测分析

    The Analysis of Vegetation Entironment Monitoring in Chinese Guizhou Based on RS and GIS Technology

  5. 贵州省黔西县彝族健康人群HBV感染血清流行病学调查

    A Seroepidemiological Investigation on HBV Infection among Healthy Population of Yi Minority in Qianxi County

  6. 农村低保制度建设中的参与和赋权:贵州省K乡的案例研究

    Participation and Empowerment in Building Rural Subsistence Security System : Taking K township of Guizhou province as the case

  7. 利用高效液相色谱测定了贵州省苗族地区6种不同风味的发酵型酸汤中有机酸的含量,另外测定了酸汤中Ca、p、Fe、Zn、Se等矿物质。

    Six of fermented acidic liquid from Miao nationality of Guizhou Province were analyzed by HPLC in this paper .

  8. 贵州省鸡群中禽白血病病毒J亚群感染的调查

    Investigation on Infection of Subgroup J Avian Leukosis Virus in Different Flocks of Guizhou Province

  9. 贵州省同一产地野生和栽培天麻的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis on Wild and Cultivated Gastrodia elata Blume from the Same Habitat in Guizhou Province

  10. RS、GIS在贵州省环境地质综合调查中的应用&以崩塌、滑坡、泥石流调查为例

    The Application of RS and GIS in the Comprehensive Survey of Environmental Geology : Taking Example for Slumping , Landslide and Mudflow

  11. 本文使用PER环境人口容量模型,利用1952-2002年的相关统计数据,从经济承载力和资源承载力两个角度,对贵州省环境的经济人口容量和资源人口容量进行了动态分析和综合描述。

    This paper use the model of " P-E-R " about the capacity of environment and population , analyze the population capacity of economic and resource of Guizhou .

  12. 贵州省少数民族地区儿童计划免疫IEC策略制定的需求调查

    Need survey for development of IEC strategies on childhood immunization in minority areas of Guizhou Province

  13. 本文对贵州省罗甸县农村健康人群进行了HBV、HCV感染的流行病学调查。

    An epidemiologic investigation on infection of HBV , HCV among healthy population was conducted in Luodian county , Guizhou province .

  14. 3S技术在贵州省森林资源清查及其评价中的应用

    Application of the ' 3S ' Technologies to the Forest Resources Inventory and Evaluation in Guizhou Province

  15. 基于DEM的三维景观模型构建探讨&以贵州省都匀市为例

    A Discussion of Three-dimensioned Landscape Model Construction Based on DEM & A Case Study on Duyun City of Guizhou Province

  16. 社会公共空间与西部农村的发展&以贵州省安顺市J村的调查为主的社会学分析

    Social Public Space and Rural Development in Western China & An Sociological Analysis with Stress on the Investigation into Village J , An shun City , Guizhou Province

  17. 本文报道贵州省三种不同情况EHF疫区鼠类连续两年逐月自然监测结果。

    This report results from the two years ' natural observing the rat infectious Source in three different EHF epidemic areas of Guizhou .

  18. 研究了体系pH值和土壤矿物成分对贵州省安顺和遵义两个地区碳酸盐岩红土吸附砷的影响,探讨了红土对砷的吸附机理。

    The characteristics of adsorption of arsenic in red soil in Anshun and Zunyi areas affected by pH value and mineral were studied in this research work , and the adsorb mechanism of arsenic in red soil was discussed .

  19. 结果显示:贵州省进出口贸易与经济增长之间存在着互动因果关系;贵州省的进出口贸易总额的增长,需要有更大的GDP总额的支撑和发展外向型经济的有力措施。

    The results indicate that there is an interactive and causal relationship between trade and economic growth and that increase in trade demands the support of a larger GDP and strong measures to develop export-oriented economy .

  20. 目的了解2005年贵州省碘缺乏病(IDD)防治现状,完善可持续发展防治策略,使贵州省尽快实现消除IDD阶段目标。

    Objective To investigate the current status of iodine deficiency disorders ( IDD ) in 2005 to persistently perfect the prevention strategy aiming at eliminating IDD .

  21. ASTER影像在喀斯特石漠化遥感解译中的应用&以贵州省瓮安县为例

    The application of ASTER image in remote sensing interpretation for karst rock desertification & With a special reference to Weng'an County of Guizhou

  22. 目的探讨实施全民食盐加碘(USI)措施后,贵州省儿童甲状腺肿(甲肿)及其消长规律。

    Objective To explore the growth and decline rule of endemic goiter of Guizhou province after universal salt iodination ( USI ) .

  23. 运用Web-GIS技术,设计开发了贵州省旅游信息系统。

    This paper describes the design and achievement of Guizhou tourism information system using web-GIS ( World Wide Web Geographical Information System ) .

  24. 近几年来,贵州省房地产业规模发展迅速,房地产开发投资在GDP中的比重日趋上升,逐渐成为了贵州省国民经济的重要行业之一。

    In recent years , the scale of real estate industry in Guizhou province become larger and larger rapidly , the percentage of real estate investment in Gross Domestic Production are increasing gradually , therefore real estate industry becomes one of the important industries in Guizhou economy .

  25. 结果显示近50a来贵州省降雨侵蚀力呈增加趋势,即由降雨引起的土壤水蚀潜在能力增加。

    The results indicate that rainfall erosivity show increasing trend during the last 50 years which indicates that the potential ability of the soil loss caused by rainfall increase in Guizhou Province .

  26. 方法应用单细胞凝胶电泳法(SCGE)对贵州省兴仁县燃煤型砷中毒重病区175名砷接触者的血细胞DNA损伤进行了检测,并分析了相关因素的影响。

    Methods Using single cell gel electrophoresis assay ( SCGE ), the DNA damage in blood cells of 175 arsenic contacts was detected in Xingren County , Guizhou Province , where there was serious arsenism caused by burning coal , and the effects of related factors were analyzed too .

  27. 其组合优IA/4761经贵州省1994年杂稻区试,平均每hm2产量达8685kg,两年平均产量比对照汕优63增产4.73%,联合方差分析达显著和极显著水平。

    The combination You IA / 4761 yielded 8685 kg / ha on an average , and increasing by 4 37 % over CK variety in Guizhou Provincial Hybrid Rice Regional Test in 1993 ~ 1994.Yield variance analysis reached significant at 0 5 % and 0 1 % level .

  28. 本文报道了近年来发现于我国湖南省和贵州省的一种新毒菌,经鉴定是叶状耳盘菌Cordieritesfrondosa(Kobay.)

    In this paper , a poisonous fungus new to China is reported . It was collected in Hunan and Guizhou Provinces respectively in 1984 and 1986 . The scientific name of the fungus is Cordierites frondosa ( Kobay . )

  29. 通过测试窑体的部分性能和进行杉松中板工艺试验,考察安装在贵州省林机厂的某HMA型电加热远红外木材干燥窑的构造特征和工艺效果。

    The structural characteristics and technological effect of HMA electric far infrared ray drying kiln , which was built at Guizhou Forest Machinery Factory , were observed by means of some of property of the kiln and technologic on drying Tsuga chinensis and Pinus massoniana planks .

  30. 在对MPLS-VPN技术理论进行充分分析的基础上,提出了基于MPLS-VPN技术的移动办公网络平台的设计思路与实施步骤,对贵州省其他领域的电子政务移动办公网络平台建设具有一定的实践意义。

    Based on adequate analysis in theory of the MPLS-VPN technology , it provided design approaches and implementation procedures of mobile office network platform , which would make a practical difference to the construction of other areas of the mobile office network platforms in Guizhou province .