
  • 网络discounted factor;the discount factor;discount rate
  1. 动态风险厌恶、随机贴现因子与资产定价

    Dynamic Risk Aversion , Stochastic Discount Factor and Asset Pricing

  2. 外部性、贴现因子与兼并动机

    Externality , Discount Factor and Merger Incentive

  3. 提出了重复和无限重复流速与拥塞控制博弈模型,论证了重复博弈NEP的存在性和最优性,讨论了重复博弈中贴现因子的意义;

    Subsequently , repeated and infinite repeated flow and congestion control game model is presented . The existence and optimization of the Nash equilibrium point is proved .

  4. 本文的结论是在静态博弈条件下企业的Cartel联盟不具有稳定性条件,在重复博弈条件下,企业在合作均衡与竞争均衡之间的选择取决于贴现因子的大小。

    The result of the paper is the cartel alliance has no stable promise in the condition of the static game , the choose between the cooperative equilibrium and competitive equilibrium is decided by the numbers of the discount rate .

  5. 消费者行为分析中贴现因子的确定方法研究

    Study on Determining Discount Factor in the Analysis of Consumer Behaviour

  6. 风险厌恶参数、时间贴现因子既影响了个体购买保险的偏好而且影响到了购买的数量。

    Risk-aversion parameter , utility discount rate affects the preference on insurance products .

  7. 贴现因子不同的劳动力市场博奕

    Dynamic game of labor market under different discount factors

  8. 该模型具有以下三方面的启示:一是关于贴现因子;

    The model has three implications , First , it is about discount coefficient ;

  9. 贴现因子、偏好和行为经济学

    Discounting Rate , Preference and Behavioral Economics

  10. 多级无赔款优待系统的定价动态风险厌恶、随机贴现因子与资产定价

    Pricing NCD System with Different Discount Levels Dynamic Risk Aversion , Stochastic Discount Factor and Asset Pricing

  11. 贴现因子对耐用品垄断者选择的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Discount Factors on Choosing Between Renting and Selling in the Durable-goods Monopoly

  12. 集团公司的最优创新大小依赖于贴现因子、它的类型、价格和工资。

    The optimal innovation size of group-corporation depends on discount factor , its type , price and wage .

  13. 本文还分析了讨价还价模型中贴现因子的影响因素,并结合实际节能改造项目给出了模型算例。

    Also this thesis analyzed the discount factor of the bargaining model and conducted application research combined with instances .

  14. 影响股票价格波动的情绪波动分别是主观贴现因子、跨期替代弹性和风险规避系数的波动。这些结果可以帮助我们理解股票价格的波动性和债券价格的平滑性。

    These results can help us understand the excess volatility of equity prices and the smoothness of bond prices .

  15. 在贴现因子为随机的条件下,给出终身寿险纯保费的精算公式。

    The actuarial formula of pure premium of the whole life insurance is discussed , as discount factor is random .

  16. 另外,该方程还包含了三个待估计参数:各产业劳动产出弹性以及消费者的主观效用贴现因子和风险规避系数。

    Moreover , the equation still includes three parameters : output elasticity of labor , subjective utility discount factor and relative risk aversion .

  17. 研究结论表明,审计师所要求的审计意见购买收益的分成比例,取决于审计师与经营者的贴现因子;

    The results show that the portion of the opinion-shopping income to the auditor lies on the discount rates of the auditor and the manager .

  18. 与静态最优合约相比,动态最优合约形式更为复杂,并且可能受到贴现因子的影响。

    Compared to the static optimal contracts , the dynamic ones are much more complex and will be affected by the value of discount factor .

  19. 对各方案的结果进行了分析比较,得到了统计意义上的临界贴现因子和均衡策略;

    Finally , the paper analyzes the results of every simulation plan and works out the critical discount rate and equilibrium strategy in the statistical sense .

  20. 而在贴现因子足够大,亦即政府的目光并不太短浅的情况下,调控证券市场未必能够给政府带来最大效用。

    When the discount factor is sufficient , in other words when the government is not too short-sighted , influencing the stock market does not always brings maximum utility for government .

  21. 为了实现价值的当期分配,用贴现因子代表各企业的讨价还价能力,用中间产品的价格决定供应链各企业的价值利润的分配。

    In order to distribute value immediately , each firm 's bargaining power is represented by discount factor and each firm 's value distribution is determined the price of intermediate product .

  22. 而短期贴现因子越大,则搜寻强度下降,搜寻者与工作职位之间的匹配变得越困难,从而提高均衡失业率。

    While the greater the short-term discount factor , the intensity down the search , the matching between searcher and those jobs becomes more difficult , thereby it will increase equilibrium unemployment rate .

  23. 而政府所需的税收监管力度与惩罚力度、纳税人贴现因子的平方以及政府的监管成本成反比,与税率的平方成正比;

    As for degree of taxation supervision , it is negative to degree of punishment , square of discount factor and cost of government supervision , while it is positive to square of tax rate .

  24. 建立了油气三方博弈模型,从油气博弈结果来看,表现合作博弈力量强弱的贴现因子是影响博弈结果的重要因素。

    The establishment of a tripartite game model of oil from the oil and gas game results , the performance of cooperative game force strength of the discount factor is an important factor in game results .

  25. 结论是,由于高额的监督评价成本等约束因素造成基层政府的临界贴现因子过低,导致基层政府缺乏注重声誉的激励;

    The conclusions are : since the high monitoring and evaluation cost result in the critical discount factor in grass-root government being too low , there lacks adequate stimulus for grass government to value the reputation ;

  26. 运用选择成本分析范式,在讨价还价博弈理论分析框架下,将贴现因子δ的变动与消费者的选择成本联系起来。

    This paper uses cost analysis choice paradigm to build the equipment manufacturing industry brand dynamic explanatory model . Under the framework of bargain game theory analysis , this model links the discount factor 5 and changes in the cost of consumer choice .

  27. 通过建立一个比较静态博弈模型,并对模型求解,得出:纳税人的逃税额与惩罚力度、纳税人的贴现因子以及政府的监管概率成反比,与税率成正比;

    With a comparative static game model , we come to the conclusions as follows : The amount of tax evasion is negative to degree of punishment , discount factor and supervision probability of the government , while it is positive to tax rate .

  28. 研究表明,在无限次重复博弈中,如果对于不合作的制裁威胁是可信的且未来收益的贴现因子足够大,则有效的知识互换均衡是可以达到的。

    We find that , in the iterated repeated game , the efficient equilibrium of knowledge barter is possible and reachable if the threat to sanction the staffs who does not barter his knowledge with others is credible and the discount factor of future payoff is large enough .

  29. 以博弈论为工具,分析目前图书馆信息资源共享难以达成的原因。指出在贴现因子足够大的情况下,图书馆进行无限次重复博弈并采取触发策略可以实现信息资源共享

    Using the theory of games as a tool , this paper analyzes the reasons why the libraries are difficult to realize information resources sharing It points out only when the discount factors are sufficiently large can the libraries realize information resources sharing via infinite repeated games and trigger strategy