
  • 网络Wealth driven
  1. 这将刺激资本投资(它们高度相关)以及受财富驱动的消费支出。

    That would spur capital investment ( they are highly correlated ) and wealth-driven consumer expenditures .

  2. 但是,私人资本的流动并不仅仅是靠个人财富驱动的,当中国公司和他们的融资人将目光放向国外的时候,也许中国稳步发展最敏感的领域是在公司竞技场上。

    The flow of private capital is not just driven by individual wealth , however . Perhaps the most sensitive area of China 's march is in the corporate arena , as Chinese firms and their financiers look abroad .

  3. 宗教因素从此式微,获取财富几乎成为驱动美国梦的唯一目标。

    The religious element has since faded , and getting rich has become nearly the sole purpose driving the dream .

  4. 启蒙哲学家们(除了个别例外)开始探寻人的灵魂深处,发现了一个执着于自主、并受到攫取财产和财富之贪欲驱动的理性动物。

    Enlightenment philosophers with some exceptions peered into the psyche and saw a rational creature obsessed with autonomy and driven by the desire to acquire property and wealth .

  5. 财富创造的主要驱动力是国内生产总值(GDP)的增长、金融市场的表现和流动性。

    The main drivers for wealth creation are gross-domestic-product growth , financial-market performance and liquidity .

  6. 在英联和欧瑞斯的经历让他相信,风险资本和私人股本是新兴市场增长和财富创造的巨大驱动力。

    His experience at both CDC and Aureos has convinced him that venture capital and private equity are big drivers of growth and wealth creation in emerging markets .

  7. 报告表示,去年股市的强劲表现是他们财富增长的关键驱动因素,全球股市的平均涨幅为18%。

    Strong stock markets last year were a key driver of the gains , with global equities rising 18 per cent on average , according to the report .