
  • 网络Financial risk;Debt Ratio
  1. 第五章是ERP系统实施过程中财务风险控制对策。

    Chapter V is about financial risk control measures .

  2. PA保险公司的财务风险分析

    The Analysis of Financial Risk of PA Insurance Company

  3. 第二部分分别从MM理论角度和期权角度分析了企业财务风险的成因。

    The second part uses MM theorem and option theorem to analyze the original cause of formation of enterprise 's financial risk .

  4. 实证结果证明,以自由现金流量指标为变量建立的灰色预警模型对ST珠江公司的财务风险进行了有效的预测。

    The research result testified that the gray prediction model could well forecast the financial situation of ST Zhu Jiang .

  5. 第三,基于PDCA循环理论构建了企业财务风险预警内部报告。

    Third , based on the PDCA cycle theory , this article builds internal reports of financial risk warning .

  6. 第四章对XX证券公司财务风险管理现状及成因进行剖析。

    In the fourth chapter , the current situation and the causes of the financial risk management in XX Securities Company are analyzed .

  7. 从MM理论角度出发,要控制企业财务风险,关键是确定企业最优资本结构,控制资本结构风险。

    The analysis is based on the MM Theorem , reaching the conclusion that the key to control financial risk is to control the capital structure risk through determining an optimal capital structure .

  8. 特别是结合现金流量的概念,对Zeta模型开展必要的改造,以达到对财务风险进行科学预测的目标。

    Especially , the study holds the amendment to Zeta model combining the concept of cash flow , in order to forecast financial risk scientifically .

  9. 在我国加入WTO的背景下,石油企业面临财务风险的不确定性大大地增加了,如何通过优化资本结构来不断地降低财务风险对石油企业有重要的意义。

    After China 's entry into the WTO , oil enterprises are faced with more uncertainty of financial risk and it is of vital importance to oil enterprises to consider how to reduce financial risks by optimizing capital structure .

  10. 由于MBO融资操作过程的不规范和不透明,企业在收购完成后的生产经营过程中蕴涵了偿债风险、投资风险、收益分配风险等巨大的财务风险。

    As a result of the abnormity and opacity in MBO financing , there is great many of financial risk such as repay debt risk , investment risk , profit distribution risk in production management of the enterprise after purchase .

  11. 以此为依据,本文结合实际提出了对TBT项目的投标风险、财务风险、建设风险、市场风险、投资环境风险进行有效管理的若干措施。

    Based on the point of view , the paper put forward a certain measures which can manage TBT project risks include bid risk , financing risk , construction risk , market risk , investment environment risk , etc. .

  12. 该协会颁发的专业风险管理师(PRM)资格证书是全球财务风险管理经理们遵循的标准,该协会已经为全球140多个国家和地区的专业人员颁发了此证书。

    The Professional Risk Man-agement ( PRM ) certificate is recognized as the global risk management standard by financial risk managers . Risk manage-ment professionals in more than 140 countries and regions have been conferred this certificate .

  13. 本文基于BL公司目前内部财务风险管理的现状,运用风险管理和防范一般理论,对公司内部财务风险的成因和风险的控制问题进行分析研究。

    This text based on BL Company inside financial risk management at present current situation , use risk management and take precautions against general theory , the problem of control on origin cause of formation and risk of the financial risk inside the company is analyzed and researched .

  14. 阐述了加强财务风险管理的必要性。

    We must strengthen the management of the financial affair risks .

  15. 基于财务风险控制的改制企业资本结构

    Capital structure of reformed enterprise based on the financial risk control

  16. 议企业财务风险的识别与防范

    Discussion on Discrimination and Keeping Watch on Financial Risk for Enterprises

  17. 跨国企业集团的财务风险及其预警管理&由中航油事件引起的思考

    On the Financial Risks of Multinational Enterprise Groups and Their Early-Warning

  18. 我国高等院校负债运营中的财务风险探析

    A Probe into the Financial Risk in Running Academies in China

  19. 企业并购财务风险及其防范

    Financial Risks of Enterprise Merger and Acquisition and Preventive Measures

  20. 其中对创业企业影响最大的就是财务风险因素。

    The greatest impact to Venture enterprise is the financial risk factors .

  21. 企业管理者可以采取一些技术性措施来防范财务风险,运用行之有效的手段,对现金性筹资风险、收支性筹资风险进行控制。

    Managers should take measures to prevent and control these financial risks .

  22. 杠杆收购财务风险的博弈分析与规避

    Game Analysis and Evasion against the Financial Risks of LBO

  23. 如何利用金融衍生工具规避财务风险

    The methods of evading financial risk using derivative financial instruments

  24. 关于高校财务风险控制的思考

    Reflections on Controlling Financial Risks of Institutions of Higher Learning

  25. 试谈企业财务风险的管理

    About management for the risks of financial affairs of enterprises

  26. 财务风险是客观存在的,不能被完全消除。

    Financial risks is an objective existence that can not be completely eliminated .

  27. 企业财务风险生成和传导机理分析

    Analysis of Enterprise Financial Risks Generation and Transmission Mechanism

  28. 信贷及财务风险分析与管理;

    Credit risk and financial risk analysis and control ;

  29. 企业股利政策与财务风险分析

    Analysis of the Dividend Policy and the Financial Risk

  30. 桑乐公司客观存在问题和快速发展现状之间的矛盾,给公司的快速发展带来了不小的财务风险隐患。

    The contradiction between objective problems and rapid development brought inconvenient financial risks .