
  • 网络financial independence;financial independent;achieve financial independence
  1. 人生的第四个大目标就是达到财务独立。

    The fourth goal we all have in common is to achieve financial independence .

  2. 本文主要的创新之处在于通过研究独立董事是否能对中国上市公司的盈余管理行为进行有效的制约,以及财务独立董事在这一过程当中是否发挥作用以检验独立董事制度的有效性。

    The main contribution of the paper is to examine the efficiency of the independent directors and the financial independent directors through studying whether the independent directors restrict the earnings management effectively in the listed companies of our country .

  3. (三)财务独立,能够独立承担民事责任;

    Being financially independent and able to meet civil liabilities independently ;

  4. 这种因为财务独立而具有的灵活性也招致了批评。

    The flexibility that such independence brings also ushers in critics .

  5. 为何不与两大搜索合作伙伴保持财务独立?

    Why not just stay financially independent of both your major search partners ?

  6. 财务独立董事与自愿性信息披露&来自深市的经验证据

    Financially Independent Directors and Voluntary Information Disclosure & Evidence from Listed Companies in Shenzhen Stock Exchange

  7. 不过,就算你财务独立,配偶的信用评分也会对你申请夫妻联名信用卡产生影响。

    But even with separate finances , your spouse 's credit score will affect your ability to get joint credit .

  8. 更多的女性会保持财务独立,这样她们中的更多人就不必囿于传统婚姻所带来的那种苦差事。

    More women are financially independent , so more of them can pursue a single life that may appeal more than the drudgery of a traditional marriage .

  9. 中央银行独立性的涵义应涵盖组织独立、目标独立、职能独立和财务独立等四个部分。

    The meaning of the Central Bank independence should contain four parts , such as independent organization , independent goal , independent function and independent financial rule .

  10. 作为最反对的竞争对手,该公司在财务上独立,实现其成长完全由国内资本。

    As opposed to most competitors , the company is financially independent and achieves its growth solely from internal capital .

  11. 她继承钱财在财务上独立了,继承自另一个女人,然后她做了什么?

    She supports herself financially through an inheritance that she gets from another woman , and then what does she do ?

  12. 控股股东应尊重公司财务的独立性,不得干预公司的财务、会计活动。

    Controlling shareholders shall respect the financial independence of the company and shall not interfere with the financial and accounting activities of the company .

  13. 本文从内部控制的角度,以招商局物流集团内部控制为例,对现行的内部控制制度进行了深入分析,发现存在财务人员独立性较弱、考核指标较单一、内部审计有待加强等问题。

    This essay took China Merchants Logistics Group as an example , analyzed the interior control system deeply , found that the lack of independence of financing staff , the simplex of evaluation indicators and the relax of interior audit are important problems that influenced the development of logistic company .

  14. 情况糟得无以复加,结果特别委员会只好一度请来了波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)——该集团已经为戴尔的替代性战略提供咨询了——对公司的财务前景开展独立分析。

    Things got so bad that , at one point , the special committee asked Boston Consulting Group -- which already was advising on strategic alternatives -- to provide independent financial analysis of the company 's prospects .

  15. 这一结论表明,具有财务专长的独立董事,能有效改善公司的信息披露质量。

    Our results suggest that independent directors with financial expertise efficiently improve the quality of information disclosed .

  16. 财务报表经独立审计师审计和签字后,应提交董事会批准。

    After the financial statements have been examined and signed by the Independent Auditor , they shall be submitted to the board of directors for approval .

  17. 我们的责任是根据审核工作的结果,对该等财务报表作出独立意见,并向股东报告。

    It is our responsibility to form an independent opinion , Based on our audit , on those statements and to report our opinion to you .

  18. 这门课程由大学住宿服务机构联合学生公司设计,课程将教授学生如何管理财务以及如何独立生活。

    The course , designed by the university accommodation provider Unite Students , will teach pupils how to manage their finances and how to live independently .

  19. 首先,独立性是审计委员会应当具备的根本特征,作为公司内部一支独立的财务力量,独立性是不可或缺的。

    First , independence is the basic characteristic which the Audit Committee must have . As independent finance strength in the internal company , the independence is indispensable .

  20. 财务管理作为独立的本科专业,随着经济环境和理财环境的变化,其学科内容越来越丰富,在整个管理系统中的地位越来越重要。

    With the changes of economic and money management circumstances , the content of the financial affairs management , an independent undergraduate subject , has been more and more enriched .

  21. 41岁的李亚鹏还表示,他们的女儿李嫣将与他一起生活;他们从恋爱到结婚,财务一直是独立的,所以也不存在财产分配的问题。

    The 41-year-old also said their daughter Li Yan will live with him , and there are no disputes over property issues because they have remained financially independent since they wed .

  22. 你了解为什么你想从商有机会独立自主,渴望在财务上能独立,能自由确立自己的前进方向。

    You understood why you wanted to go into business & the opportunity to be your own boss , a desire for financial independence , the freedom to set your own course .

  23. 今年4月晚些时候,毕马威辞去了中国综合能源公司审计师职位,理由是对该公司财务状况展开独立调查时它缺乏合作,当时之所以发起调查是为了回应那家空头的报告。

    ' In late April , KPMG resigned , citing lack of cooperation in an independent investigation of China Integrated 's accounting that was initiated in response to the short seller 's report .

  24. 在叙述人生故事的过程中,她强调保持财务和情感独立的重要性,着重讲述了她犯下的一个重大错误——授权别人使用自己的名字,结果将数百万美元拱手让人。

    As she tells the tale , she underlines the importance of financial and emotional independence , highlighting the fateful mistake she made when she licensed her name - and ceded millions of dollars - to others .

  25. 本文研究了包括公司规模、财务业绩、独立董事比例在内的各种因素对上市公司社会责任信息披露的影响,并且在模型设计中,加入公司终极控制权人这一指标变量。

    Second , with the investigation of various factors on the impact of social responsibility information disclosure including firm size , financial performance and proportion of independent directors , the company ultimate control people has been joined in this indicator variables of the model and design in this article .

  26. 这将是bskyb改头换面、成为一家财务强健且完全独立的英国传媒公司的第一步这样的前景可以说比成为新闻集团摇钱树有意思多了。

    That will be the first step in reinventing BSkyB as a financially strong and totally independent British media business arguably a far more interesting future than becoming the cash cow for News Corp.

  27. 资源系统和财务系统是各自独立的数据库。

    This paper describes the interface program between two independent database systems , the resources system and the financial system .

  28. 我最近研究了一下配偶在财务上各自保持独立时需要考虑的问题,以及如何分担家庭共同支出。

    I recently took a look at what spouses needed to consider when keeping their finances separate and how to split shared expenses .

  29. 笔者赞成财务、会计相对独立这一观点,并从研究对象、研究内容及信息论的角度进行了深入分析,指出财务独立于会计,对我国经济建设具有重要作用。

    After carefully compared in the aspects of research subject , content and information theory , the author has affirmed the last one and believes that it will play an important role in our economic construction .

  30. 当然,对于婚前积存的信用卡欠款,你是没有法律义务偿还的。如果你在财务上保持完全独立,你对单独以配偶姓名开立的账户上的贷款也不负法律责任。

    Granted , you 're not legally responsible for the creditcard balances ran up before you got married , or for any loans opened in your spouse 's name alone - provided you keep your finances completely separate .