
  1. 信息安全是网络财务发展面临的主要问题。

    The information safety is key problem for the development of network finance .

  2. 海军财务发展研究

    A research on the financial development of the Navy

  3. 从宏观角度出发,对十一五期间交通财务发展面临的形势进行了深入剖析。

    Analyzing the situation of transportation 's finance from the macroscopic angle during the eleventh period of five years thoroughly .

  4. 希望通过本文的研究能让企业认清自身的发展阶段和存在的问题,并帮助企业制定出适合自身的财务发展战略。

    The paper aims to help enterprises have abetter understanding of its own development stage and make a suitable financial strategies .

  5. 这些风险包括(但不限于)我们财务发展计划的能力、股票回购计划及一般经营活动;

    These risks include , but are not limited to , our ability to finance expansion plans , share repurchase programs and general operating activities ;

  6. 计划财务发展战略方面,建立全面预算管理体系,实行资产负债比例管理,做好财务人才队伍建设。

    A Rural Commercial Bank should set a complete budget management system and exercise management over the liability rate on assets , and then make good financial talent team construction .

  7. 通过对网络财务发展中存在的安全问题进行分析,并就数据的机密性、真实性与完整性、安全性,从内部控制和技术两方面提出解决对策。

    Based on the analysis to the questions of security in the developing financial network , for the factuality and integration of data , the security of data and the secrecy of data , the article puts forward some countermeasures from aspects of inner control and technique .

  8. 其必要性为:它是集团企业从利润管理到价值管理的需要,是产权制度变革新形势下必然选择,是集团企业从日常财务发展到战略财务的需要。

    Its necessity is : it is the group management to the value of the profit from the needs of management , changes in property rights system is under the inevitable choice for the new situation is a group of financial development from the day-to-day needs of the financial strategy .

  9. 信息质量可靠是XBRL财务报告发展的根本动力。

    The reliability of information quality is the fundamental driving force of XBRL financial reports'development .

  10. ASP外包服务的出现,使中小企业摆脱了资金和人才劣势的束缚,为企业实现网络财务,发展电子商务奠定了坚实的基础。

    With the emergence of ASP epiboly services , slipping the leash of the above inferior position has become feasible , thus establishing the stable groundwork for achieving network finance and developing E - business .

  11. 关于高校财务管理发展趋势的思考

    Reflections on the Developmental Trend in Financial Management in Colleges

  12. 本文认为,企业财务报告发展到今天,是不断改进的结果,财务报告是处在不断的变化发展之中的。

    Nonstop improvement results in today 's business financial reports .

  13. 石化集团财务公司发展战略若干思考

    Thinking on Development Strategy of Financial Company of SINOPEC Group

  14. 我国汽车行业财务公司发展定位的思考

    Thoughts on The Development Orientation for Finance Company in China Auto Sector

  15. 研究方法滞后已经成为影响中国财务理论发展的重大障碍。

    The backward studying methods have heavily prevented China financial theory from developing .

  16. 对军队财务工作发展建设的思考

    Thinking of the development and construction of troops Finance

  17. 网络财务的发展对传统会计的影响及对策

    Influence of network finance development upon the traditional accounting

  18. 关于鞍钢财务公司发展的几点设想

    Several Ideas about the Development of AISC Finance Company

  19. 全面收益报告:财务报告发展新趋势

    Overall Income Report : a New Trend in the Development of Financial Report

  20. 信息观向计量观转变&财务报告发展的必然趋势

    The Transformation from Information Perspective to Measurement Perspective

  21. 伴随着受托财务责任发展为受托管理责任,与财务审计相对应的管理审计产生了。

    From financial responsibility to management responsibility , the manangement auditing comes into being .

  22. 财务公司发展方向探讨

    Discussion on the Developing Orientation of Financial Company

  23. 网络财务的发展给审计理论研究和实践提出了新的挑战。

    The development of network finance challenges the theory study and practice of network auditing .

  24. 财务管理发展若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Issues of Financial Management Development

  25. 利益相关者与财务报告发展研究

    Research on Stakeholders and Financial Report Development

  26. 财务管理发展的文化分析

    Cultural analysis of financial management development

  27. 简论财务报告发展新趋势

    On the Development of Financial Reporting

  28. 第二部分为文献综述,主要介绍国内外有关公司股利分配政策与财务可持续发展的文献回顾及基本理论。

    The second part is mainly about the literature review and basic theory of the writings .

  29. 显然,公允价值会计的运用成为财务会计发展的必然趋势。

    Clearly , the use of fair value accounting has become an inevitable trend of financial accounting .

  30. 财务软件发展趋势及北京龙达科贸发展总公司发展策略的研究

    The development trend of the Financial Software and its Development Strategy of Lord Tech-Trade Corporation , Beijing